Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Non lo so ho letto di corsa.

Qui la patch note della beta 3.


CU1 Beta 3 (r7787)
- fix some duel mode issues
- many Citadel art improvments
- many Citadel layout improvments, collision fixes
- Citadel objective points setup
- water volumes in Cistern, Shipyard, Bridge
- Wall Guard removed from dining hall
- Stoneshill collision pass, landscape tweaks
- signs in FrostPeak, Shipyard
- Brand new Duel UI
- removed TakeDamage debug message
- moved flag in Frigid CTF
- fixed spawns in Duel-Arena, Duel-Arena_Flat, and Duel-Throneroom
- Pole Hammer changed from 40/blunt;58/pierce;50/pierce... to 70/blunt;75/blunt;75/pierce...
- Added pickaxes, hammers to Citadel slaves
- Remove Current Matches in duel after some time
- Trap tweaks in Frigid. Rock no longer a blueberry.
- Hadrian's Wall renamed to Wall
- Wall TD variant added
- Wall: Moved spawns for LTS to lower level of spawnhouses and added ways to get to spawn.
- Flail animations, physics improved; slash/overhead windup from 0.5s to 0.45s
- Wall sounded
- Spectator follow improvements
- Frigid collision fixes, optimization
- Frigid: Cleared up some trees around rock formations for better visibility
- Frigid: Replaced Tree "ramps" with bare trees to aid visibility climbing them.
- New Spawns in CTF Ruins
- Falling screams fixed/reenabled
- Unless only two players in the pool, it will wait for another duel to complete rather than matching you with the person you just fought again
- quieter birds in bridge
- frigid: fixed silent boulder impacts with players on 1/4 rocks
- frigid: louder winter winds
- added impact sound for falling death in tower
- bridge: splash sound for falling into water in bridge by touch volume
- fixed duel mode kill feed spam
- fell to death impact sound volume for dining hall
- Lava does more damage.
- Shaft: Fixed problem with elevator bottom that didnt kill you!
- (audio) turned mysteriously wooden slave pens and citadel to wood via overrides where posible
- Citadel: added dyn obj vo to mason archer
- Get Out of duel menu with tab.
- Pawn go kersplat.
- Citadel: many collision issues in first area fixed
- CTF flags return on touch
- sling projectiles don't enter different duels
- added AdminCancelVote command
- fixed issue where HUD may break if you try to go into duel menu when dueling from escape menu.
- Fixed issue where going to HUD mode from post-game screen would ignore your input.
- fixed issues where vote kick stats stay up in other vote modes
- updated sling ammo type damage, lead has 40 ammo more damage / less range, pebble has less damage but is faster
- Slowed morning star windup, slash01 0.45 slash02 0.5
- changed waraxe stab damage type to pierce
- changed all weapons' feint cost to 20
- speed up fork windup overhead to 0.55 and stab to 0.5
- reduced MAA pierce resist to 0.85
- added battlecry animation for sling
- new/missing knight vo work
- wall: set dressing, wall materials made grittier
- fix issue with weapons and quivers showing on peasants in Stoneshill
- missed collision added to one citwall mesh. Minor tracktweak.
- Ice mat made icier and added vp mask to water reflection (alpha channel).
- Crappy lightpass on frigid, didn't really do much. Also painted landscape around the edges of the ice to be snow to blend better.
- Bridge/Dininghall/elsewhere: fixed broken materials
- Sling and Flail icons in HUD work properly
- obj com vo added to citadel
- fix for "when entering a siege weapon with weapon in Release, weapon sticks in Release on client, but plays normally on server" (Sling may still exhibit bug)
- Citadel: Added new tower spire/rose window.
- After going back to HUD from post-menu, go into spectate.
- Fix alt slash/overhead combo breaking pawn.
- Pebble/Lead Ball will spawn static mesh of themselves when they hit something instead of sticking.
- Buckler and Heater parry negation equalized.
- Can tap-to-fire for sling.
- Hooked sling physics asset in.
- ThumbButton2 and ThumbButton swapped for the alt attacks.
- Citadel: bushes added to the first area
- Fix Duel World Cleanup crash
- When HUD requests input, it flushes input & zeros movement vars so player doesn't keep moving.
- go into Spectating as soon as you're Ready, instead of sitting is pseudo-spectating PlayerWaiting (which lacks spectator follow)
- duel meta sounds: start, victory, loss
- fixed blood decal blocking player vision
- Citadel: added mining sounds to quarry area; reduced attenuation distance of screaming chaos in door smashing zone to cleanup earlier areas
- Wall: Made space around Siege weapons wider.
- Citadel: peasants in cage above lava now whimper, cry and beg
- disabling attacking out of shield; when you do so, the attack will queue, the shield will lower, then you attack
- corrected mismatched 2H sword 1P/3P animations
- can now flinch out of Recovery, Feint states (if the flinch will take longer than the currently-playing animation)
- no longer get stuck on catapult in Wall
- Arena: Gate fix.
- New (English) weapon descriptions
- fixed weapons not striking dead pawns
- Fixed auto-balance forcing people to always switch to a random class.
- Cannot parry out of dazed
- Fixed issue with alt attacks on parry counter
- Fixed special daze calls when you parry out of stamina.
- Citadel throne is in
- King objective timing changed
- new CTF markers
- added flag battlecry animation
- Add new special dazed animations.
- Assault (reverse CTF; carry flag from your base to the enemy's base) variants of Frigid, Moor, and Ruins CTF

