Ukraine: The clankening. (Part 3)

I Polacchi mostrano un tantino i muscoli…

Pensa come sarà contento quando lo scambieranno con prigionieri ucraini…

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Immagino che chi collabora fornendo informazioni preziose, non verrà scambiato ma potrà poi rifarsi una vita in Europa :asd:

Mah. E da cosa lo deduci? In quella zona gli ucraini ci erano arrivati già tipo un mese fa.
Non era facile perchè tra le due cittadine c’è un fiume in mezzo e ci sono stati continui contrattacchi e grinding, ed è sicuramente un passo avanti…ma tutta questa debacle io non la vedo.

Anzi a dirla tutta se uno sbarco con mezzi pesanti sul Dnipro non è fattibile, e se dietro il fronte attuale i russi hanno gli stessi campi minati che gli ucraini stanno cercando di attraversare adesso, le brigate corazzate per lo sfondamento mi sa che gli servono a ben poco perchè se devo giudicare dalle ultime due settimane tra un mese siamo ancora qui.

Nel frattempo Urozayne caduta malissimamente e tra molto poco robotyne finalmente. I russi hanno quasi solo unità di mobilitati, sembra. Ci sono video verificati dove si ritirano e li devastano con l’artiglieria e le cluster bombs, una mattanza. Tatticamente è un bel colpo e si vede che cominciano a mollare. In più:

Reuters: Ukrainian army attempts to break through Russian lines in Donetsk Oblast.

Ukrainian troops are trying to break through Russian lines in the western part of Donetsk Oblast and gain a foothold to the east of the village of Staromayorske, Reuters reported on Aug. 13, citing Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-installed proxy in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Sì bella merda eh

L’ultima cosa che voglio vedere sono i carrarmati che sfilano in città per mostrare i muscoli

Poi questo mi pare un po’ finto tra l’altro

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Link? Lo chiedo perchè quello che ho visto io (uno solo) non si vede un belìn. O per meglio dire: in un video si vede (male) un colpo di artiglieria, nel secondo le cluster senza che si capisca se ci sono uomini.

PS: il villaggio e E di Staromayorske è sempre Urozayne

Vero è sempre lo stesso fronte. Non ci capisco più niente con tutti questi paesini in cirillico tradotti. Non ho link credo siano sempre gli stessi. Più fonti dicono che i soldati russi a piedi in ritirata sono stati decimati, ma non si vede dai video, bensì è confermato da varie fonti sul posto, pare. Plausibile. Edit - vedi qui

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Guarda un po’ come per il Covid, ok farsi la propria opinione, ma sarebbe il caso come minimo di partire dalle analisi che fanno gli esperti. E riassumendo la sconfitta di oggi è costata solo oggi 3-4 divisioni ai russi più quelle precedenti mandate a sfasciarsi contro gli ucraini per “tenere”.
I veri analisti non si basano solo sui video ma hanno fonti sul campo cosa succede. Come dice Tom Cooper, basare analisi su video di cui non si sa il prima e il dopo e pure il durante si capisce così così non è da analisti militari “professionisti”

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No wait. Non ce la faccio ad essere pronto per la controffensiva e contemporaneamente al crollo dell’esercito russo. Troppe emozioni :vface:

Lyman fu una battaglia durissima tra i russi e gli ucraini. I russi buttarono dentro tutto quello che avevano prima di ripiegare.
Un po come come ieri. E si, i video che girano mostrano un cimitero di mezzi e uomini russi

I polacchi sono sotto elezioni se non ho capito male.

I polacchi hanno una gran voglia di menare le mani contro i russi elezioni o meno. Piaccia o meno stanno mettendo su un esercito da paura, se ricevono tutto quello che hanno ordinato, ed è un grosso se perché devi anche pagare ciò che compri, diventano facilmente il terso esercito di terra al mondo

Assaltato mercantile turco diretto verso i porti ucraini

Mi sa che erdogan non la prenderà bene


Ci sono alcuni dettagli che mi ero perso su quel comandante russo di cui si parlava (se vera l sta storia :asd: ):

He released a video questioning a few captured Ukrainian soldiers. Then a couple days later he went missing but before it was known, the Ukrainians used his phone to report that the Ukrainain raid “had been defeated”, so this slowed the russian response in sending reinforcements the area, and yesterday he turned up in a Ukrainian video showing him pointing out Russian positions on a map, now this interview is released.

