BOMB International Cup

ragazzi mi spiace ma purtroppo fra poco devo uscire, non potrò esserci all'allenamento di questa sera.. se usate skype o teamspeak, lasciate qui i dettagli del server, così che se torno per tempo vi raggiungo al volo..
il primo allenamento è andato un po' a caso. Nel senso che eravamo tutti reduci da settimane di inattività, me e ponzio siamo arrivati con notevole ritardo e dave che è mancato all'appello.
Ad ogni modo penso sia andata bene.

Se le squadre prevederanno 5 componenti + coach, direi che GanD può entrare a far parte del team ufficiale (salvo disponibilità).

Farò alcune domande all'organizzatore della coppa per sapere:
a) quali saranno le mappe (erano ancora da definire ma c'è già un'idea)
b) in quanti si gioca per team (penso 5)

in modo da imparare bene le mappe e capire quali sono i ruoli di ciascuno.

Per la prossima volta prepariamoci tutti dei bind per indicare in che punto attaccare/difendere. Qualcosa del tipo:

/bind k say_team ^1>>>>>>AAAAAAAAA<<<<<<<
/bind j say_team ^1>>>>>>BBBBBBBBB<<<<<<<

Il tag del team sarà la bandiera tricolore in onore dei garibaldini (trololololo):

/clan ^2|^7|^1|

inserisco 'ste due cose nel main post.

Poi un'altra cosa FONDAMENTALE: ci servono riserve :/

AH, dimenticavo ! Faccio richiesta di inserire decompression come mappa ufficiale !
decom..che? o,O
ma chi l'ha messo in sticky sto thread -__-
stava meglio dov'era prima era più visibile

alla fine quante riserve mancano?

era una battuta ))

comunque mancano almeno 2 riserve. Pensavo di chiamare Error.
La mia connessione è a scrocco per il momento ma entro 15 giorni dovrei avere la nuova linea. Per ora non ho la possibilità di giocare a wsw.

Qualcuno riesce a rintracciare Error ?
mi hanno appena detto che dalle parti di udine (vicino casa mia) fino a 2 anni fa c'era una community piuttosto vasta di Warsow. Se tutto va bene e sono disponibili, forse riesco a contattare un paio di persone decisamente brave a giocare con noi
bene :]

qualche nick?

non so chi siano. mi diranno a presto
tra il 15 e 17 ottobre ci sarà una coppa di bomb. Propongo di iscriverci con un nome fittizio e provare a gareggiare. Così facciamo un po' di pratica per la coppa delle nazioni. Qui il link per i dettagli:
ok, fondiamo il clan P&PFTW pasta and pizza for the win

buhahuahuahuha io ci sto
se è nel weekend sono disponibile
Bene. Per ora siamo:

koochi, dave, yemmi, gand, error. Ponzio probabilmente non può esserci.
Mancano solo Jari e Krn all'appello. Appena li becco, li chiedo e ci iscriviamo
be 5 vanno già bene
ma dalailamer non gioca?

dalai ha il solito problema del lavoro. Mi ha detto che non c'è

è stato completato il regolamento per la coppa. Suggerisco di leggere bene le regole. Soprattutto il punto III sui match, orari di gioco, sostituti, etc. Qui il link:

Inoltre mi hanno incitato ad iscrivere il team il più presto possibile. Lunedì io & ponzio avremo la connessione e un computer in più col quale giocare, quindi sicuramente iscriverò la squadra la prossima settimana, dato che ora ci sono i numeri per giocare nella coppa.

Nel frattempo ho bisogno delle vostre e-mail. È l'unico modo per contattarvi e contattarmi se nascono problemi di qualunque tipo. Questo forum è poco seguito e non tutti comunicano con irc. La mia è [email protected].

Ecco il regolamento:

Rules and Server

I - General Rules

  1. Cheats and fakes, usurping one's identity, are proscribed. Any evidence of a player faking or cheating will result in the elimination of his country from the cup.
  2. Each team shall have at least a roster of four players for TDM and five players for BOMB. The maximum number of players in one team is eight. Only players from the list can play a match. However, teams can take one emergency substitute if they lack of players. But he, then, will be added to the player list and no more substitute will be allowed.
  3. If a team doesn't show up, leave before a match is finished, act wild or are reported to have an improper behaviour, they will take a pink card. After two pink card, the country is eliminated from the cup. Schedules are decided by both captains, read the section below (III) for more information.
  4. To report an abuse, like something in the previous points, you have to send an email to an admin with screenshot and timestamped demo as evidence of the abuse (Dolceeh - [email protected]; Klice - [email protected]). Then we will decide to sanction it or not. We have the right to give a pink card even if an abuse wasn't reported.