CU1 Beta 2 (r7581)
- New weapons: pole hammer, flail, heavy flail, sling, quarterstaff
- New duel maps: ThroneRoom, Shaft, Arena_Flat, Arena
- New map: "Hadrian's Wall" (LTS; working title)
- New map variants: Moor CTF
- Shored up the votekick logic. If the target logs out, forcibly end vote and add a tempban
- Added burning oil return to ready sound.
- Fixed ballista arrow cam
- CTF: fix issue where a capping player who is in PHYS_Falling would not lose the flag after the cap, allowing an immediate double-cap
- polished xbow sounds
- added missing mason vanguard obj4 dynamic vo in dark forest
- knight ice footsteps
- sound work on frostpeak, shipyard and cistern: phys mat overrides set on all unset materials; added ice footstep sounds for all classes
- added boiling oil sound
- added ashy footsteps to citadel
- fixed broken mat types in stoneshill TO only, fixed some channels for vo
- (audio) fixes to unset phys mat types
- basic ambiance for frigid
- basic sound setup for mines
- reverb volume work in the citadel
- sound work on polehammer and ctf flag pole impacts
- added pickaxe idle animation for slaves
- found setting for peasant pain voices, switched from bad room sound, too beefy vanguard pain to the more fitting/better recored archer pain
- fixed torch impacts with players to produce blunt impacts plus wood impact and ignite sounds
- Blood decals added
- Added options to change blood decal length and ragdoll length
- Fixed issue where scoreboard wouldn't work when going from duel to another game mode.
- Readded duel finalization delay, so duels don't finalize immediately as the last blow hits
- Added per-team class limits
- Made kick better for varying heights.
- Fixed issue with javelin alt overhead attack breaking it.
- Shield parry damage is now Damage / Negate
- Shield stamina drain now different per shield and begins immediately
- 'Special' dazed state added that gets activated when you parry when out of stamina or have shield up and kicked (Difference : 'Special' dazed state is 1.2 seconds long).
- Special damage modifier for headshots for crossbows (2.0x)
- 2 smoke pots to start.
- Better LTS draw avoidance (team with more players at the end wins).
- Crouching does not pause stamina regen (it increases to 1.6 stamina per second).
- Fixed Citadel dynamic VO for 2/3 objective.
- Scoreboard says server name instead of IP.
- Random loadout for weapon select screen.
- Citadel: new objectives
- Citadel: cage objective in
- TD: autobalance doesn't engage when either team is out of resources
- Optimization: don't switch to gore mesh past a certain distance from player (tighter for medium and low detail modes)
- added server option for Max Ping (set bUseMaxPingLimit=true under [AOC.AOCGame] in PCServer-UDKGame.ini, and set fMaxPing, iPingThresholdHitBeforeKick, and iSecondsToKickForPingLimit)
- deleting keybinds better (solves some weird issues)
- citadel: new spawns for citadel steps
- citadel: new objective text
- POLISH TO CITADEL lava and ambient sounds
- fixed ruin cicadas that previously werent playing
- Fixed issue where duels weren't being finalized.
- Persistent map music now acts as a random-music-playing jukebox
- Projectiles knock helemt off (aside from on low detail mode).
- Map Name is displayed without prefix and _P postfix on join game menu.
- added missing fatigue swing grunts to agatha archer
- Tower: collision fixes
- DiningHall: layout fixes
- Bridge: vary rock textures, break up flat lines
- Added extra ammo option for crossbow.
- Ballista bolt has splash damage.
- Fixed: Burning Oil cauldrons need a sound event to cue the player as to when they are ready to be poured again.
- display Team Damage and Idle Time when vote kicking
- fix IK leg issues on grate mesh in AOCDuel-Cistern
- Gave TempkickBan reasons that get displayed on the frontend (this is used for ping limit kicks + rank kicks).
- Added rank limits to server options and server browser. (set bUseRankLimits=true under [AOC.AOCGame] in PCServer-UDKGame.ini; also set iMinRank and iMaxRank in the same section)
- Separated game mode and map name on server browser.
- Made the upper-limit on IK legs lower (50 to 30) (stop weird crouching look when walking over certain objects)
- Fixed bug where duel would be finalized multiple times