Qui interrogatorio:


-Introduce yourself please
-Major Tomov battalion commander of 1822 of Armored forces of RF
-Since when are you on this rank ?
-I’m this rank since 02.02.2023
-Are you mobilized or you signed contract ?
-I was mobilized 27.09.2022
-date of birth ?
-Last place of your military service ?
-Military unit 42685
-More details ?
-This unit is responsible for keeping(storing) ammunition
-For how long are you on the territory of Ukraine ?
-I’m here since 15.10.2022
-Before you got this rank (Major) which rank you had ?
-Before i became Major i was chief of staff on the same batallion.
-What happened to the previous major ?
-He was transfered to another unit.
-reasoning ?
-personal animosity from higher ranks.
-How many is in your unit ?
-Officialy 619
-real ?
-around 550
-How many loses did your unit had ?
-On the 06.08.2023 this number was around 25%,if you count another 2-3 days this number might be around 30%
-How long your unit on the front line ?
-My unit on the front line since 28.07.2023
-So during this time your loses are 25% ?
-Yes,during this time loses are aroud 1/4 of the whole battalion.
-What do you think about your battalion readiness ?
-readiness is very poor,was almost no training,low moral…
-Why do you think you have such big loses ?
-Battalion is on low moral,and refusing to do tasks.
-Before you moved to this region,where you was doing this task what was the condition of the personel ?
-people are unhappy with policy of the v.v.putin,tasks was unclear.
-What happened to those people that was POW with your,did they get medical help ?
-Yes,if it was necessary they got medical help.
-What was tasks for your battalion ?
-Tasks was:observation o the front line,to do this task personel was suppose to be prepared…but we didn’t have moral and psychosocial trainings.People in shortest period of time was devastated,and depressed.With personel like this,succes of this task was impossible to do.Which led to mass refusal of conductiong this task.
-What did you think about AFU ?
-I thought about AFU as nazis,heirs and successors of ideas of nazism.So that what i was saying to my unit.
-However when i got here (captivity) and meeting reality,i think this is not true.
-Are you speaking about the time before you got into captivity or before you came to Ukraine ?
-I changed my mind before i got into captivity,but when i came to Ukraine and met ukrainian people,and by talking with them,and based on how am i beein treated in captivity.
-How did civilians reacted to you and your forces ?
-Civilians was negative,they treated us as a invaders,they didn’t want to make contact with us.
-My unit,to not make a contact with civilians was living in forest and trea lines outside of the city (villages)
-About your possitions we would talk a bit later…
-After you met civilians,and felt how Ukrainians feel about you,and your ocupation forces…even if some of them was speaking russian,that you saw they were living peacefully,what conclusion did you make ?
-The only conclusion i made was that this war started by v.v.putin reasons are absolutely far away from truth.
-But even after all this,you still was major and leader of your battalion you understand what you and your army did,you kept following orders from your higher ranks.
-How with those thoughts you lied to your personel and was sending them on a tasks where they died for this.
-This is very hard…prychologicaly it is very tough,and i’m sorry that i was doing this every day.
-Is it ok with you that civilians was dying ? Mothers,childrens,grand parents how would you live with this ? How would you live after knowing that you was directing artillery on those targets ? Why do you keep doing this,even tho you understand that you are gonna lose ?
-This is very hard question…
-All of the questions are hard ! It is easier to unswer my questiong than kill people.Did ou hear my question ? I demand your respons
-This is very painfull and Incomprehensibility of what might have been happened to me,due to the policy of the president of rf v.v.putin i do not understand how this happened,how view of the people turned on 180°,and people who was dreaming about peacefull life,started to kill people same as they are (alike)…
-Wait,aliek ? Do you mean russians started to kill ukrainians ?
-First of all we are not alike…we are not the same.Second fear of your high command are stronger than fear of getting killed in Ukraine.Did someone called you ? Mothers or wifes of your people that died ?
-Yes they did,to help them find fathers,sons.
-Did you respond to them ?
-Yes i did.
-Did you do it yourself ? Or was it your deputy ?
-So what do you feel ?
-This is disquesting feel,i can’t find the right words to describe it,i feel shame and depression.
-To how many wifes did you call ?
-Around 10
-How they felt ? What did you tell them ? And maybe you want to tell them something now ? To the others,to those who dies yesterday,today,to those who will never return home.
-I want to ask them for forgiveness,for my actions they i took.
I want to call my comrades,adn tell them that this bloody war neads to be stopped on the territory of Ukraine,this war will be lost,and it will not bring abything good to oue houses,you need to return back to the russian federation,as Prygozin did.

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Li hanno abbordati e controllati

Operazione leggermente illegale

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Qualche nave militare turca nel Mar nero per garantire la sicurezza delle proprie navi civili sarebbe un altro colpo durissimo per l’amico Putin

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semplicemente unrelated :asd:

This is a parade rehearsal for the Polish Army Day on August 15……

proprio non ce la fa a non fare incazzare piu gente possibile. almeno aspetta di essere in acque territoriali no? cosi a tutti gli effetti è pirateria

interessante sito dove stanno raccogliendo e fotografando tutte le scritte lasciate dai soldati russi in giro per le citta’ “liberate”:

ci sono di quelle perle tipo questa