Terra Invicta

Da come ne parlate pare una gran figata

Europei cuckadores.
Strano che gli stati uniti si sottomettano cosi facile.
Nella primissima partita del tutorial avevo avevo saldamente il controllo del brasile e di quasi tutti i paesi sudamericani. Praticamente una coalizione di paesi banana, non contavo un cazzo

Seconda partita, con l'Initiative (gli illuminati praticamente). Prendo il controllo di Italia, Spagna, Polonia e Turchia. Paesi di discreta potenza. Ma la partita non mi soddisfa. La ricerca tecnologica e' tutt'al piu mediocre, non ho influenza nell'UE (e' la francia che da il via all'unificazione). Provo ad invadere la Siria con la turchia e la russia mi nuclearizza l'esercito. Ho capito la meccanica e quitto la campagna.

Terza partita, l'ultima. Mi lancio verso Messico e Canada per partire alla conquista degli USA, sempre con l'Initiative. Controllo il nordamerica e l'esercito piu potente del mondo. Con uno sforzo industriale notevole, sono la prima fazione a costruire una base orbitale, basi sulla luna e marte. E, infine, la prima astronave d'attacco. Fondamentalmente una grossa soyuz con un cannone. Faccio un test annientando la stazione orbitale dell'Exodus. Si lamentano. Me ne fotto. Ho la potenza delle armi atomiche, io.
Tutto ringalluzzato, mi preparo ad attaccare una nave aliena che stava orbitando in LEO. Mi vaporizzano l'astronave ancora prima che possa sparare un colpo. Da li capisco che il gioco sara molto piu lungo di quanto pensato. Nel mentre faccio ricerca della tecnologia in modo da creare l'unione tra USA e Canada, con il fine di poter liberare altri control points. Mi lancio all'attacco della corea del sud per instaurare un governo fantoccio e poter in seguito attaccare la corea del nord per unificare il paese, forte della mia superiorita militare.

Ho disinstallato il gioco perche stava diventando una droga, andavo a letto e avevo incubi di agenti nemici che mi soffiavano i control points.

Quando inizi ad avere gli incubi su un gioco, è il momento di fare una pausa, succede

Soprattutto se lo giochi nelle ore precedenti al sonno ed è un gioco complesso, poi il cervello continua a rimuginare in background e fai i sogni fastidiosi.

E' la vers. videoludica dell'avere una canzone nella testa.
ma seriamente e' cosi profondo la gestione geopolitica da poter instaurare governi fantoccio o stai "romanzando"?

Perche' se e' cosi lo provo, la cosa in cui peccano tutti i 4x e' che la gestione geopolitica e' veramente lasciata a meccaniche interne nascoste basate solitamente su numeri molto grezzi (quanta potenza militare hai etc)

Praticamente ogni paese ha un certo numero di control points che va da 1 (el salvador) a 6 (cina, usa). Francia e Italia ne hanno 4 tipo. Rappresentano robe come corporations, media, potere esecutivo, legislativo e altri 2 che non ricordo.

Le varie fazioni si spartiscono questi punti, possono arrivare ad avere il controllo completo di una nazione avendoceli tutti. Vi sono situazioni in cui le fazioni si combattono certi stati, ed e' veramente difficile liberarsi del controllo che hanno su questi control points, quindi c'e l'opzione militare: l'invasione da parte di una nazione che controlli.

Facendo cosi si rovescia il governo precedente e tutti i control points diventano automaticamente quelli della tua fazione. Il problema e' che i costi di amministrazione per avere tutti i control points sono incrementali. E' molto, molto piu difficile controllare un paese con 6 control points, tipo usa, che 6 paesi da 1 control point l'uno.
è proprio un gioco di equilibri, anche troppa democrazia crea problemi sul lungo periodo.

ma paesi degni di nota oltre il g7?

Per ora ho trovato interessante la nigeria dove se riesci a ripristinare l'ordine pubblico è un paese da 220 milioni di abitanti con 13 punti investimento al mese.
E anche la north korea non è male, un solo CP e ha sia le nuke che il programma spaziale completato, ma è contestatissima
grazie nomeacaso, sembra un ottimo design, lo metto in wishlist in attesa di sconti che tanto mi par di capire sia in EA ancora e ho gia' troppa roba da giocare
Iscriviti all'enasale che magari te lo regalano

gravediggo io per segnalare che è uscita la 0.4 che è un major rework principalmente sulla parte terrestre.



