[Trivia] Elenco domande e risposte

Raccogliamo qui le domande dela Trivia della nuova V1, sia quelli militari che quelli di produttività.

Postate solo le risposte esatte che vi compariranno a fine quiz.

Per ora li raccogliamo qui in formato QUOTE, poi se qualcuno avesse altre idee su come tenere tutte le informazioni proponga.

Visto che si tratta di un elenco, suggerisco di mettere il topic in standing e postare soltanto le domande, prive di ogni altra opinione (per tenere il topic pulito).

Io la metterei nella sezione affari sporchi... Mi sembra di essere stato interrogato in economia politica e in storia

1. Which Kaiser/Emperor of Prussia/Germany ruled for the longest out of these four?
Wilhelm II

2. Which was the Fascist party in Hungary that came to power towards the end of WWII?
Arrow Cross Party

3. Conventional economics is based on the assumption that
the means by which wants can be satisfied are limited

4. The real interest rate _ the inflation rate _ the nominal interest rate.
plus; equals

5. The efficiency wage _.
maximizes the firm's profit
1. What phrase did Winston Churchill use in reference to Soviet barriers against the West?

Iron Curtain
2. The 1986 enlargement brought two new members into the EC, Portugal and _?

3. Suppose that $1 U.S. costs $1.50 Canadian. If in St. Louis a CD costs $10 and in Montreal it costs $15, then _.

purchasing power parity exists
4. All nation-states act in self-interest.

5. _ is a macro economist who believes that government intervention is necessary to achieve economic stability.

la mia proposta che ho fatto in chat e' quella di raccogliere tutte le domande e risposte su un foglio di lavoro google accedibile da tutti tramite account gmail onlne.
Cosi chiunque puo' aggiungere li le sue domande e dopo basta un cerca x trovare le risposte.
Al limite si puo' consentire l'accesso solo ad utenti italiani verificati
1. By remaining in school, you are paying an opportunity cost that includes _.

the wages you could earn if you took a job

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a valid contract, which an insurance policy is?

Must be written

3. The level of structural unemployment is most likely to be reduced by

Funding training schemes to reduce occupational immobility

4. The productivity function shows the relationship between how _ per hour of work changes as the amount of _ per hour of work changes when technology _.

real GDP; capital; remains unchanged

5. Education is best described as

a merit good
1. The economy functions as if it _.
is hit by shocks, cycles indefinitely, or cycles in swings until another shock appears

2. A rise in the general level of interest rates is most likely to cause a fall in
The exchange rate

3. What are the components of a print ad?
Headline, signature, copy, illustration, slogan

4. You observe that the price of coffee has increased and the quantity has also increased. You predict that the demand for coffee
has increased with no change in the supply of coffee.

5. Marketable pollution permits are likely to result in
a shift of pollution reduction towards higher cost firms

1. What happened in the year 1981?
Ronald Reagan is shot by John Hinckley

2. What does the Zia symbol represent on the New Mexican flag?

3. According to Woodrow Wilson, public administration must work with:
a commercial perspective

4. About what percentage of the population of Ireland did Cromwell's army kill in 1651?

5. What type of government does the Netherlands have?
Constitutional monarchy
1. Which general was nicknamed 'Ike'?
Dwight D. Eisenhower

2. Weights are used in calculating the index of retail prices to reflect the different
Amounts of money relative to their budget spent by consumers on each good and service

3. In Greece you pay with...?

4. Chicken and fish are assumed to be substitutes. If the price of chicken increases, the demand for fish will _
increase and the demand curve for fish wil shift to the right

5. The capital of the Portuguese empire from 1808 to 1815 was
Rio de Janeiro
1. Promotional advertising is_
An effort to create a positive image
An effort to increase sales
2. You produce what your ancestors produced in this economic system.
Market Economy
Traditional Economy
3. A profit-maximizing firm will continue to hire additional units of labor until _ equals the _
marginal cost of labor, marginal revenue product
4. Haircuts and taxi rides are normal goods, so their _.
cross elasticity of demand is positive
income elasticities of demand are positive
5. An increase in currency held outside the banks is _.
a currency drain
Sii buono posta solo le risposte giuste, non le ignorantate che hai sbagliate che hai dato

Le metto a caso, neanche guardo.
Si ma io dicevo, qui posta solo la risposta giusta, cancella la riga in mezzo