[tower defense + rpg]Dungeon defenders

segnalo questo giochino, viene sui 7€ e deve uscire a novembre


  • Tower-Defense Meets Action-RPG

    Choose your class, customize your your character & equipment, strategically assemble your defenses, and participate directly in action-packed battle to preserve your castle against the invading horde!
  • Seamless online and Local Multiplayer

    Team-up with 3 friends to defend cooperatively, with character classes that support each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Dynamically combine local (splitscreen) and online players, and leave/join any time, so that the game’s always full.

  • Distinct Character-Classes

    Each character class has a unique balance and set of weapons, towers, and special abilities, for a different style of gameplay.
  • Loot & Level-Up

    Grab the mounds of money and items that your defeated foes drop, trade them or store them for later use in your Item Box! Getting Kills and Completing Waves earns you experience points, which can be used to upgrade your character, your skills, your equipment, and your Towers on a per-statistic basis – do you want to enhance Hit Points, Attack Rate, Damage, etc? The choices are yours to make. Store your massive overflow of money in the “Mana Bank”, and then spend it to improve your equipment or trade with other players. Proudly show off your best equipment in your own “Adventurer’s Tavern”, without fear of item theft!

  • Relentless hordes of enemies and Massive Bosses

    Over 100 simultaneous enemies will attempt to tear through your defenses, and at key points gigantic Boss Monsters will appear to rain down havoc upon everyone. Only by employing the most effective defensive strategies, teamwork, and strong characters will you defeat such devilish foes! Many Enemy Types, run the gamut from big dumb Orcs swinging huge axes, to sly lithe Dark Elves striking from the shadows with bow & arrow, to crazy Kobolds armed with explosive packs. Unique boss monsters provide set-piece battles, among them a gargantuan Ancient Dragon and a cantankerous Goblin Mech.

  • Variety of levels and game modes

    Each level has a different visual setting, layout, enemy types, traps, and distinct scripted surprises. Four difficulty settings from novice to master, which also adjust the rate of experience and loot earned. Storybook-style cinematics tell the tale throughout the Campaign Mode, and endings vary depending on which characters were used. Survival Mode pits increasing waves of enemies against the players until they fall, with the goal being to defend long enough to achieve the highest leaderboard score. Challenge Mode allows players to play any level with uniquely altered rule sets and goals!

  • A Mountain of Stats

    Every shot you take, every kill you make, each defense you build, and every other action & event within gameplay is logged and recorded for posterity. Pore over the voluminous charts and graphs at the end of each session to analyze your team’s performance, quickly review your best statistics for each level, and compare your data online with other players to see who is the greatest hero of all. Furthermore, your Achievements are visible for all to see within your very own Adventurer’s Tavern, and the highest scores for each of your heroes are ranked on the worldwide leaderboards!

  • A Helpful Friend…

    Discover cute “familiars”, pets which tag along during your adventure, and provide distinct status and gameplay effects. These too can be levelled-up and customized, and even traded with other players… if you have the heart to part with your dear little friend!
  • Stylin’

    Expressive water-colored cartoon visual style, and humor that playfully tweaks classic fantasy archetypes.

  • Downloadable Content

    Additional character classes, equipment, levels, and game modes are on the way. Take your DLC with you into any online game!
  • Mod it, Create it, Remake it

    All gameplay code & source content ships with the PC version, so intrepid Dungeon Masters can modify or totally recreate the game to their heart’s content!
up, e' uscito su steam
Preso su direct 2 drive.
Non l'ho preso da steam perchè se volessi farlo giocare a mio fratello non potrei dato che anche se hai 10000 giochi l'account può essere aperto da un pc alla volta.

Appena esce facciamo la lista dei nick così ci addiamo.
Sembrerebbe davvero un ottimo gioco che ruberà parecchie ore.
Gia preso
in attesa di attivazione !
edit, comprato
Non so, le animazioni sembrano fatte col culo :s
Urgono review
le versioni mobile erano dannatamente divertenti.
L'importante è quello

Preordinato su steam, tanto lo sbloccano il 19, addatemi pure per coop vari ed eventuali
appena ho letto tower defence ho letto subito.
adoravo alla follia quelli di WC3 e ne uscira' uno a fine ottobre molto simile.
piazzi le varie torri e uccidi tutti quelli che passano.

qs non fa' per me

buon gioco

io riuppo perchè merita...
è uscito un nuovo video su steam che fa vedere bene il gameplay.
Sembra molto mmorpg oriented
Io avevo provato una early demo ed era una merda, noioso e con dei controlli a dir poco pessimi.
Magari è migliorato.

guarda se fosse stato una merda non credo che la valve permetteva di farsi pubblicità concedendo di inserire suo prodotto (team fortress 2), ci sarà stato un minimo di controllo sulla qualità...
Ma poi sta early demo faccela provà pure a noi da dove l hai presa?
Su questo forum.
Mi pare il link l'avesse postato Jigen.
c'era su steam nelle uscite di quest'estate. Continuavano a rimandarlo. Sembra carino.
dopodomani si inizia
Due che si aggregano last minute per un pack da 4? pm in caso.

Sono 7,8725 euro a testa, si risparmiano 4,1175 euro che equivalgono a circa 13 caffe universitari, o 4 da bar.