*** Earth

  • Significant update to world map to increase number of regions, break up some monster regions, and disaggregate some previously merged nations. Multiple new breakaways and projects.
  • Switzerland, Serbia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, North Macedonia, Albania, Lebanon, Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Malawi, Cabo Verde, Uganda, Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Polynesian States, Micronesian States, and Melanesian States set as independent nations. Benelux is now Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg. Middle Guinea is now Togo-Benin. Great Lake States are now Rwanda-Burundi. Upper Guinea is now Guinea-Guinea-Bissau. Ex-Yugoslavia reorganized in Croatia-Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina-Montenegro.
  • South Yemen, Palestine, Somaliland added as breakaways.
  • India gains 7 regions. China reorganized and gains 6 regions. Russia gains 6 regions, 4 in Siberia, an Arkhangelsk region, and a Caucasus region. Brazil gains 4 (Rio de Jainero, Belem, Fortaleza, Cuiaba); USA gains 3 (Boise, St. Louis, New Orleans). Australia gains 3 (Melbourne, Darwin, Adelaide). Mexico (Tijuana and Merida), Iran (Tabriz and Isfahan), Japan (South Honshu and Ryukus), Egypt (Alexandria and Luxor), France (Brittany and French Caribbean) gain 2. Germany (Bavaria), Italy (Milan / Po Valley) Canada (Maritimes), Indonesia (Lesser Sundas), Myanmar, Poland, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Congo, Colombia, Peru, Algeria, Sudan, Mali, Angola, Kenya, and Tanzania gain a region.
  • Meganation changes: Caliphate claims reworked to include only Muslim-majority regions; they lose their claim on Addis Ababa. Colombia gains a new project that grants claims on the Spanish-speaking regions of the Western hemisphere, at last realizing the dream of Francisco de Miranda.
  • Reduced max mission control for most regions because we added so many regions.

(NOTE: The inclusion of some very small regions to model real-world nations and conflicts requires the addition of some “sea triangles” to serve as a clickbox and hold icons that simply don’t fit on the map at any useful scale. This particularly includes Palestine and Lebanon. The jury is out on whether this makes a better game in the aggregate, so we may pull them back and re-abstract those regions like they are in the 0.3 builds. We’ll just have to see.)

  • Change how GHG generation works and player tools to address it. GHGs are now primary generated passively each month. All nations now have a “sustainability” value that serves as a multiplier to some math that generates baseline values for carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide produced by each nation. Those values are based on GDP, population, nation physical size, and the presence of oil resource regions. This model was derived from real world GHG emission data; the sustainability value at start represents a correction based on how far off the model’s numbers were from the reality.

When completing the welfare priority, instead of removing GHGs from the atmosphere, the nation’s sustainability rating improves. Only when it reaches zero (the best possible value) does the priority remove GHGs directly. Zero is unreachable until a number of tech gates are passed. When completing the spoils priority, the rating gets worse. Spoils also generates a small amount of GHGs directly. The economy priority does not generate GHGs or affect the sustainability rating (for now; we’ll see how this goes).

  • Rework of some priority mechanics. Many priority benefits that affect national stats now scale with the population of the country, so working on GDP or inequality in China will go slower than working on it in Botswana.

(We are currently considering a larger rework of priorities. Among other things, that would involve breaking the environmental curing effects into a separate priority from welfare.)

*** Tech

  • Tech tree changes: Deprecated Neutronium Containment, H-Li-6 Fusion, High Energy Electrothermal Propulsion, High Energy Electrostatic Propulsion techs. Added Neutronics, Superalloys, Space Navies, Tokamaks techs. Renamed “Proton-Boron Fusion” to “Aneutronic Fusion.” Moving projects around within this and made additional changes to prereqs all over the place.

