The Witcher 3 [the wait, the downgrade, the drama]

Resta il fatto che il mio pc, appena ha visto quelle immagini ha deciso di andare in bsod
secondo me col nuovo, guardando quel villaggio in fiamme
ma finchè sono a quella risoluzione non possiamo sapere


Quella di Baba Yaga è vecchia forte, ma le altre non le avevo mai viste prima.
Uh, tette.

La CDPR sa cosa vuole il suo pubblico.
I can fap to this
no vabbe l'artwork di baba yaga non l'avevo mai visto

fap su quello con le tette cadenti e il cestino in faccia
sapeste che è l'artword dell'npc di fusta, smettereste di fapparvi
come fa a giocare a dota con un cestino in faccia?

I risultati parlano da soli.


Mai giocato con Fusta in vita mia ma l'assist era ghiotto.

Qualche bel artwork e un po' di vestitini:


[EDGE July 03 ]

-Reference art in the studio for TW3 includes Game of Thrones and the Big Ben
-Forest generation tools take into account water sources
-Level artist notes that the jump mechanic makes it easier for people to find things they shouldn't.
-The Fiend hits so hard you can't parry his attacks, you must dodge.
-Each Sign has 2 modes, burst or a stream (useful against swarms and flyers)
-New tech demo screenshots use the new renderer.
-All the next gen consoles use 64 bit Architecture and DX11 or similar, making multiplat easy.
-No tutorial, mechanics introduced through gameplay.
-Miniature tutorials as part of early quests.
-Pirouette Dodge move, you'll be able to spare or kill bandits, and loot them.
-Combat has geralt and his opponents walking instead of running, greater tension.
-Lots of the devs are medieval battle reenactment fans, and a lot of effort put into believability.
-Enemy AI takes advantage of surroundings, uses stalactites as weapons.
-Witcher Senses capable of removing attacks (slicing an arm off).
-Alchemy system not fully worked out yet, drank potions may not wear off until used.
-Map is 20% bigger than Skyrim's, but the story mode itself is much longer by comparison.
-Communities have day & night routines, give you monster quests and will react depending on your past choices.
-Each decision will have meaningful consequences, but not always obvious ones.
-Improved facial animations for NPC(40 more bones).

You have a year to get your body ready.


Things confirmed from the scans so far:
-No level scaling
-World takes 30 to 40 minutes to cross on horseback
-No loading screens
-Jumping confirmed
-No rolling dodge, it is now a pivot dodge
-You can now block with no stamina, but you get staggered if you do so
-Each button press is one attack animation
-Each attack animation now takes roughly the same amount of time
-You can now interrupt attacks mid-animation
-Vastly improved inventory management, may allow access to stash from your horse
-No buying houses or property
-You can sail boats (the screens show whales too, just sayin')
-Fully dynamic weather, including volumetric clouds and fog
-No QTE bossfights, instead they have unique attacks depending on their environment (like a giant hurling stalactites if met in a cave)
-Crafting is important to get gear, including customizable crafts. Legendary crafting requires effort both for unique ingredients and locating a crafter.
-Monster hunting now includes clue hunting, analyzing crime scenes, determining what monster may have caused it, and researching vulnerabilities and habitats to hunt them
-learning monster vulnerabilities will allow Geralt to execute special critical attacks to disable or kill them quicker.
[G.I. Videos]

-96 combat animations as opposed to 20 in TW2.
-Different idles play depending on the position Geralt ended his attack, to make him feel distinctive.

[German PCGames Preview]

- 36 final states of the world and 3 epilogues (each 1 hour long)
- you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.
- you can buy horses or tame a wild ones by using Axii
- Geralt will be much more agile. Now he can jump and climb wherever he want.
- a wild animals will appear. Geralt may hunt them and take their furs, claws etc.
- main storyline is 50 hours long
- now people will call the guards, when they see Geralt stealing their stuff
- learning monster vulnerabilities will allow Geralt to execute special aimed critical attacks in slow-mo to disable or kill them quicker.
- no more QTE
- Geralt now can achieve 60 level max
- PC and console versions have completely different UI
- you gain experience points only by completing quests, hunting will provide you money and crafting materials
- a two new minigames: axe trowing and card games
- economy depends from the area. In some places you can buy something for a lesser price, or sell it for higher price.

