Age of Chivalry

After more than 2 years in development we have decided to release a preview of our game for everyone. This release is purely a beta including some of our code and the maps. IT DOES NOT portray the full game (it can be considered a teaser) as many of the key features are intentionally saved for later releases. We are eager to hear your feedback to make sure we are on the right track with our ideas.

This BETA I release includes:

* 2 teams, Agathia Knights and The Mason Order.
* 3 Classes for each team, Archer, Footmen and Knights.
* 9 main weapon choices for each team. 3 per class.
* 3 Quests, three maps taken from the full storyline. Included are Dark Forest, Stoneshill and Westerlyn. Using the objective gameplay mode.
* All current materials for maps and models.
* All current models, players and props.
* Windows Client/Server installer (Also includes binarys for running a Linux and Windows Server)
* Linux server package (Same package as the Windows installer except for no installer.)

Thanks to all our dedicated fans who has waited a really long time for this, we hope you enjoy playing it as much as we have enjoyed making it. Just please be mindful that this is a teaser and will not reflect the quality of our final release - we just want you to enjoy what we have done thus far!.

Download locations:
Client Installer, Age of Chivalry, Mod DB (USA)
Client Installer, Age of Chivalry, Internode (Australia)

In future releases you can expect more maps, weapons, effects and other coooool stuff. For the mappers, look our for a SDK which will be coming soon (along with a contest to raise interest).

Oh and while waiting for the download why don't you read our manual and join in the chat on our forums. Finally Team Chivalry is happy to receive feedback and suggestions so least us know so we can create the best game for you. Happy slaying, see you on the battlefields.


edit: sul sito ufficiale trovate altri mirror per il download anche in torrent
Scarico, finalmente
in dw
altri 2 mesi di download .... isdndemmerda
lol..filefront rulez rulla!

qualcuno che ci gioca o ci ha giocato potrebbe spendere 2 parole per dirci la sua? grazie

A mio parere è ancora troppo immaturo ( le animazioni in particolare ) però promette molto bene

simpatico come mod fai HS con spada/ascia/lancia/coltello/spadone etc etc
ti protecci dai colpi con lo scudo

a me fa un pò schifo, sembra la versione solo cavalieri di pirates vikings and knights.
e' il mod per hl2 piu' brutto che abbia mai provato.
mmmh mi avete convinto
non lo provo

Fa cagare.

PS: ho aggiunto pure un punto
E' uscita la final:
Download the client: Torrent, USA http, Europe http.
Download the server: Torrent, USA http, Europe http.

Qui trovate cosa è cambiato dalla beta 1:
proverò prima o ( soprattutto ) poi
DOWNLOADIIIIING ( iraqeni di insurgency )

speriamo in bene
Azz ma escono le full appena io le scarico? ma che jella
Ma non ci credo
voglio un gioco del genere multi dove si puo' usare il controller del wii
Raga, chiavica?