Dead by Daylight

Io però ne parlavo perché l'ho solo giocato in free weekend, non l'ho
ah ok
1.1.1 Patch Notes
Adjusted Reset Controls to Default to apply to the current page only (killer / survivor & controller / keyboard)

Adjusted pallet overlap with a slasher (on drop down) to teleport the slasher away from survivor instead of the same side
Adjusted pallet stun to apply at the beginning of the pallet drop instead of the end

Fixed an issue which caused a survivor to get stuck if a player healing him would disconnect or leave during the interaction
Fixed an issue which caused a survivor to visually sink in the ground when using a gesture while crouched
Fixed an issue which caused the flashlight stun drop to not activate while a killer attacks or drops a survivor
Fixed an issue which caused the Iron Will Perk to not work as described (sound dampening reduction was lower than expected, and the local player did not hear the proper levels)
Fixed an issue which caused the Lightborn Perk to not display in the HUD and to not work as described
Fixed an issue which made it possible to exit out of sabotage early by using a gesture
Fixed for game client crashing when disconnecting from the server & when leaving the tally after a game
Updated FX visuals and additional optimization (telekinesis, burned trees, leaves, pallet)
Updated the Nurse Memento Mori animation
Public Beta Access - 1.1.2 Patch

We are providing an opt-in access to the upcoming patch prior to releasing it. This will help us catch issues with an update before pushing it to every player, especially for functionalities that are more difficult to validate without a high number of concurrent users. Additionally, it'll also allow those of you who are interested to have a sneak peak into what's coming up shortly for the game.

Differences with the Main Game:
The Public Beta does not save progress when closing the game. Everytime the game is reloaded, it will read back the main save game.
The Public Beta does not affect any Steam stat saved information (ranking, achievement progress)

Note: This will download an update over the normal build. There is no way to have both builds available at the same time unfortunately.

Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
Access Properties
Access the "Beta" Tab
Enter the password "DbdPublicBeta" (without quotes) in the Text Field
Click Check Code
Select "public-beta" from the dropdown
Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
Access Properties
Access the "Beta" Tab
Select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" from the dropdown
Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

Content – Added a new set of 13 Item Add-Ons
Content – Added a new set of 10 Offerings
Content – Added a new set of 29 Power Add-Ons
Content – Added 9 new Item variations.
Content – New Character Customization Items Available (80s Pack & Killer Weapons)
Matchmaking – Added a reservation step prior to joining a Lobby (making sure there’s a spot available prior to transitioning)
Matchmaking – As survivors, interval of ranks for which you are searching will not expand anymore (expansion is limited to Killers)
Matchmaking – Searching for games now will search non-stop until a game is found (this can be cancelled out of)
UI - Added a toggle button for the Chat in Lobby & Tally (display / hide)
UI – Added sorting of Items, Add-Ons & Offerings in the Inventory (by Compatibility, Rarity and then Name)

Added a bear trap immunity period after exiting a trap or being dropped by the killer (a player can’t be trapped for a certain period of time after either of these interactions)
Added a new mechanic that causes windows to become blocked for a short duration if a survivor uses the same window too frequently in a short period of time (only visible and blocked for the Survivor)
Added a new mechanic to slowdown the sacrifice progress on the hook while the killer is in proximity
Adjusted spawning proximity values (reduce the chance of spawning in clumps of Survivors)
Adjusted the recovery time for Survivors in dying state (recovery in dying state is now twice as fast)
Implemented additional interactivity between the Flashlight and the Nurse (Flashlight can interrupt charge & chain blinking and cause a stun)
Some Nurse Addons have been rebalanced (Pocket Watch, Wooden Horse, Bad Man’s Keepsake, Catatonic Boy’s Treasure)
Stillness crows (level crows) do not fly off anymore when a Survivor crouches or crouch walks
Survivors being healed from the crawling state are not animated anymore (makes it more difficult for the Killer to identify this through Outlines, like with Deerstalker)
The Nurse “Nurse’s Calling” Perk range has been reduced
The Nurse base blink amount has been reduced from 3 to 2
The Nurse base movement speed has been reduced

