Seconda Patch

Oggi dovrebbe uscire la seconda patch con modifiche ad alcuni bugs davvero fastidiosi [come quello dell'uomo invisibile, la registrazione a gamespy, la tastiera che non rispondeva bene -tipo il tasto shift-, ecc...ecc..].
In termini fisici nel gioco non cambia niente, ma almeno ci si leva qualche fastidio.
buono per me possono risolvere anche un bug alla volta basta che lo fanno

ovviamente un patch alla settimana
bé dai quello dell'uomo invisibile che fraggava era assurdo
ecco la patch 1.10
cosa risolve sta patch?
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter version 1.10
Release Notes

There are two versions of the patch:
- one for the retail version of the game (retail.exe)
- one for the downloadable version of the game (download.exe)

- Please make sure you do not install the download version of the patch for the retail/box version of the game and vice versa.
- Please be aware that this patch will overwrite your key bindings. To avoid any issues with this you MUST do this and remap your keys through the game interface.

- Numerous HUD fixes to prevent issues with cameras, inventory screens and resupply.
- Animation and lighting fixes for various objects.
- Fixed general synchronization problems in Cooperative and Domination modes.
- Destructible objects are correctly reset when restarting rounds in multiplayer.
- Issues causing user disconnects in multiplayer have been found and fixed.
- You can no longer remain invisible and kill players using grenades.
- Fixed crash that could occur after restarting rounds on Avenues map.
- Player can no longer spawn dead or remain living when the round restarts.
- Zone glitches on two multiplayer maps corrected.
- Game no longer crashes while attempting to open inventory out of Dom zone.
- Helicopters will no longer fall down in certain situations.
- Cooperative objective waypoints correctly appear after spawning into an AI ghost.
- Domination statistics have been adjusted.
- GRAW will no longer run as process priority "High", resolving keyboard problems.

Interface updates
- Coop players can now see status of others in inventory.
Gray means loading, yellow is not ready, green means good to go.
- You no longer have to press "Enter" to confirm input in the multiplayer interface.
This should fix certain issues users were having with Gamespy login.
- In game chat can now be toggled to be visible or not.
Default key for this is "u". You will still receive chat messages when this is hidden.
- Key bindings added for CrossCom actions.
It is now possible to reassign the CrossCom previous and next buttons through the game interface. This change will resolve the issue for users with no mouse wheel.

AGEIA updates
- Landscape meshes for levels tuned and updated for better AGEIA performance.
- Performance increase on bullet hit particles.
- Some stalls have been removed.
- A bug that caused zero vertices in baked fluid meshes has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the rigid bodies from a hand grenade explosion to fall through the ground has been fixed.
- A faster rendering mode has been added for debris particles.
- PhysX effects modified to use the faster rendering mode.
nn si hanno ancora notizie sull'add on? che cosa introdurrà, come, e soprattutto quando?
Besides the 1.10 patch Ubisoft also released some info about the next patches;

UbiRazz, Ubisoft Community Manager:
Starting in June, Ubisoft and developer GRIN will release brand new multiplayer modes, including:
Deathmatch mode, Map Editor for Deathmatch and Domination, anti-cheat fixes, Anti Aliasing feature, and New co-op maps

Throughout the summer:
Team Deathmatch, Hamburger Hill modes, Original GR co-op mode, Map editor for TDM, HH, OGR co-op, GRAW co-op improvement (quick start and respawn) and Dedicated Server pack
Half of the Grin development team has been assigned to work on new MP modes (Deathmatch, Map Editor, New coop maps, Team Deathmatch, Hamburger Hill, Original GR coop mode and many more can be expected) – Those new MP modes won’t all arrive simultaneously, but little by little, so the idea is to release them through updates (1st update for Mid june, then monthly)
We are currently finalizing a deal to have dedicated servers for GRAW (launch during June)
notizie rilasciate sull'add-on, per chi nn è interessato legga solo la fine.

Exclusive details on the upcoming patch! BIG thanks to WOLF-Ato on
Patch details, un-official translation from French to English:

Addition of the mode of play Deathmatch a new type of play Deathmatch (DM) was added, like 3 charts DM.
New missions in Coop. Update of missions 1, 5 and 9 to function in Coop mode. All the countryside is now playable as a multijouor.