-Directed narrative with camera work and cutscenes, unlike Skyrim.
-They mentioned RDR in regards to how you'll have a horse pretty much whenever you need one.
-Big fans of RDR, mentioned it a lot outside interviews
-Fast Travel to discovered locations.
-Allegedly no loading times in TW3.
-Outside an interview they mentioned they addressed the complaint of the slow doors and how characters could get stuck in them, and how you don't have to worry about that in TW3.
-Outside the mentioned big cities, the land will be dotted with small villages.
-Some Monster Hunting quests may be repeatable but most of the monster hunts are more hand-crafted and story-driven [uncomfirmed]
-No companions (outside quest-related events) like in TW2.
-Definitely no level scaling at all (Gothic inspiration).
-Focus mode: works against humans too.
-Not really like VATS
-2 competing design ideas currently
- Slow Time with some kind of body part aiming mechanic (minigame? QTE?)
- Special Move mechanic that you can use to pull the critical moves.
-CDPR admitted the inventory UI was ass, working on it.
-Screenshots not final, CDPR confident it will look amazing.
-Will probably be more focused on powerful hardware given they're working with the next gen consoles.
-POSSIBLY 3D compatible [uncomfirmed].
-importing decisions CDPR wants to add as much support as possible, but no promises yet.
-Since TW3 has a story focus, it may not be so hard to add support to TW2 decisions[speculation].
[Igromania Interview]

-Northern Region: Nordic (skyrim, The Wall from A Song of Ice and Fire) feel.
-Jarls, Horned Helmets, seaside cliffs.
-No Man's Land: Slavic Feel, similar to TW1.
-Novingrad: Medieval Europe close to Rennaissance, TW2 feel.

-Random and Scripted encounters
-Bandits robbing caravans, packs of wolves hunting deer, etc.
-Jumping and climbing, no invisible walls (allegedly).
-Same music composer as previous games.

-Combat between TW1 and 2.
-Slower than TW2, more thought necessary.
-5 times as many strikes and combos as TW2
-Combos and strikes used heavily based on timing.
-Geralt will always face his foes (not turning his back)

-Open world designed so there's always something interesting in the horizon.
-Mounted combat confirmed, but Geralt is naturally more effective on foot.

-Romance includes long and branching love stories, to one-night stands and hookers.

-Alchemy a mix of TW1 an d 2.
-More experimentation
-You can only drink the potions before combat, but you can activate them later (Witcher Metabolism).

-Geralt can Swim well.
-Stamina limits how much he can swim
-Stamina drains faster on cold water.
-three totally different epilogues depending on how you finish the game
-36 ending states (counting only significant changes).
-Main story around 50 hours
-other sidequest, possibly another 50 hours.
-Choosing NOT to do something will affect the story, instead of simply letting you do the quest later.
-Doing (or not doing) quests may affect the main story without the player knowing.
-No colored endings. Endings are not bad or good, just the result of your actions.

-Enemies will become afraid of you as you kill their companions, go on the defensive, eventually surrender.
-Combat less "Arcadey", more tactical.
-Improved camera, enemies won't sneak up on your back so easily.
-Combat slower, more deliberate.

-Fixing the learning curve.
-No 2 separate acts like in TW2 (open world makes this impossible)
-Difficult choices will sometimes have unexpected results.
-Choices will still affect the game a lot (like in TW2's floatsam area, where your choices could make a celebration party or a massacre).
-Sex approached like in TW2.
-Final, biggest games, so 10 years of ideas that couldn't fit into previous games may be used here.

-Officially no leading platform, but they're PC gamers at heart. No lowering the bar to fit the weakest platform.
-Trying to optimize game for controllers and mouse.
-Modkit possible in the future.

Eh beh.
che figo cazzo
Come piccola nota a margine, il tagllo di capelli che hanno scelto di default è l'opzione che più mi faceva cagare nel barbiere di TW2.