Fixed an issue which caused “Prove Thyself” to remain active even if the wielder of the perk would die or disconnect
Fixed an issue which caused “Whispers” & “Spies from the Shadows” to trigger on dead & disconnected survivors
Fixed an issue which caused disconnected Survivors to count towards sacrifice achievements
Fixed an issue which caused hair (and other dynamically animated geometry) to get stuck in various buildings (Asylum, Shack)
Fixed an issue which caused part of The Wraith head’s geometry to be visible in first person when walking while invisible
Fixed an issue which caused players to stand-up after vaulting when crouched
Fixed an issue which caused survivors to jitter when put on the hook (usually the first time)
Fixed an issue which caused survivors to spawn with default customization items when accepting an invite from outside the game
Fixed an issue which caused the “Shroud of Separation” & “Should of Binding” offerings to not have any effect
Fixed an issue which caused the bear trap to change position & orientation every time the killer would step on it
Fixed an issue which caused the Flashlight Stun Drop to not be triggered while hooking up and picking up a Survivor
Fixed an issue which caused the Killer’s intro sequence to not play (which in turn caused part of the killer’s head geometry to stay visible during gameplay)
Fixed an issue which caused the Nurse to move too quickly when holding a Survivor
Fixed an issue which caused the Pallet Stun Drop to not be triggered if the survivor was wiggling on the killer’s shoulder
Fixed an issue which caused the players to be transitioned to paradise but to still be considered in the game
Fixed an issue which could cause a survivor do dies instantaneously on the hook if another survivor would cancel the unhook interaction
Fixed an issue which made it impossible for some people to type in chat because of invalid characters in their Steam Name (specifically “&”, “<”, “>”)
Fixed an issue which made it impossible for the Hillbilly to chainsaw a crouching survivor down a hill
Fixed an issue which made it impossible to activate the Memento Mori from certain directions
Fixed an issue which made it possible for a survivor to get stuck on a loading screen when accepting a lobby invite while the last spot is getting taken
Fixed an issue which made it possible for players to keep using the flashlight when getting injured to the dying state
Fixed an issue which made it possible for players to skip the end of the sabotage interaction by dropping an item
Fixed an issue which made it possible for some interactions to be activated through a collision
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Hillbilly to bump up a collision when colliding with the chainsaw
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Nurse to blink on top of pallets
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Nurse to interrupt during the blink cooldown phase
Fixed an issue which made it possible to obtain boldness points if another survivor would disconnect on the hook

quanti giocatori son rimasti 2?
Lo sapete chi arriva sempre in coppia?

Se non vi frega nulla del gioco (come d'altro canto non frega a me) evitate semplicemente di intervenire nel thread invece che stare qua a smerigliare le palle a chi vuole parlarne.

Vi avviso prima che non è previsto un secondo richiamo.

Michael Myers

1.2.0 Patch
Good day to you Survivors and Killers! Today we’re patching the game in preparation for the Halloween Chapter which is soon to be released. Along with paving the way to the DLC we’re also introducing some cool new features and fixes for everyone to enjoy.

See you in the Fog!

Art – Added a new visual FX to indicate the exit’s collision from the killer’s perspective
Audio - Added two new musics that play when in proximity of the killer or during a chase
Audio - Added four new songs from the soundtrack to the menu music sequence
Controls – Changed the killer break pallet interaction from Attack (M1) to Interact (Space)
Feature – Added a new in-game currency rewarded based on play time, for use in the Shrine of Secrets (Iridescent Shards) (refer to the dev message below for more details)
Feature – Added the Shrine of Secrets (refer to the dev message below for more details)
Misc – Added Thai Localization Support (to confirm)
UI – Added a new color scheme to perks in the HUD to indicate Buffs & Debuffs effects from other players
UI – Adjusted “Cheater Detected” error message to reflect the proper error and error code (will facilitate support for these issues)
UI – Revamped the Character Selection & Loadout UI

Added randomization of pallet spawning inside the Asylum
Adjusted generator interaction progress while multiple survivors are working simultaneously on one
Adjusted Matchmaking for Survive With Friends to be based on the average rank of the group (instead of the host’s rank)
Adjusted random Map selection to have an equal distribution of Maps instead of Locations
Adjusted skill check difficulty (zones have been reduced) and removed success bonus in “good” zone (only “great” skill checks will provide a progress bonus)
Adjusted the height of the survivor’s collision capsule (made smaller)
Adjusted the hook selection mechanism to be location based instead of killer based (hooks will now match the map location instead of the killer)
Adjusted the “Insidious” Perk Conditions to not trigger when the killer performs interactions
Adjusted vault snapping speed and added angle cut-off for the different type of vaults
Changes to the Maze Tiles (aka “jungle gyms”) have been removed (from patch 1.1.2d)
Integrated a new vault animation for second floor (or off the ground) windows for killers (prevents them from dropping mid-way through the interaction)
The Wraith does not trigger crows anymore when cloaked