  • Condensed dozens of weapon projects to simplify tech tree. eg at each level of laser (laser tech + color), there is a cannon project, and a battery project, instead of 7 separate projects for each weapon system. Missile projects were condensed by fuel+warhead type (mostly means a project will unlock a missile and torpedo together).

*** Ships

  • Ships now gain “officers” as a form of experience. There are 15 types of officers with 3 ranks each. They provide bonuses based on their type and rank. Officers spawn with a name based on certain conditions and a successful die roll. For example, a ship can gain or promote a gunnery officer when it gets a kill with gun-type weaponry.

  • Rework of targeting mechanics in combat. ECM modules now have a chance to add a forced cooldown on any weapon newly targeting the ship with the ECM. (ECM still has a chance to disable missiles immediately before they strike a target, although this functionality no longer affects nuclear and antimatter missiles; they just explode.) Added targeting computer module for ships to overcome enemy ECM. The duration of the cooldown depends on the internal success-failure roll.

  • Rework of internal ship damage mechanics so damage can exit a ship under certain circumstances and not be applied internally. This is typically for kinetic/penetrator/beam weapons with a small point of contact; explosive warheads, nukes, and antimatter weapons are immune to this. This should make ships somewhat more survivable and give explodey things a larger niche.

  • Refined definition of explodey internal ship components and added UI to indicate what those are. Added “highly explosive” internal components that typically involve antimatter or salt-water rockets and do even more internal damage when damaged in combat.

  • All ships now have a max armor that can be placed on a facing, representing structural limitations of a ship. It’s different for nose/tail and lateral armor facing. Larger ships have much higher caps. The cap is determined by armor plate thickness, a ship can hold more armor of a type if it is thin.

  • Complete rework of particle weapons. In rough order of progression, there are now e-beamers, ion cannon, neutral particle cannon, antimatter cannon, and neutron cannon. The last three have significant range. Some of these can do normal (thermal) damage, but they now interact with armor differently – many beams will partially penetrate armor. They do radiation damage to “soft” systems – relying on computers and people, so particle beams are unlikely to kill a ship, but more likely to disable it. And kill officers.

Ship modules:

  • Added 40mm Autocannon and unlocking project. This has enough umph to be used as an early offensive weapon.

  • Added Flag Bridge and unlocking project. One flag bridge per fleet will reduce the fleet’s mission control consumption.

  • Added Salvage Bay and unlocking project. One per ship. Increases salvage recovery after a battle. Multiple modules in a fleet are subject to diminishing returns so you don’t recover more material than was actually present.

  • Added series of 3 targeting computer modules with unlocking projects that help overcome enemy ECM.

  • Added mid-tier Foamed Metal Armor ship armor and project.

  • Added Siege Coilguns. Size 3/4 Nose-mounted coilguns that fire huge shells at a slower ROF.

  • Poseidon missiles: High-DV Nuclear-Powered Penetrator with a smaller warhead.

  • Python missiles: a 50kt nuclear missile that can be used defensively.

  • Racer missiles: Rapid-fire short range missiles that can be used defensively.

  • Added three additional shape charged torpedoes, fixed bugs in casaba damage mechanics, added casaba vfx. Added shaped-charge missile that can be used defensively.

  • All missiles received increased thrust as they were unrealistically low. Acceleration for missiles is 2x to 4x higher than previously.

  • Nuclear and amat missiles are immune to “last chance” anti-missile effect of ECM.

  • Larger Rail and coilguns generally received higher ROF.

  • Plasma weapons had targeting ranges reduced (especially turrets).

  • Laser Engines output doubled.

  • Overhaul of drives: Removed Resistojet, Hall Drive, Arcjet Drive from the game. Added free ISRU capability to four electric drives. Rebalances of fission drives to scale research cost with capability and make some dominant strategies less so. Overhaul fusion tree to create progressions and tradeoffs between five fuel types and six containment types. Added three new fusion drives in total. Added a “Helium-3” mechanic – fusion drives that use the material as fuel must pay a fissiles cost to re-propellant (representing making He-3 in reactors) unless they have a specialized hab module in a station orbiting a gas giant that extracts it from the gas giant atmosphere.

  • A number of significant adjustments to the trajectory system that should make it better at calculating low-DV transfers.