- Fixed issue where command (attack) would not be fired on server.
- Fixed: Throwing axe not spinning the right way when thrown.
- Fixed WaterVolume water footsteps not being registered.
- Citadel: # of slaves cut down; cages added
- adjust boiling sounds radii
- fixed quiet waterfall in RUINS
- tweaked falling sound attenuation, volume and delay
- Boiling oil tip sound added.
- spectator is more reliable, doesn't toss people into PlayerWaiting when the round starts if they chose to spectate before the start; should also resolve any other issues
- Spectator follow now includes zoom, uses correct GUI elements
- In spectator free cam, players directly in front and within a certain distance will have their names displayed
- Spectators (not those temporarily spectating, such as dead players) can spectate players on both teams
- Made green messages from broadcast and objective completion a bit brighter. [lighter?]
- Chat List now wraps properly and doesn't cut off randomly \o/
- Removed (PRI) and (SYS) indicators and made the text light gray (it looks more whitish though) and made blue and red lighter.
- slaves all animated. front steps all arted. easier to free slaves.
- You can parry out of deflect but not out of dazed.
- You can pick ammo from where player died.
- Join game menu has a timer to count down when the refresh is over.
- Ballista and catapult turn sounds replicate properly.
- Frigid: ammo boxes for CTF/TD, trap tweaks, screen shake on rolling rocks
- Frigid: Raised water underneath the frozen river, made frozen river "thicker" with new vertex pain, added billboard trees into the background to help with FPS, fixed missing collision on boat ramp, fixed bad collision near ammo box
- Frigid: CTF spawn area protection
- lava now has burning player sounds
- menu sound volume brought up to level of rest of music
- omni radii's set to footsteps and combat locomotion to fix wierd left/right channel offsets
- water sounds for all projectiles
- fix yellow glow on right and/or bottom sides of the screen in certain resolutions with bloom enabled (most noticeable in windowed mode)
- fix: CTF needs to only allow caps when the flag is at home
- don't allow spectating someone else's duel if you're in the middle of a duel
- fixing various other duel issues
- Tab goes into duel mode menu.
- duel: 10 wins to win, each round is 2.5 minutes
- Once you accept a duel, you decline all incoming challenges [and the challenger declines all incoming challenges too].
- Ensure players can't enter multiple simultaneous duels
- duel spectator should control like spectator in other modes
- Add shadows under more HUD text
- Reduce progress bar background opacity to 10%
- Alternate attacks for spear slash.
- Initial text for duel mode UI changed
- experimental speed hack detection (disabled by default)
- made objective completion times state the amount of time since the beginning of the game
- if pawn collision gets stuck in another pawn, set a timer to snap out of resulting ragdoll after 0.4 seconds
- Mason King uses KS helmet.
- citadel: high drama sound treatment for citadel area
- Manually do alt attacks with keybinds [0, 9]
- Citadel Dyn Objective VO hooked in for all objectives.
- citadel: chain break sound
- longer pickaxe animation
- citadel and peasant work for sound
- citadel jump exploit blocks
- citadel spawn protection for first wall
- battering ram: cannot kick off players
- if a player challenges a player who has challenged that player, auto-accept the duel (e.g. if both click Rematch, or click Challenge at the same time before the server can update them)
- frigid: new trap animations; snowall mesh
- frigid: Fixed some bugs on the traps. Open angled roof on the overlook outpost on the bridge. Snow Piles to smooth out the center. Spawn protection tweaks.
- frigid: Extended the flowing river mesh. Added broken ice to the upper end of the frozen river. Raised flowing water. Improved per poly collision issues.
- tower: Added blocking vols to slide the player away from the stairs when kicked out of windows, Changed Kill Z and added kill volume for falling death.
- frigid: audio for traps! louder ambiance! play lts with bots for max LOLs
- updated fist shove damage type to shove instead of blunt, 1h axe stab damage type to blunt