Fixed an issue causing a sync problem between the server and clients if a survivor would stun the killer while he pulls out a survivor out of a locker
Fixed an issue causing incorrect or no sounds to be played upon hitting various surfaces
Fixed an issue causing Nea to play an incorrect facial animation during Unlock Exit & Healing interaction
Fixed an issue causing players to use the wrong loadout when switching characters (it would be possible to use the loadout from the previous character)
Fixed an issue causing some daily rituals to appear as completed even though they are not
Fixed an issue causing survivors to appear as Level 0 in Kill Your Friends lobbies
Fixed an issue causing survivors to hear their own screams while in injured state with the “Iron Will” Perk equipped
Fixed an issue causing the bear trap to play the trapped sound effect when picked up
Fixed an issue causing the Commodious Toolbox repair to be the same speed as the Engineer’s Toolbox
Fixed an issue causing the progress for the “Way of Light” ritual to not apply if getting interrupted while opening the exit gate
Fixed an issue causing the survivor to visually detach from the killer’s shoulder while the killer hits a surface by attacking
Fixed an issue making it impossible for a survivor to get trap in a bear trap while another survivor would attempt to disarm it
Fixed an issue making it possible for a survivor bloodweb to contain killer content
Fixed an issue making it possible for a survivor to climb up a collision by crouching
Fixed an issue making it possible for objects (generators, hooks, etc) to spawn outside of the boundaries of levels in the Macmillan Estate
Fixed an issue making it possible for the Trapper to pick up traps through walls
Fixed an issue making it possible to use a killer’s power on the tally screen
Fixed an issue making it possible to use the flashlight through walls
Fixed an issue causing the killer’s attacks on Asylum wall to not cause the hit-fail reaction

Shrine of Secret and Iridescent Shards
Even though it won’t activate until later this month, the Shrine of Secret and the Iridescent Shards are making their debut in this patch.

In the Shrine of Secrets, you are able to purchase Teachable perks using a new currency named Iridescent Shards. Each week, 4 teachable perks will be available to purchase. Every 7 days, a new rotation of teachable perks will be chosen at random from the pool of all the unique perks in the game. Act fast if you want to collect them as no one knows how much time it’ll take before they reappear. Here is a bit more information on how the system works:
Shrine of Secret perks are purchased with Iridescent Shards only.
Iridescent Shards are earned by playing Ranked matches, shards are not earned in the Kill Your Friends mode.
When a perk is purchased from the Shrine of Secrets, it is removed from the market, but not replaced until the end of the rotation.
All perks in the market are “Teachable”. This means that purchasing it unlocks it for the Bloodweb of every Survivor or Killer.
If a player already has unlocked one of the perks available for purchase, buying this perk again from the Shrine of Secrets will instead grant 25k Bloodpoints.
All players/characters have the same perk rotation.
We’re excited about the Shrine of Secrets and are looking forward to reading your comments about it.

See you in the Fog!
non so decidermi se sto gioco mi ispira o meno
Non ci gioca nessuno?

Oggi esce Nier quindi per un po io non giocherò

btw è uscito un free dlc nei giorni scorsi
Si, che tra l'altro ha peggiorato le performance (già scarsotte)

Io ho perso una decina di frame, bho... e la scheda video adesso ha temp atroci.
Io sto giocando appena preso con un bundle, non è un gran che ma non credo ci sia niente di meglio su questo genere. però non capisco una cosa, una volta che il portone è attivato se il killer si piazza di fronte alla leva di apertura non si può fare niente...o sbaglio?

Le uscite sono due per mappa

Il vero problema, che me l'ha fatto droppare, è che se trovi dei survivor un minimo svegli non hai chance di vincere.

L'idea è carina, ma andrebbe sviluppata meglio imho.