*** Terrestrial Warfare

  • Changes to army warfare and occupation. Occupation % can now go down during fight on success rolls from defending forces. Occupation rate is now much more incremental, with a small chance of a larger spike each day (representing a battle). Occupation rate scales with region size and population, so it is much quicker to occupy Iceland than it is Moscow. Army healing is slower. Significant force size and tech differences can still lead to rapid occupation of a nation but grinding attrition warfare is now also possible. Regional defenses now receive a 10% miltech bonus for each adjacent region belonging to the nation that isn’t engaged in fighting, representing abstracted mobile defensive forces.

  • Added some code to make sea transit durations a lot more accurate to the real world and pay attention to landforms as increasing travel times. If you’re at war with the nation controlling the Suez or Panama canals, your transits will take a lot longer as you go around Africa/South America.

*** Habs

  • Outpost Cores now costs 2 MC instead of 1. Colony and Ring Cores now cost 4 MC instead of 5.
  • Added T1 and T2 Heavy Fusion modules.
  • Added T3 Helium-3 extraction module that removes fissiles propellant cost for D-He3 fusion drives. It goes in the lowest orbit of the gas giants.
  • Extra mission control cost for having a large mine network is now on a per-mine instead of a per-space-body basis. The number of “freebie” mines not subject to this effect increased from 12 to 24. This is a balancing mechanic to reduce utility of dominant Mars strategy and emphasize asteroid mining more, and building “tall.”

*** Solar System

  • Comets! You can now explore and develop comets. There are 10 comets modeled in the biggest Solar System scenario. Also they look pretty cool.

  • Update the outer Solar System with the latest data on the Kuiper Belt. (There’s a lot of uncertainty about what’s a dwarf planet out there). Some smaller dwarfs got demoted to asteroids or removed; a few new dwarfs were added. Added newly reported sizeable moons of Neptune and Uranus. Added one Jupiter moon that’s 400 meters from our normal threshold of 10 km. Found a case where we had the same KBO twice with slightly different orbital elements; replaced it with another KBO not represented in the game. Solar System initialization changed so that which orbits and hab sites to use are defined from the space body template instead of through meta templates, to make maintaining meta templates easier.

*** Invaders

  • Added tier-3 lasers, magnetic guns, missiles, and drives for alien ships. These will become available after a certain campaign duration (dependent on difficulty).

*** Combat

  • AI Missile Targeting got an update. AI will now attempt to overwhelm PD and kill the target while limiting missile over fire. AI will also attempt to fire missiles from more favorable launch trajectories.

  • Damage and System Function indicators got an overhall to help the player better understand their fleet status at a glance.

  • Damage Control got an update, the size of a ship’s dam con team controls the rate of repairs. When a dam con team is large enough multiple modules can be repaired at once. Added a visual indicator to what module is being repaired in combat.

  • Some parts once destroyed cannot be repaired past a particular point while on sortie. To be fully repaired they have to be sent to a dock.

*** Gameplay

  • After 10 and 20 years, respectively, the frequency of the mission phase goes down to 1 every 3 weeks and then monthly.

-added new music fanfares for strategy layer events and combat
-a bunch of new alien ship names courtesy of Discord user Sarah. Thanks!


  • Alien AI will now pick sites for new habs from its five favorites instead of among all weighted options.
  • Combat AI should emphasize wall tactics more.
  • AI will now modify its assessment of enemy strength based on enemy success in battle


  • Sortable hab lists in the hab screen
  • Hab module detail will now alert you if the module goes on stations- or base-only.
    -feedback for why refit is invalid in designer


  • improvements to late game load times via VFX pooling
  • improvements to AI thinking on councilors, orgs, tech and project selection


  • Recolored Neptune to a kind of sky blue now that we learned the azure blue was a LIE.
  • Adjusted rotational period on a few bodies to sidereal period instead of solar for accuracy
  • Made a pass at code intended to reduce duplication of org icons.
  • Orbit trails for highly elliptical orbits should be better visualized now


  • Body in space object detail panel will orbit properly on tilt


  • add template entries for better customization of faction ship hulls and army skins