CU1 Beta 1 (r7318)
- Added 3rd/1st person spectator follow
- Duel mode added
- New duel maps: Bridge, Cistern, Courtyard, Dininghall, FrostPeak, Mines, Shipyard, Tower
- New map: Frigid (LTS, CTF, and TD variants)
- New map variants: Ruins CTF, small and large
- New map: Citadel (TO)
- Darkforest: fixed non channeled sluice gate and peasant vo
- VO sources from the player's pawn, and moves with it
- More things cut off in Low detail mode (inventory attachments, etc.)
- DF NPCs should update more quickly when hit
- Updated Steam libraries
- Falling screams reenabled
- Pavises collide with their owner again
- add bAnyUserCanGetSteamID server option for competition servers; disabled by default (add bAnyUserCanGetSteamID=true under [AOC.AOCGame] in PCServer-UDKGame.ini or UDKGame.ini; use "whois" or "getinfo" console commands)
- add spectator view lock server option (add bDisallowFreelookSpectator=true under [AOC.AOCGame])
- fixed some minor bugs, vulnerabilities
- replace white shadow under HUD overlay text with a black one
- Fixed: Falling screams for players need to stop on death/injury or landing.
- darkforest: attempted to fix the fly swarms that wouldnt sound no cart in
- Team balance from the team selection menu working.
- Fixed: Combo tiered swing grunts should be moved up one swing to start from 2nd swing instead of third.
- Print Damage to Console (when aoc_showdamage enabled)
- polished 1hsharp 1p parried animation
- Added alternate attacks (by default, hold LeftAlt before hitting the attack button)