II - Captain

  1. As a captain, you are the one who picks players to gather a team, but you also are the one who represents your country. Thus, we expect of you to have a proper behaviour, good spirit, comprehensive and fair attitude.
  2. As a captain, you will also be responsible for each member of your team. Try to temper them.
  3. You will also be the bridge between us and your players, thus you shall have the possibility to contact all your players. It is you who will decide, with the opponent team's captain, what will be the schedule. Be sure to know all your players' availability.
  4. As you are a bridge between us and your team, we are a bridge between you and other captains. If you any reclamation to do, any problem with the other captains, you may talk to us first, so we can find an agreement for further discussions with the other captain. You may find us in on quakenet or send us an email : Dolceeh - [email protected] ; Klice - [email protected].

III - Match : Schedule, score, delay, server

  1. Captains shall agree on a schedule that satisfy both of their team and then communicate it to an admin (Dolceeh - [email protected] for bomb ; Klice - [email protected] for TDM). Both Captain shall send the schedule. You may agree on a schedule at least two days before it. We strongly recommend you to read the section about servers' configuration below.
  2. If both teams haven't got a server, they will play on official server of NationCup (Dash4cash server).
    If one team has a server, they shall send it with the schedule. So we can put WarsowTV on it. Servers shall be password protected and password communicate to admins and both captain ONLY; we, admins, will take the responsibility to send it to streamer and so on.
  3. Servers shall provide fair ping for both teams and has specifications of the tournament; see IV-Server configuration below. If a captain feels that pings are unfair, he could reclaim to change to server which provides even pings. Here are some comparison of fair pings are (for complete team)

    20 - 25
    30 - 38
    40 - 50
    50 - 63
    60 - 75
    70 - 88
    80 - 100

    If there's no server where both teams have fair ping, like matches against North american country, each team plays their home map in the server which favours them with better ping. For the decisive map, loser cointoss for elimination will pick the server. For any kind of problem, contact an admin on IRC.
  4. The day of the match, both captain should be in Nation cup IRC channel ( on at least 30 minutes before the beginning.

    If after 30 minutes passed the schedule there's no sign of one team, the other one win by default.

    If there could be a delay or a player can't be here at time, Captain shall warn an admin and/or the opponent team at least ten minutes before the schedule. Thus, the captain has 30 minutes to find an emergency substitute (read I-General rules above) or to wait for his player. If after 30 minutes, substitute hasn't been found or the player hasn't come, the team has the possibility to reschedule the match, read below. It's tolerated that teams consult each other to reschedule the match the same day but a moment later. Thus it doesn't apply to the paragraph below. That may not be tolerated if a stream was planned or for final phase, if that's the case both teams shall contact an admin on IRC.

    Each team has only one possibility to reschedule a match, except for the finals. If there's any problem, you shall contact of the admin by IRC or by sending an email (Dolceeh - [email protected]; Klice - [email protected]).
  5. When both teams are on the server, a captain, or player if the captain does not play, do the cointoss in console. Winner of the cointoss has the choice of whom map will be played.

    If there's a draw after two maps, a captain or a player do the cointoss. The winner start to eliminates maps.

    For best of five matches, winner cointoss picks two maps : the first and the third ones. After three maps players redo a cointoss, winner cointoss picks the first map.

    We may ask you to wait for shoutcaster and stream. We will tell the captains if that's the case; it shall be for final phase.
  6. If a player crash during the match, his team shall warn the other one and CALLVOTE a timeout, thus the opponent has to vote yes. Callvote is important because regulars timeout are limited; any abuse of callvote timeout will result into a pink card.
    Then, players will callvote timeout to a count of 3 MAXIMUM, during this time captain should begin to look for an other player in the list or an emergency substitute (read about it in the I-General Rules section), unless the player come back.

    If a the missing player doesn't come or no substitute is found after the 3 timeouts, both captains shall contact an admin or a referee on IRC to decide what to do. The match is obviously paused and players have to stop playing or callvote timeout until a solution is found.
  7. When a match is finished, BOTH captain have to report the result to an admin, by IRC or by sending an email (Dolceeh - [email protected] for bomb ; Klice - [email protected] for TDM). When you do the report, you have to send screenshot and demos for each maps, be sure to demoget at the end of a match.
  8. Group phase match will be played between 25th October and 5th November for bomb and between 8th November and 19th November for TDM. Quarter-finals and/or Semi-finals finals will take place November the 6th for bomb and November the 20th for TDM. Thus, final and third place final will take place November the 7th for BOMB and November the 21th for TDM.

    All matches in group phase will be played best of three. In final phase, only the 3rd place final and the final will be played best of five.

IV - Gametype specifications

A - Team DeathMatch

  1. Timelimit is 20 minutes. Overtime are 5 minutes long.
  2. Scorelimit is 0.Match will be played in 4on4 format, coaches are NOT allowed, unless it is fixed.
  3. Two time-outs maximum.
  4. Team with the most amount of kills when time is up win the match.
  5. Maplist : wdm4, wdm7, wdm13, lltdm1v350 [], cwm6 [] aka lltdm3v25.

