[Unreal server] Cheat alert - PWD

[see below for english translation]

A causa di aimbottari e smanettoni segnalatimi, ho messo una gamepassword al server Unreal IUF.

IUF-MEMBER Contattatemi personalmente, o pazientate qualche giorno. meglio aspettare che avere un server infestato.


Due to aimbot users, I put a gamepwd to the IUF-UNREAL-DM.

IUF-MEMBERS contact me (via icq or mail) or wait few days

Stop.. l'ho protetto con Hackbusta3.. proviamo


Stop. now the server is protected by Hackbusta3...go to try !
Allora è HB3 che da le rogne per i nomi e skins
Prima di HB3 ho provato il server e switchava a meraviglia ora il solito problema dei nomi e delle skins
Fate qualcosa pls io voglio giocare con la mia skin dalle forme esili non con quel maschione peloso
Scegliete... questo passa il convento...o HB3 oppure aimbottari.
Io non riesco ad entrare...
o meglio

Entro, ci sto circa 6 secondi e poi mi esce...chiudendomi Unreal !
Cos'è ? Hb3 che fa dei casini ? O il mio unreal che sta andando fuori di testa ?
Non saprei dirti se esistono alternative, HB3 è l'ultimo ritrovato?
Morph Udo che notizie avete voi?

Lo fa con tutte le mappe?

da me con quella IUF Combat entra ed esce ( desktop )
Si hackbusta3 è l'ultimo....a questo punto è davvero quello, chiederò in giro.
Dal log:

ScriptLog: -.,-*-.,-> punk (=CLS=)FoxLeader entered in list at spot 0
ScriptLog: -.,-*-.,-> (=CLS=)FoxLeader obj linkers result: Invalid Ubrowser Invalid UWindow Invalid IpDrv Invalid Fire Invalid UnrealI Invalid UnrealShare Invalid Engine Invalid Core
ScriptLog: -.,-*-.,-> (=CLS=)FoxLeader will exit game because: Illegal Package (224v/224b7mac)
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection584 12/27/02 22:49:00
E ancora:

DevNet: Level server received: HAVE GUID=678F6F6D11D2FEB4C000FDAAE072794F GEN=6
DevNet: Level server received: HAVE GUID=678F6F6C11D2FEB4C000FDAAE072794F GEN=6
DevNet: Level server received: HAVE GUID=678F6F7011D2FEB4C000FDAAE072794F GEN=6
DevNet: Level server received: HAVE GUID=678F6F7311D2FEB4C000FDAAE072794F GEN=6
DevNet: Level server received: HAVE GUID=678F6F7211D2FEB4C000FDAAE072794F GEN=6
DevNet: Level server received: JOIN
ScriptLog: Password fortune
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: MaleThree DmDeck16.MaleThree5
DevNet: Join succeeded
ScriptLog: -.,-*-.,-> punk HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH entered in list at spot 6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb3
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb3
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb3
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb3
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb5
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb5
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb5
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb5
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb1
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb1
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb1
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb1
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
ScriptLog: -.,-*-.,-> HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH will exit game because: Illegal console: Stuff.Stuff
DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb6
e magari ora posterà che andava liscio (senza niente di sotto)
Una voltà mi segnalò pure a me, me lo disse il pitter.

Usa il Mac? o non c'entra na mazza?
Forse che HackBusta ha dei problemi con la patch 224 ?
dal nostro forum:
"Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 12:22 pm

Allora ho provato ieri sera il server iuf con pitter e roby e vi dico:


2) i nic vengono cambiati sempre a ogni cambio di mappa"

Tam ricordi quando hai messo hackbusta3?
Prima del 24 dic
Fox che versione hai esattamente? potrebbe essere qualche versione non "prevista" da hb3
Il resto del log è normale, anche:

DevNet: Received unwanted function
in hb3 DmDeck16.hb3

Questo è quello che mi ha detto Wolf
per fortuna che c'è Wolf!
In sintesi mi ha detto che hanno avuto anche sul loro server un problema simile, quindi forse Fox e altri usano una versione che quelli che hanno fatto hb3 (compreso Wolf) non conoscevano. Quindi a meno che Fox non sia un cheater gli servono alcune informazioni per poter aggiungere la sua versione tra quelle riconosciute come valide, posto direttamente la procedura come mi ha detto Wolf:

"I will describe now what FoxLeader has to do in order to retrieve the tables we need in order to track down the problem:

1. start Unreal
2. join a server (preferably a standard server, not a custom)
3. bring up your console and type "showlog"
4. you will have a new window on your desktop, type "obj linkers" in there
4. copy and paste the resulting text into a textfile
5. send me the text

Give these infos to FoxLeader please, too, or put them on the IUF board in Italian, but that's the way to go.

Below is what Unreal version 226f yields as a result, so that you have an orientation of what the result should look like, of course, the results you get will have different numbers:


