Programma AIM elezioni presidenziali AGOSTO

ecco la prima parte che é quella di economia:

Dear eCitizens,

AIM is proud to present you the program we intend to apply for the next month, in order to make greater and stronger our beautiful country.
The program is divided in sectors:


* Gold/ats exchange: As you may know, in this month, with a big effort of both the National Welfare East and the National Treasury we fought the inflation, setting the exchange of gold/ats at 0.018 and the exchange ats/gold at 58ats.
We intend to continue to act with both the Government Organs in order to reach values of
1 ats = 0.020 gold and 1 gold = 52 ats.
This will be done putting on the market little amounts of ats and gold.

* Company Register Book: This is a list that will serve as reference for the Government for the Bounty System and Loan initiatives. We need to know which the sectors that need workers and/or loans are. The Book will be done by the Economy Minister.

* Bounty System: Once established the sector that needs more workers, a sector bounty system will be announced both on journals and erepublik forum. The aim of the bounty is to attract people to come and work in eAustria.
The Bounty System will offer:
- moving ticket reimbursement
- 100ats after one month
- q2 house at lower prices (with an agreement with the NGI Real Estate)

Everything has to be done as contract in the Contract Section.

* Institution of a World Economy Analyzer that will analyze foreign markets in order to establish in which of them it is an economical advantageous to export.

* Loans and/or injections to buy licenses or to pay the company upgrade: They will be of two types:
- without restitution (only for gifts, weapons and moving ticket companies): in this case 50% of the investment will be given, and a contract between Government and Company will be done, in which a part of the company production has to be put in stock, and sold to Government SO at lower prices when the Government asks for.
- restitution with interests (for all the companies): in this case the 75% of the investment will be given.

scusate gli errori che sicuramente ci saranno, ma sono mezza fusa
seconda parte:


- An initial Army was organized, and its organization was recently renewed by the Defense Minister Metallon.
As announced in this article: , the "Kaiserlich Königliche Landwehr" as the "XXI Landwehr Infanterie Regiment" ones will be funded directly by the Government.

- The Mediterranean Alliance as you knew it till now doesn’t exist anymore. Hence, at the moment a new Alliance is under discussion. This Party anyway will continue to trust in the MA allied (expecially Italy and Hungary), and in the new allies Pakistan and Indonesia, and will strongly fight against any further expansion of the NA in Europe.

The Welfare Program, started by the last Government will be developed with the creation of a proper Minister of Wellness.
National Welfare East, that till now took care of all the workers, will take care of wellness of the private companies workers.
Government owned companies (ANHCC, Technical University of Austria and Health Care Center) workers will be pushed directly by the SOs managing the companies, and soldiers wellness will be increased thanks the action of SOs created to lead the Regiments.

Specific contracts will be signed between gift companies and Government in order to guarantee the gift needs at a good price and at the right quantity.

We want eAustria be a saved country, where every citizens has equal rights and duty. Is with this picture in mind that this Government, in the persons of Aanok Tourmil (Justice Minister) and Dierre (Justice consultant) is finishing the eAustrian Constitution, that will be published next month.
We also want to protect the National Treasury as well the Government SO from being stolen from corrupted Presidents or Ministers . With this aim the Anti- National Treasury and Government stealing law will follow soon.

Vote AIM
vote Mappina
mi piace

piccolo OT: qualcuno oggi ha ri-accennato alla quesito sito per i ministri etc
il widget con inclusa chat irc è un MUST
forum irc chit e chat li lascio volentieri a voi

please fatemi sapere se vi piace o se devo cambiare qualcosa, che domani mattina lo vorrei pubblicare.
tra l'altro mi servirebbe qualcuno che lo pubblichi che io non posso utilizzare il giornale del presidente, e pubblicarlo solo come Press Release non ha abbastanza visibilitá
uhm sono soltanto alcune postati quIRCa e là se serve aiuto avvisa pure
io metterei una postilla in cui mi si da il diritto esclusivo di sbroccare contro chiunque per qualunque motivo... per il resto va bene
il programma è ottimo

tra gli obiettivi nostri del mese prossimo aggiungerei creazione del sito/forum dedicato all'austria con relativa chat Irc intena.
si, per settembre

comunque chi per agosto si vuole sbattere un po' lo dica così gli tiriamo dietro roba da fare, ministeri, cazzi e mazzi

Per la costituzione ho un po' rallentato perché non mi dispiacerebbe riuscire ad aprire il dibattito anche ad eventuali nuovi congressmen crucchi. Comunque oggi pomeriggio arriva l'ultima parte.

non ho aggiunto la creazione del forum e del canale IRC, perche' sono solo un mezzo per comunicare che puo' essere esterno ad un programma politico.
lo metto come impegno di partito che comunque perseguiremo a prescindere da chi verra' votato.

come ha giustamente detto cornolio mi servirebbe sapere chi di voi e' presente ad agosto e se si in che periodo, cosi' ci dividiamo un po' i compiti.

intanto divertiti pure qui con quel coglione di black car mafia

eccolo qui

ora se qualche anima pia mettesse a disposizione il giornale e lo pubblicasse anche come articolo con una short introduction, sarebbe stupendo

tu chiede... io fa
grazie a tutti e due
Sti 20 ATS di tassa sulla casa chi li ha messi


Come non detto, il sindaco di salisburgo parla di rimborsare una parte per rendere la tassa progressiva ma poi va chiesto al sindaco il rimborso ?
si esattamente
sverky é il sindaco
ma guarda tra le sue press release, devi postare lí
e comunque hai tempo fino alla fine di agosto per pagare