Don't Starve [beta]

Patch out!
Bella grassa la patch , io aspetto ancora qualche versione e poi vado in full immersion
io ho ristartato una partita dopo un bel po' di tempo..

la prima cosa che non capisco è cosa ci devo fare dei conigli che catturo.

O meglio..posso fare altro oltre che posarli a terra e ammazzarli brutalmente?
Puoi posarli a terra e lasciarli liberi
Ma perché hanno tolto il meccanismo dei punti idea? Era molto stimolante e dava l'idea de "sacrifica qualcosa per la scienza"
Non piaceva a nessuno, ma l'han già cambiato in sta patch?
Non ho capito, han cambiato come funziona lo sblocco dei vari oggetti?
Si,basta craftarne uno vicino alla macchina e l'hai automaticamente imparato.Se crepi si resetta..e devi semplicemente rifare le macchine

New Character:
Wes! Do you think Don’t Starve is too easy? Try playing as Wes, the mime! He’s not good at doing anything!

The player character loses sanity when he is left alone in the dark, gets close to scary monsters, or does crazy things like eating monster meat or jumping through a wormhole. Sanity can be regained through acts of dapperness, like wearing fancy clothes in the sunshine and eating candy.

Low sanity is not fatal, but strange creatures from another time and place are attracted to madness. There are new, powerful items that can be built from the nightmare fuel that they leave behind when killed.

Save Slots:
You can have up to four save games at once now. Your existing save will be imported into the first slot when you start the game for the first time.

Sandbox Mode:
This is the game as you all know it. There will eventually be a customization screen before you start a level, but you just get the default generation for now.

Experimental Adventure Mode:
When you start a new game, you can choose to play in adventure (ie story) mode. Currently, there are five levels of difficulty as you progress through the levels. This is an early test, so we have a lot of work to do to make these levels meaningful and fun. We also need to add the story’s ending. This is for experienced DS players who want a taste of the future.

Monsters and followers can navigate around corners and walls.

Mod Support (steam only):
Modding is now allowed! We’re distributing the the source scripts with the game, so have a look in data/scripts, and see what you can do. There is an example (machine-translated) French language pack included with the game to get you started.

See the modding forum for more details:

New Craftables:

Bush Hat - Hide from your enemies in plain sight.
Night light - Light your nights with nightmare fuel.
Night Armour - Protects the flesh, but sacrifices the mind.
Night Sword - Live by the sword, go crazy by the sword.
Cobbles - Build your own roads.
Taffy + Pumpkin Cookies - New recipes! Mmmmmmm!


The tent is cheaper to make, and doesn’t restore health any more.
Natural roads are curvy and look better.
There is a way for non-wilson characters to find beard hairs in the wild.
Sometimes, when you find pig villages, they will have carrot and flower farms.
Lots of small, under-the-hood changes to the world gen.
Seeds provide less hunger.
Birds drop a feather -or- a morsel, never both.
Rabbits take longer to respawn.
Hounds drop teeth less often.
Traps and Toothtraps have slightly fewer uses.
Farms take a bit longer to grow.
Birds won’t land on seeds if you are standing too close to them.
Spider dens spit out less creep.
Creep without a spider den disappears. (As a side-effect, creep can no longer be picked up and placed.)
Walls have more health.
Torches cost more to build, but last longer.
Corpses are back!

Bug Fixes:

There is much less mist in the graveyards, since it was causing performance and visibility problems.
Stuff that falls near the ocean shouldn’t disappear.
Stone walls don’t take fire damage.
Hounds don’t follow you through the teleportato.
You can’t be killed while you are using the teleportato.
Stumps no longer rain from the sky on loading some games.
Rabbits no longer phase through obstacles.
Placers for campfires won’t disappear into the night when trying to build them.
Heated beefalo won’t go out of their way to aggro walls.
Spider queens no longer give birth to unlimited spiders when they have a combat target.

The old world gen and the old research system have been removed. If you have an existing save game that was using the old research system, you will have to build some science machines to unlock your recipes.

- - - Updated - - -

Chrome is live... steam will be shortly.

All is live. Have fun!
Tra oggi o domani:

Inoltre, a chi potesse interessare, oggi c'è un preview stream su twitch:

Who: Klei Devs + You + Riptide Pow = Great Success!
What: Exclusive early look at the next Winter update! Ask us questions!
When: Monday Feb 25th - 11:00am PST (2:00pm EST).
Where: RiptidePow's channel.
Why: For science!

tra un paio d'ore circa
L' update è out ed han cambiato talmente tanta roba che mi pare di giocare ad un gioco nuovo

Winter is Coming
Morto a 16 giorni (me la son cercata ma ero scarsissimo di cibo). E per la prima volta da settembre si rischia davvero di crepare di fame...e nemmeno sono arrivato all'inverno
Io è un parecchio che non lo gioco, se è diventato in media più difficile ben venga
In ogni caso son pigro e aspetterò la vers. finale.
Io non lo giocavo dalla versione precedente a quella dei ragni, è davvero notevole ora
Oggi ho menato tante di quelle bestemmie quando sono morto, che la metà bastavano a farmi bannare dal paradiso...