
per me è un attacco usa verso gli usa....leggendo i vari commenti sui siti americani la gente ,sopratutto incazzata verso i repubblicani, vuole sapere la verità.

Tipo che gli usa hanno aiutato ancora al-qaeda o che ne so.... facendo morire giovani americani in finte guerre...


Mi pare ci sia troppa carne al fuoco per essere tutta rubata
Non so se è roba interna usa o tra altri ma mi sembra un pò troppo pilotata la questione wikileaks
I ministri degli esteri di ogni paese son tutti li che si cagano nelle mutande

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"ma frattini! prema f5 più velocemente cribbio!!!"

avevano tipo un submission form anonimo, ma questi dati di cui si parla sono stati rubati da qualcuno tramite un sistema di sharing di documenti del governo usa (di cui ora mi sfugge il nome) a cui hanno accesso 2,5mln di dipendenti statali
[5:59 p.m.] Berlusconi and Putin have ’special relationship’

The Telegraph writes that the StateLogs will show that Russian president Putin and Italy’s Premier Berlusconi enjoyed a ’special relationship’. They have been friends for the past 5 years and spent numerous holidays together, says the Telegraph, in a way that worried the US.

scusate per il doppio
se a Silvio gli piace il cazzo... non ci posso pensare

cmq imbarazzantissimo, che faccia da culo cazzo

il gemellaggio delle mafie

corleone calls Organizatsya
wait... berlusconi si bomba putin

Ma baffanculo

l'ultima volta è stato un interno dell'esercito
Jon Stewart ha ricostruito come sono andati i fatti se ti sei perso il video lo trovi qua

ed è
lo sapevo era troppo bella per essere vera

Questo post mi ha colto alla sprovvista, ho ato da solo come un demente.
The British government has warned against the risk to its nationals in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran or other Muslim countries in reaction to "anti-Muslim" comments in documents that Wikileaks could publish, according to the Sunday Times.

The imminent publication of new documents by the specialized website Wikileaks, including documents sent by the U.S. Embassy in London to Washington, gives a headache to many governments because Washington has increased its contacts with its partners to absorb the shock.
The British government feared that certain conversations between diplomats contain critical points made sensitive by either the U.S. or by Britain "which might encourage describe Britain as an ally to the great Satan to attack Islam" , said an unidentified government official in Sunday newspaper.
"There's nervousness because it could ignite some hotheads," the source said.
The British Ministry of Defense has asked newspaper editors to "keep in mind" the potential implications for national security from the publication of diplomatic documents.
The UK authorities have indicated that some information may be subject to agreement between the government and the media not to disseminate sensitive information relating to military operations or intelligence.
A journalist from the British newspaper The Guardian has confirmed that his newspaper would publish Monday large extracts of these documents, some of which should reveal the low opinion that had the U.S. administration of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, but also the current host David Cameron in Downing Street.
"This will give an honest idea of the American vision of world leaders and also the opposite," said the journalist Simon Hoggart, interviewed on the BBC1 channel.
"It will certainly be embarrassing for Gordon Brown but even more for David Cameron, who was not highly regarded by the Obama administration or Ambassador (U.S.) here."
In una nota ministeriale Frattini comunica che gli attacchi DDOS a Wikileakes non sono responsabilità dell'esecutivo attualmente in carica. Che, tra l'altro, usa solo Apple.
Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi could be involved in an unpleasant personal sex affair with an other international authority
Lasciamo perdere le puttanate su B che tuytti sappiamo, ecco le prime ripercussione di questa geniale stronzata:

Taliban prepare to punish WikiLeaks Afghan informers

Taliban courts are preparing to try and punish any Afghan informers identified in thousands of sensitive documents due for imminent release by the WikiLeaks whistleblower website.

A spokesman for the militant movement said it would scour the files for the names of Afghan intelligence sources who had given the Nato-led coalition information on the insurgents.
If found and captured the informers would be tried and punished by the Taliban's shadow system of courts which extends throughout Afghanistan.
The spokesman would not say what punishment the movement would exact, but Taliban fighters routinely behead, hang or shoot dead those considered to be spies or associated with foreign troops

E se non ne troveranno uno sicuro come la merda se ne inventeranno qualcuno giusto per dare il buon esempio

Pero' ora sappiamo che B fa i festini con putin

Ah, no, aspetta, gia' lo sapevamo