B - Bomb and defuse

  1. Round limit is 16. Match will continue until score's difference is two.
  2. Match will be played in 5on5 format, coaches are NOT allowed, unless it is fixed.
  3. Two time-outs maximum
  4. Team who won more round at the end of rounds limit win the match.
  5. Maplist : wbomb1, reactors, emtown [], Shepas, downtown []

V - Server configuration

  1. If match is to be played on a unofficial server he HAS TO have the following specifications to be accepted. Everything in italic is irrelevant and let to the admin discretion.

    set sv_hostname "warsow server"
    set sv_ip ""
    set sv_port "44400"
    set logconsole "wswconsole.log"
    set logconsole_append "1"

    set sv_public "0" //The choice is up to you, but the server must be password protected.
    set sv_maxclients "16" //The server must has the capacity to receive both teams and warsowTV; and eventually stream and shoutcaster
    set sv_skilllevel "1" // 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard
    set password "" //The server must be password protected.
    set rcon_password ""
    set sv_pure "1"
    set masterservers ""
    set sv_showInfoQueries "0"

    set sv_uploads "1"
    set sv_uploads_from_server "1"
    set sv_uploads_baseurl ""

    set sv_autoupdate "1"

    set g_operator_password "" //Admin may ask for OP password to acts as referee

    set g_autorecord "1" //Be sure to record all demos
    set g_autorecord_maxdemos "" //Be sure to record and get all demos
    set g_uploads_demos "1" //Be sure to record and get all demos

    set g_antilag "1"
    set g_antilag_timenudge "0"

    set g_vote_allowed "1"
    set g_votable_gametypes ""

    set g_disable_vote_gametype "0"
    set g_disable_vote_map "0"
    set g_disable_vote_nextmap "0"
    set g_disable_vote_restart "0"
    set g_disable_vote_scorelimit "0"
    set g_disable_vote_timelimit "0"
    set g_disable_vote_numbots "0"
    set g_disable_vote_warmup "0"
    set g_disable_vote_warmup_timelimit "0"
    set g_disable_vote_extended_time "0"
    set g_disable_vote_maxteams "0"
    set g_disable_vote_maxteamplayers "0"
    set g_disable_vote_lock "0"
    set g_disable_vote_unlock "0"
    set g_disable_vote_allow_teamdamage "0"
    set g_disable_vote_allow_selfdamage "0"
    set g_disable_vote_allow_falldamage "0"
    set g_disable_vote_allow_uneven "0"
    set g_disable_vote_maxtimeouts "0"
    set g_disable_vote_timeout "0"
    set g_disable_vote_timein "0"
    set g_disable_vote_challengers_queue "0"
    set g_disable_vote_kick "0"
    set g_disable_vote_kickban "0"
    set g_disable_vote_instajump "0"
    set g_disable_vote_instashield "0"

    set g_gametype "ca"
    set g_teams_maxplayers "5" //5 or more, but only 4 players for TDM and 5 for BOMB are allowed to play
    set g_teams_allow_uneven "0"
    set g_numbots "0"
    set g_instagib "0"
    set g_instajump "0"
    set g_instashield "0"

    set g_allow_teamdamage "1"
    set g_allow_selfdamage "1"
    set g_allow_falldamage "1"
    set g_scorelimit "x" //0 for tdm and 16
    set g_timelimit "x" //20 for TDM and 0 for bomb
    set g_warmup_enabled "1"
    set g_warmup_timelimit "0"
    set g_match_extendedtime "5"
    set g_countdown_time "5"
    set g_maxtimeouts "2"
    set g_allow_stun "1"
    set g_challengers_queue "1"

    set sv_defaultmap "wca1"
    set g_maplist ""

    set g_maprotation 0

    set g_asGC_stats "0"
    set g_asGC_interval "10"

VI - Official server and WarsowTV :

Official servers are provided to help teams that don't have servers of their own. They're preferred to be played on by default because we sure they have the good configuration. Here they are :


They will be password protected of course, password will be sent to both captains the day of the match.

WarsowTV : connect
noooo.. i cheats sono proibiti, ora come faccio?

il forum potrebbe essere molto più seguito se, dopo aver cliccato sul bottoncino "reply", si seleziona "instant email notification" nel menù a tendina in basso alla pagina; in pratica ogni volta che qualcuno aggiorna la discussione si viene avvertiti via mail.. non vengo quasi mai su questo forum, salvo quando la mia mail mi avvisa.. e finora non mi sono perso un intervento ;D

koochi ESISTE IRC -.-

poi penso di avere l'iscrizione di questo forum sulla vecchia mail quindi dovro' aggiornare.....

cmq mi trovi su irc cu

buono a sapersi. Userò questa opzione

@GanD` solo te e YemminatoR state in irc

Ah mi sono dimenticato: vi ho iscritti tutti alla ORDER Bomb cup del 15(venerdì)-16-17 ottobre. il 15 ci sono le eliminazioni. Il 16-17 quarti+finale