[AcA] Ebola

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iontanto un tipo è morto in aereo dalla nigeria all'aeroporto jfk

Perché non mettete mai i link?
È una cosa un po' fastidiosa.

Passengers on a flight from Nigeria to New York City had the scare of a lifetime Thursday when a 63-year-old Nigerian suffered a fit of vomiting on their flight. The man, as yet unidentified by authorities, boarded the flight in Lagos, Nigeria Wednesday night and was dead by the time the plane landed the next day at New York’s JFK airport.

The New York Post reports the flight crew contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who met the flight at the gate. CDC officials announced the deceased passenger did not have Ebola, but have not offered a cause of death.



sembra che ormai ogni persona con vomito o cagarella o febbere o mal di gola abbia l'ebola, senza contare che uno che muore sul volo, vuol dire che è in fase terminale della malattia, e qualcosa mi dice che se ne sarebbero accorti se era Ebola Ok essere oltremodo scrupolosi, ma qui siamo alla paranoia totale
Ma sterilizzare i focolai con le atomiche non va più di moda?

...è una delle sue solite balle

E chiudere le fogne?

Non aiuterebbe, considerando che neanche ci sono in quei posti di merda.

perche girando per i reparti hai sputacchiato e tossito in faccia alla gente?
Io nel dubbio evito anche di quotarlo via forum, eXo.



sul 5 stai tranquillo, il focolaio è sul 4

semplicemente hai la mascherina ma se sei sotto tachipirina e quanto altro sudi come un animale per di più se starnutisci e ti soffi il naso la mascherina te la togli

Più che altro tra tute pressurizzate anti-lacerazione a strati multipli e respiratore incorporato e camminare giulivo in manche di camicia dovrebbero esserci perlomeno un decina di possibili opzioni intermedie.
anche perche i tipi con le tute stanno in pratica alla stessa distanza dal paziente del tipo in maniche di camicia davvero brainless
Non capisco di cosa parlate, trollate?

Minchia, che palle.
Va tu a guidar la situazione allora visto che sai perfettamente cosa fare.

il top

A Caribbean Cruise Ship Can't Dock Because Of A Worker Who May Have Had Contact With The Ebola Virus

Thousands of passengers are trapped aboard a Carnival Magic cruise ship with a Dallas health worker who may have handled specimens from Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian patient with Ebola who later died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

The US Centers for Disease Control alerted the cruise operator on Wednesday that a passenger on the ship was a lab supervisor at the hospital where Duncan was treated, USA Today reports.

Carnival MagicCarnivalThe interior of a Carnival Magic stateroom.

The unnamed woman, who was traveling with her husband, has agreed to remain isolated in a cabin, the State Department said in statement, while the cruise line and the US government are working to bring the employee back to America.

The employee, who has not shown any signs of illness and does not have a fever, did not come into direct contact with Duncan but may have processed some of the patient's fluid samples, The New York Times said.

In a statement to USA Today, Carnival said that, "At no point in time has the individual exhibited any symptoms or signs of infection, and it has been 19 days since she was in the lab with the testing samples."

Although the health worker appears to be a very low risk for Ebola, the Belize Government will not allow the ship to dock, The Washington Post reports.

"The Ebola virus may only be spread by patients who are experiencing fever and symptoms of illness and so the US Government had emphasized the very low risk category in this case," the government said in a statement. "Nonetheless, out of an abundance of caution, the Government of Belize decided not to facilitate a US request for assistance in evacuating the passenger through the Phillip Goldson International Airport."

The employee boarded the ship on Sunday from Galveston, Texas. This was before the Centers for Disease Control required active monitoring, the State Department said.

Duncan died on Oct. 8. Since then, two Texas health workers, Amber Vinson and Nina Pham, have been found to have Ebola.

The Carnival Magic, which debuted in 2011, can accomdate up to 3,690 passageners and an additional 1,367 crew members, according to the Carnival website.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/worker-who-had-contact-with-ebola-patient-on-cruise-ship-2014-10#ixzz3GPFoLhn8
Vabbè ma fanno apposta allora
Quell'altra subito a fare voli a destra e sinistra, questo in crociera, poi?