Don't Starve [beta]

Vorrà dire che avvierò don't starve solo dopo una bella piattata di rosticciana.

E' stato il maggiordomo.

Rimango dell'idea che vi state spoilerando troppa roba tra wiki e forum ufficiale

Visto che ci siamo, qualcuno sa se in futuro sarà possibile scavare o andsre dentro grotte o roba simile?

Tempo fa lessi un'intervista dove dichiarava che "al momento" non era prevista per svariati motivi ma magari ha cambiato idea
Avevo letto e sentito che ci stavano pensando, però per il momento non c'è nulla di concreto.

imbarazzo empatico
Nuovo update oggi:


New Features

Adventure mode is now integrated into survival mode. In a survival mode level, you can find a special portal that will take you to the start of adventure mode. If you die in adventure mode, you will wake up back in your survival level, outside of the portal. From there you can try again (restarting at level 1, of course). Dying in survival mode is still perma-death-fatal, and retrying a survival level will always generate a new one for you. Any existing saves that you might have from previous patches will be interpreted as survival levels - you should be able to teleportate out of them to get access to the new features.
New front-end screens for dealing with the save slots and the new game flow.
The adventure levels have been re-done to better match what their final structure will be. They’re still a bit rough around the edges, but you can start to see the overall sweep of the game now. Please see the detailed descriptions at the end of the changelist.

New Craftables

Healing Salve - Made from crushed spider glands and ash - heals medium wounds
Lightning Rod - Protects bases against lightning, gives you a few nights of free light when struck.
Heat Stone - Place it near a fire to warm it up, and then carry it around with you to fend off the bitter frost.
Earmuffs - Made from rabbits, of course!
The Piggyback - A fancier, bigger backpack (that slows you down!)TOU

New Creatures

The Bishop - guards Maxwell’s structures with lightning shots

New Level Features

Chess biome! In adventure levels, Maxwell's influence has begun creeping into the environment.
Points of interest and traps - these are small, non-random areas that have good or bad effects.
Touchstones - these mysterious stones act as one-time-use meat effigies if you touch them. There are a handful generated in each survival level.
Maxwell’s door - leads to adventure mode.
Pleasingly-arranged mushroom rings
One-way wormhole (only in adventure mode currently)
Pig-head-on-a-stick - someone’s been busy!


Compressed the XP track. You now earn 20xp per survival mode day at a flat rate, and unlock all the XP-unlockable characters a lot more quickly
Characters have a bit more health by default. This is to reduce the number of one-shot player deaths, and give you more of a chance to run away from danger.
The player now has 15 inventory slots
When you advance through the teleportato in adventure mode, you can only take four items with you. Choose wisely!
Sanity depletion in the rain is less harsh
The HUD is a bit smaller, to show more of the game world
Removed low-level farm plots. We really didn’t need three versions of the same thing.
Deerclops, lightning and beefalo mating season are configurable through level gen parameters
Stepping on spider ground will trigger a response from the den
Tweaked mushroom spawn chances
Abigail has more health, but enemies will fight back against her


Many new map icons, including backpacks and Chester!
Crock-pot fixes: mushrooms count as vegetables, fixed frogglebunwich recipe
You can no longer carry an extra backpack in your hands as you walk around.
Werepigs don’t kite. They are too angry for that.
The death screen buttons should always work now.
RMB can be used to light things on fire when the torch is equipped (useful at night)
Added a default start node so that maxwell and wilson not occluded
Frozen ponds can't be fished anymore.. but you can walk across them.
MacTusk can miss you with his blowdart
Spiderhat / Miner hat show remaining fuel
Treeguards can be set on fire more than once
Lua console now supports arrow keys
Fireflies glow more reliably at the right times
Trap icons don't show up on the map when inside a container
Chester is immune to ghosts
Chester has much more health, and resurrects after only one day
Fix spider jump attack sometimes not actually jumping
Spider jump attack will not hurt Wilson when it misses
Birds that are flying away shouldn't re-start their fly-away animations mid-flight
Rabbits will try to avoid a player between them and their home
Fix to Abigail/ghost movement stuttering
Ghosts pathfind, but will go through walls or objects if needed
Abigail will show up at least every 3 nights
Abigail will spawn some distance away from Wendy
Wandering creatures will try to avoid walls and water
Fleeing creatures will try to avoid running into walls
Fix apparent duplicate item when dropping item on the ground and then into your backpack before the drop happens
Fix infinite bees spawning from beebox by repeatedly saving/loading game
When murdering an entire stack of helpless creatures in your inventory, loot is gained for each individual, not just once
Waking up sleeping hunting hounds at night will rouse the walruses from their slumber
Fixed a bug where you could use a sleeping bag or tent during the transition from night to day to skip an entire day.