Balancing / tweaks
- Increase MAA blunt resistance by 10% (from 0.85 to 0.75)
- Increase MAA pierce resistance by 5% (from 0.85 to 0.8)
- Javelin reload time a bit faster
- Warhammer should only 2 shot knight to the head
- Bearded axe needs to be faster
- Poleaxe a slight bit faster
- Make Grand mace a bit faster + slash damage to 90 from 85
- Increase MAA blunt resistance by 10% (from 0.85 to 0.75)
- Increase MAA pierce resistance by 5% (from 0.85 to 0.8)
- Messer swing needs to be swingblunt damage type
- Bigger shields make your windup time with weapon slower
- Zwielhander stab a bit faster
- Zwielhander overhead more damage, change it to 115
- Billhook windup speed faster
- Slow halberd stab windup down
- Reduce halberd slash damage
- Increase billhook slash damage
- Holy Water Sprinkler release longer (exact same values as hatchet)
- Holy Water sprinkler slash should 2 shot MAA in the torso
- Holy Water sprinkler stab should 2 shot archer, 3 shot maa in torso
- Morning star slash damage to 60
- Morning star overhead to 70
- Morning star stab to 55
- Reduce morning star stab windup to 0.4
- Faster throw windup time for short spear could work and/or faster reload

Se nerfano gli scudi è un motivo in più per andare tutti Vanguard
Comunque, dopo aver usato un fottio vanguard e man at arms, sono giunto alla conclusione che quest'ultimo è un passo avanti imo almeno per esperienza, con quello faccio (facevo, è un po' di settimane che non gioco) disastri
i FFA si vincono isi con MaA

oil pot sugli stronzi che si menano in 4 poi entri con la tua morning star o la spada e li fai a pezzi
Di FFA credo di averne vinto uno per sbaglio era più un discorso generale, solitamente gioco a obbiettivi. Poi magari la squadra perde eh, però vedo che riesco a tener botta molto più facilmente con quello. Sarà per la mobilità, non so, però ascia + bombetta mi sembra una combinazione perfetta

obiettivi o tdm gioco solo se siamo almeno in 4 per coordinarci altrimenti ffa e via con la felicità

l'ascia delle 3 armi è quella che mi piace di meno
Il MaA è il migliore negli 1v1. Forse solo il vanguard gli tiene testa un pelo. Nei LMS gli ho visto fare score assurdi, specie nelle mappe aperte.
In quelle piccole invece è molto ridimensionato, al contrario del vanguard che da il suo meglio.

Ma perlomeno necessità di bravura da parte di chi lo gioca per rendere bene, il vanguard invece lo sgravo è tutto nelle sue armi e pure un monco che spamma thrust può fare stragi.

Ricordo ancora un demonio con il MaA che nessuno riusciva a fermare. Roba che rimasti in 5 contro 1 lo tenevano a distanza pregando non li attaccasse e nel mentre lo frecciavano.
Asterix, o come diavolo lo avevamo chiamato

Ne ho beccati altri uno o due così, e l'unico modo per spuntarla in 1vs1 (con il cav) che ho trovato è giocare molto sui movimenti (in modo da sfruttare il tuo range maggiore) o fregarlo con un affondo mentre lui viene avanti veloce per colpirti. Tutto molto difficile ed aleatorio, cmq.
Probabilmente con la prox patch cambieranno le dinamiche anche di questo tipo di scontri

PS: ah, e non ho mai provato ad usare l'arma secondaria perchè sono abituato a non usarla..possibile potesse fare la differenza.
eh comunque occhio che c'è gente con speedhack attaccano con le armi 2h come se avessero in mano una dagger
Si ne abbiamo gia beccati un paio, uno giusto ieri che andava teamhittando tutta la squadra. All'ultimo secondo però mi son preso la soddisfazione di segarlo.

Conviene giocare nei server con VAC only, anche perchè nei server dove girano i cheater non è abilitato neppure il vote kick.

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Cacchio ci sarà un'invasione di nabbi..vedo già teamkill everywhere

Cmq il video è a livello amatoriale che più amatoriale non si può, il mio falegname con trentamila euro lo faceva meglio.

PS: jab ma l'hai preso?
carne da macello in arrivo

...Non ho un Pc adeguato a farlo girare, altrimenti ero dentro dalla beta...

Provata la nuova patch. L'unica differenza tra pole hammer e una alabarda sta praticamente nel danno da blunt. Range e speed (quest'ultima poco meno) mi son parsi gli stessi, anche se non lo posso dire con precisione, le polearms le ho usate solo per l'achievement.
ma hai provato in uno dei beta servers, o l'hanno rilasciata ieri notte?
Provata ieri in beta. Ci sono ancora un pò di bug, tipo messaggi errati che appaiono e scompaiono, ma nulla di che.