Tanti razzi pochi cazzi.

Udo, questo è il server di cui parlavamo ieri:

Ghostdog Rocketarena, fatboy mutator, CTF-face only.


Ci sono molti italiani sconosciuti, è molto popolato, tutti sparano missili (spesso su se stessi).

Importante, leggere le rules prima di giocarci:


"Venghino signori che qui c'è il vino buono!"

E' anche RA o ci si fa male coi propri missili?

Quoto sul Ns forum e ci vediamo (volendo anche stasera)
Ci si fa male! Potrei mai io giocare in un server dove non posso spararmeli sui piedi e suicidarmici?

Edit: ieri sera nel tornare a casa mi pareva di guidare una macchinina driftante rossa , maledetta droga!
Solo a me non apre il regolamento?
Ma scusami la domanda banjo, ma da quand'è che giochi a Rocketarena?...so che di solito usi un fucile che spara raggi rossi...
Eppure speravo che il titolo del thread ti avrebbe tenuto lontano, hai tu forse invertito razzi con cazzi?


In short, a defender:
- will try to always be outside to defend his base
- will use powerups when there are no incoming enemies, so he can get back outside again
- will not roofcamp
- will use the base only for powerups, not for defense
- should only go inside his base (to kill) when there are already enemies inside

There are many complaints about different players at times (including me) and quite a few players get kicked or banned for camping. I'll try to explain the difference between camping and defending here.

Facing worlds
Facing Worlds has 2 bases with a wide open area in between. This area, with a lot of open space is perfect for rockets, since RA requires much space to play it well. Inside the bases it's another story, there is much less space and visibility, and thus more spam and unexpected deaths.

What is a camper?
A camper will stay inside the base, using walls and portals to stay invisible/untouchable. He has all the powerups near him, so it's hard to kill him. A camper will most likely also spam a lot (constantly shooting where he can't see anyone but might suspect someone coming, for example at the flag).

Defending: how to?
A defender will use the entrance hall and the outer area near the entrance to stop incoming enemies. Personally, if I defend, I try to kill them outside as much as possible (not only to avoid beeing called a camper, but also since rockets inside the base is unpredictable, as said before). I use the base only as a place to get powerups, which I will take when I don't see anyone coming across the midfield (running back in base when enemies are about to enter your base comes close to camping). Sometimes I miss someone, and meet him at the roof for example. Often I will then just portal down and run to the midfield, without ever touching him.

Cleaning the base
I will go into my base when there are already enemies inside it. I often find it strange, almost amusing even, that people expect to have the base for themselves; kill them once and they scream "camper!". I think everyone has the right to clear their base once there are enemies inside. The enemies inside your base can camp as much as they want; it's your responsability to keep the base clean.

What is roofcamping?
Roofcamping (spamming the portal on the roof) is pretty similar to camping with an impact hammer with normal weapons (by charging it and holding it against the portal). In both cases there is little chance of survival, and most server admins from normal weapons will warn/kick/ban people for doing this. Ofcourse, killing someone on the roof who's right behind you is no problem, but for example waiting at the roof for the enemy flagcarrier to pass by, then kill and cap is just lame.
Che tradotto sarebbe?
Se vuoi difendere, lo fai fuori dalla base.
Se vuoi prendere i powerups nella tua base, prima ti assicuri che di fuori non ci sia nessuno in arrivo, prendi il necessario ed esci subito.
Puoi entrare nella tua base solamente quando uno o più avvesari ne sono all'interno.

Rispetta queste e vai con dio!
Magari onlyface e' un peccato, ma mi ci trovo molto bene.
banjo.. ma organizzare una serata a tema onlymissili andaction come una volta no?
AndAction... :Q_________________________
What about Mercoledì/Giovedì 21:00? 5v5 only rocket in CTF-PureAction?
Boh, se ci sono queratemi...


I Midiclorian GoDini si stanno diffondendo ovunque!
Stasera Udo cti andrebbe bene? Se si, preparo quel che serve"r" ed il resto...
Se mancasse qualcuno lo raccattiamo!
Quakenet #veramentenice 21:00 stasera, vediamo chi c'è!

visto ora, corro nel server
(non ho Qnet sul pc
Noooooo Udo
Ti sei perso 40 min "cielopienodirazzi"

La prossima volta faccio qualcosa con più preavviso