Level Descriptions:
The adventure levels are still being worked on and refined, but here's an idea of where the are right now and where we want them to be.

Level 1
Near-constant rain and frequent short winters take a toll on your sanity and your fires. You must survive in these more extreme conditions as you hunt for the teleportato pieces. When complete, this level should feel similar to a survival level, but with increased pressure on all your resources.

Level 2
This level is smaller and shorter than the previous level, but it is permanently winter! The aim is to survive the cold without any preparation time. When complete, this level should keep you moving quickly.

Level 3
The level features a resource-rich central island, surrounded by dangerous lands containing each of the teleportato pieces. Right now it's still fairly lush, but eventually the outlying islands should be quite inhospitable!

Level 4
Use the first land to stock up. Once you pass through the dying wormhole, you'll need everything you've got to survive. We're currently still working on the balance between the two lands.

Level 5
This level should put your survival skills to the ultimate test, not only will there be harsh weather and tough monsters, but resources will be extremely scarce. Eventually. Right now it's just been roughed in, but it's still got lots of badguys in it!

Level 6
Maxwell is still devising this level...
Era ora. Stavo refreshando il gioco da 2 ore.

L'adventure mode si preannuncia molto interessante.
Trovato il primo bug, ho toccato col piccone na pietra nel villaggio dei maili ed è crashato tutto
Han rifatto molte skin e cambiato alcune IA vedo.

I conigli non vanno più verso la tana se ci sei te nel mezzo. Era la mia strategia migliore per prenderli.
Ero in procinto di acquistarlo finchè dura l'offerta..chi fa a metà con me?
che ...vuol dire ?
11,19 euri su steam ti danno 2 cdkey
oppure se qualcuno vuole scambiare..
mi poteva interessare , sono con la copia di "prova" e mi piace quindi lo prendo, ma penso di regalare una copia ad un amico
Se morite non c'è più la possibilità di rifare lo stesso mondo.

Peccato, era una scelta che avrei lasciato anche se la capisco. Ah, per i furbetti non esiste neppure più l'import dei save.

Cosa fanno adesso? Ti entrano di dropkick al petto e se ne vanno indossando gli occhiali da sole?

Scappano come i tacchini e appena possono vanno alla tana.

Si risolve subito con le carote o con il metodo classico delle trap (non ho visto se funziona ancora piazzandole sopra le tane). Però prima mentre esploravi, era comodo che se beccavi qualche coniglio lo ammazzavi in 2 sec, ora ci devi solo perdere un po' più di tempo.
Ye ma io sono vecchio e stanco e i conigli si smarcavano agilmente dai miei patetici tentativi di tackle in zona tana già da prima, quindi son abituato a usare le trappole
sbaglio o le trappole per uccelli hanno un rate di cattura altissimo?
Sti vegani () stan facendo un bel lavoro.

Piccolezze aggiunte come la reattività dei nidi di ragno al calpestare della ragnatela fan ben sperare nella realizzazione di un mondo piu' reattivo.
I ragni son proprio cambiati, prima non ti attaccano mai di giorno (manco saltavano fuori) ora si, il che è anche meglio, li farmo + facilmente

I cespugli di bacche sono due tipi estetici ma a parte quello nessuna differenza mi pare.

Ho beccato un albero animato e mi è parso leggermente più stronzo di prima (sono morto come l'ultimo dei pirla )