Log: ..\System\Engine.u (Package Engine): Names=3006 (11K/100K) Imports=60 (1K) Exports=4656 (163K) Gen=7 Lazy=44
Log: ..\System\Core.u (Package Core): Names=318 (1K/10K) Imports=16 (0K) Exports=660 (23K) Gen=7 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\Render.utx (Package Render): Names=20 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=2 (0K) Gen=1 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Maps\Entry.unr (Package Entry): Names=265 (1K/7K) Imports=25 (0K) Exports=199 (6K) Gen=1 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\PlayrShp.utx (Package PlayrShp): Names=263 (1K/7K) Imports=13 (0K) Exports=233 (8K) Gen=1 Lazy=15
Log: ..\Textures\Detail.utx (Package Detail): Names=90 (0K/2K) Imports=5 (0K) Exports=51 (1K) Gen=1 Lazy=17
Log: ..\System\Fire.u (Package Fire): Names=178 (0K/5K) Imports=15 (0K) Exports=108 (3K) Gen=7 Lazy=0
Log: ..\System\UnrealI.u (Package UnrealI): Names=2344 (9K/68K) Imports=669 (18K) Exports=3177 (111K) Gen=7 Lazy=0
Log: ..\System\UnrealShare.u (Package UnrealShare): Names=4625 (18K/142K) Imports=785 (21K) Exports=9038 (317K) Gen=7 Lazy=1749
Log: ..\System\UBrowser.u (Package UBrowser): Names=672 (2K/21K) Imports=182 (4K) Exports=985 (34K) Gen=7 Lazy=0
Log: ..\System\UWindow.u (Package UWindow): Names=1117 (4K/36K) Imports=95 (2K) Exports=2633 (92K) Gen=7 Lazy=38
Log: ..\System\IpDrv.u (Package IpDrv): Names=123 (0K/3K) Imports=26 (0K) Exports=160 (5K) Gen=7 Lazy=0


Facci sapere Fox
Ecco qua :
Log: ..\System\Engine.u (Package Engine): Names=2994 (11K/100K) Imports=60 (1K) Exports=4632 (162K) Gen=3 Lazy=49
Log: ..\System\Core.u (Package Core): Names=313 (1K/10K) Imports=16 (0K) Exports=656 (23K) Gen=3 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Maps\Entry.unr (Package Entry): Names=265 (1K/7K) Imports=25 (0K) Exports=199 (6K) Gen=1 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\PlayrShp.utx (Package PlayrShp): Names=265 (1K/7K) Imports=13 (0K) Exports=233 (8K) Gen=2 Lazy=15
Log: ..\Textures\Detail.utx (Package Detail): Names=90 (0K/2K) Imports=5 (0K) Exports=51 (1K) Gen=1 Lazy=33
Log: ..\System\Fire.u (Package Fire): Names=174 (0K/5K) Imports=15 (0K) Exports=108 (3K) Gen=3 Lazy=0
Log: ..\System\UnrealI.u (Package UnrealI): Names=2203 (8K/68K) Imports=668 (18K) Exports=3018 (106K) Gen=3 Lazy=254
Log: ..\System\UnrealShare.u (Package UnrealShare): Names=4508 (17K/141K) Imports=784 (21K) Exports=8755 (307K) Gen=3 Lazy=2841
Log: ..\Textures\GenFluid.utx (Package GenFluid): Names=209 (0K/5K) Imports=5 (0K) Exports=195 (6K) Gen=2 Lazy=8
Log: ..\Textures\GenFX.utx (Package GenFX): Names=275 (1K/7K) Imports=5 (0K) Exports=255 (8K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Sounds\Ambancient.uax (Package Ambancient): Names=128 (0K/3K) Imports=4 (0K) Exports=120 (4K) Gen=1 Lazy=1
Log: ..\System\UBrowser.u (Package UBrowser): Names=617 (2K/20K) Imports=182 (4K) Exports=898 (31K) Gen=3 Lazy=0
Log: ..\System\UWindow.u (Package UWindow): Names=1070 (4K/35K) Imports=94 (2K) Exports=2572 (90K) Gen=3 Lazy=38
Log: ..\System\IpDrv.u (Package IpDrv): Names=117 (0K/3K) Imports=26 (0K) Exports=156 (5K) Gen=3 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Maps\dmdeck16.unr (Package dmdeck16): Names=2135 (8K/65K) Imports=122 (3K) Exports=1940 (68K) Gen=1 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\DecayedS.utx (Package DecayedS): Names=402 (1K/10K) Imports=14 (0K) Exports=370 (13K) Gen=2 Lazy=294
Log: ..\Textures\Mine.utx (Package Mine): Names=301 (1K/8K) Imports=18 (0K) Exports=266 (9K) Gen=2 Lazy=16
Log: ..\Textures\AlfaFX.utx (Package AlfaFX): Names=36 (0K/0K) Imports=4 (0K) Exports=6 (0K) Gen=1 Lazy=2
Log: ..\Sounds\Doorsmod.uax (Package Doorsmod): Names=70 (0K/1K) Imports=4 (0K) Exports=62 (2K) Gen=1 Lazy=2
Log: ..\Textures\HubEffects.utx (Package HubEffects): Names=125 (0K/3K) Imports=30 (0K) Exports=43 (1K) Gen=2 Lazy=1
Log: ..\Sounds\AmbModern.uax (Package AmbModern): Names=135 (0K/3K) Imports=4 (0K) Exports=127 (4K) Gen=1 Lazy=3
Log: ..\Textures\Female1skins.utx (Package Female1skins): Names=40 (0K/1K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=20 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\Female2skins.utx (Package Female2skins): Names=36 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=16 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\Male1skins.utx (Package Male1skins): Names=34 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=14 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\Male2skins.utx (Package Male2skins): Names=36 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=16 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\Male3skins.utx (Package Male3skins): Names=38 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=18 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Textures\SkTrooperskins.utx (Package SkTrooperskins): Names=26 (0K/0K) Imports=3 (0K) Exports=6 (0K) Gen=2 Lazy=0
Log: ..\Cache\08EEDDA311D6FBB6E000FDB911F94829.uxx (Package hb3): Names=101 (0K/1K) Imports=33 (0K) Exports=134 (4K) Gen=1 Lazy=0
Ha sto utilizzando le texture compresse del secondo cd di ut...
Se serve lo sai
a me succede che devo PRIMA collegarmi altrove, e poi joinare l'IUF-Unreal.
mi da'

Sara' la mia PWD?