Rehandling of the interface waiter. Many options were added: Conditions of starting of a match ("all full sites", "all ready players", "a ready player in each camp" and "ready waiter"). Possibility of decontaminating the tactical points. Any player joining a waiter limited in regenerations will profit from as many regenerations as the player to which it remains about it less, or will have any no if the match is regulated on 1 only regeneration. The players present on a waiter limited in regenerations regenerates themselves automatically in the play at the end of 60 seconds. An option of "immortality to regeneration" was added, adjustable from 1 to 10 seconds.

The screen of statistics of the Domination mode was updated. It contains from now on better statistics of match and turn, and keeps in memory the stats from one turn to another (throughout match). You now have access to the scores of the match in progress and time remaining in the screen of statute of the play, via the key by defect.
Kits of weapons are now available. With the bottom of the inventory 4 kits per defect, entirely skeletal are. If a waiter is launched with the option "decontaminated tactical Points", the kit which you chose will be automatically réattribué to you with each new regeneration.
Better feeling of impact. New sounds are present when you are touched or that you touch somebody. When you are touched, your sight shifts compared to the center. The characters were also updated, the zone of "headshot" (a ball in the head) is from now on taller. The damage caused by the weapons was also updated, increasing the chances to kill out of a ball in the head.

The window of chat raises new colors. Your actions are represented in blue, the red announces the enemy activity. The yellow is useful for the messages and the chat is always in white. The window of chat has three views, via the key "U" by defect. Normal, transparent or hidden.
Chat added to the screens of state.
The window of chat makes it possible to post more text in the higher resolutions.
An option to lean (activated by defect) was added to the options of play.
The principal weapon, the secondary weapon, the back bag, the lance-grenade, the grenade with fragmentation and the smoke grenade can be now seen allotting fast keys.
Antialiasing: an option of smoothing of the edges was added to the graphic options.
There is now a dialog box "Connection to" at the time of connection to a waiter. This makes it possible to post more information and possible error messages on the reasons which prevent you from joining a waiter.
Personalized files context.xml can now take care with the parameter - O on GRAW.exe.
The key of capture of screen can now be allotted since the screen of options. The key by defect is "Inser".

An option of waiter anti-cheating was added. Activated once, this option launches several checks to conform the customer and the waiter. Note that that will assign all the users of the modified files, including GRAW.exe (una sorta di MD% Check Tool di PB, ndr). If you wish to play with files modified, ensure you that the configuration of the waiter corresponds to yours, or you will not be able to play (this includes all the files in the /local file).

Addition of the editor. The proper editor of Grin was updated and is now available. Call the assistance integrated while pressing on the F1 key. We also incorporated a basic teachware, which you can find in the Support file of the play. After having designed your chart, support on Echap, then on Export to prepare the chart with the play. That will enable you to regulate certain options like lightings and the level of quality. Note that the calculation of returned large charts can be very long. Once the finished process, a file of the name of your chart to the bundle extension will be placed in the file custom_levels (personalized levels) of GRAW. This bundle file can be freely distributed. It is the only file which you have need to place at the disposal. All the players wishing to use your chart must have a copy locally of it. Updates of the IA

The IA understands now that the fixed weapons and the nests of machine guns are threats.
The IA now attacks the destructible vehicles transporting of the soldiers (including the helicopters).
The IA attacks now systematically when it is taken for target.
Team-members IA are more inclined to bend down to protect itself. They bend down immediately when one draws to them above.
Team-members IA avoid sinking you directly above whereas you draw to them above at short distance. Corrections
Change of the screen of statistics in coop, it contains more information for all.
Correction of a bug out of phantom camera where one could remain blocked at the end of the mission coop.
Correction of a bug which made lose statistics IA at the time of the regeneration of a player.
It is now possible to aim downwards in laid down position, where it is normal of being able to do it.
To take a step on side after a sprint does not make it possible any more to reveal immediately its weapon.
Suppression of a short time preventing from running after having reloaded.
The number of grenades was adjusted as a multijouor.
The rusted pipes were corrected.
Update of certain graphic objects so that they are posted correctly.
The normal weapons cannot explode any more the barrels.
The warehouses of the chart Multijoueur 02 were modified and certain removed physical effects.

The enemy markers appear now suitably on the enemy tanks and helicopters.
Corrections of some minor plantings and bugs.
The players can now buy more ammunition as a multijouor.
The change of weapons is correctly synchronized as a multijouor.
Correction of an error which prolonged the sound of the air conditioning after it was broken.
Various corrections of the interface.
The play does not plant any more at the time of the loading of a Domination chart without zones.


NOTE: There is NO date for the patch yet.
scritto due volte

NOTE: There is NO date for the patch yet.

almeno sono certi su una cosa
Domani Esce!