Patch Notes for Incarna

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Questo è ovvio, ma se io voglio chiudere un account lo devo poter chiudere quando voglio, a prescindere dalla data di scadenza. Il gm dice che io non ho il link per cancellare perchè il mio account era già impostato per non rinnovare. Se vuoi cancellare prima della scadenza devi farlo tramite petition, te lo chiudono subito.
the realities of eve
reported by CCP Zulu | 2011.06.26 08:56:45
Patch Notes for Incarna 1.0.1

Windows from Incarna 1.0 to Incarna 1.0.1 is 13 MB
Windows full client 4.5 GB
Mac from Incarna 1.0 to Incarna 1.0.1 is 9 MB
Mac full client 5.9 GB


User Interface

An issue with the scaling of the Nobel Exchange (NeX) store window has been fixed.
An issue that occurred with the Items window when clone jumping has been fixed.
Tabbing while in the login screen will no longer change the focus from connect to being unfocused.
BPOs and BPCs can now be uniquely identified in cargo scanner results when scanning a ship carrying a courier package, yarrr!
The bracket around the CQ mirror will no longer be incorrectly visible when the camera is in certain positions.
Overview brackets, and brackets in space, will no longer be missing the right hand side for battleships and capital ships.
The Client Update loading bar will now start at 0% instead of at 40%.
Pressing tab to collapse windows now works in station.
When using a text entry box that supports auto-completion the drop down menu will now correctly hide after selecting an item.
The Corp Recruitment UI will now display the end date for advertisements.
The Corp Recruitment UI will now expand and show recruiters.
Fixed the Corp Recruitment UI to better handle applications for large volumes of applications. The applications have been split into a separate tab, can be sorted, and can now display more than three applications at once.
The "reconnect to lost probes" button on the scanner is now only active if you have a probe launcher fitted.
Added a page counter to the search results of the Agent Finder.
You can now search for agents by both region and solar system in the Agent Finder.
Agent levels are now easier to select in the Agent Finder.
"Remove Solar System from Overview" option no longer appears in the right-click menu for Bookmarks.


Resolved light flickering on ATI CrossFire enabled hardware.
Fixed shadow rendering in the New Character Creator.
The character creator will now load after changing character lighting and then clicking the back button.


Resolved a crash issue when loading into the Captains Quarters.
The Corporation "Edit Member" function has been fixed.
The client would occasionally crash if jumping when the client was minimized. This has been fixed.
When running full screen on the secondary monitor, the mouse will no longer jump to the primary monitor when clicking.
Fixed a crash triggered by undocking from station.
Fixed a minor memory leak when undocking from station.
Fixed an issue, that on very rare occasions, could cause the camera to disconnect from the players avatar in the CQ.
Fixed an issue, that on rare occasions, could cause the mouse cursor to not behave as expected in the CQ.
Additional server side errors relating to the mouse controls within the CQ were fixed.


Salvager modules will no longer receive bonuses meant for tractor beams.
While using a Focused Warp Disruption script in a Warp Disruption Field Generator I a bubble-effect was sometimes shown for other pilots. This is no longer occurs.
Boosters and Implants

Active boosters no longer prevent clone jumping. Remember to always boost responsibly!


An issue causing skills to not be applied to ships has now been resolved.


The Mac client will now close properly after pressing the close button on the top left of the game window.
Resolved an issue on the Mac where an interior shader instruction didn't take into account LOD bias.
Fixed the Mac ILR flare issues for Caldari stations.


Item names in the NeX store have been fixed.

Captain's Quarters

Fixed an issue where an avatar would be unable to move when undocking and redocking while sitting.
Fixed an issue where UI buttons on balcony became active while sitting on the sofa.
Fixed an issue where Bounty content was displayed at Stations where no Bounty Office existed.

New Player Experience

A typo in "Help: Combat Tactics – Working with Transversal Velocity (Pt I)" has been corrected.
Fixed an issue with the Epic Journal not reporting the correct mission status of a completed arc.
Fixed an issue with Voice Over not playing in step 2 of 3 in "Fitting your Ship" for the Amarr.
Fixed an issue with the Russian localization tutorial image to point to “Set Destination” instead of “Set Waypoint”.
Players performing the second mission of the Newbie Tutorial arc will no longer receive a faction standing hit.
The Industry Career mission agents have been resupplied and will now provide a Miner I so you can complete the mission.

In-game Browser

Fixed an issue with permissions with the in-game browser causing it to crash when opening.
Sarebbe bello se uno potesse farlo senza dover andare modificare i file del cient. Di sicuro, è un segno di quanto sia flessibile la tecnologia che stanno sviluppando per Incarna.

Ma quale tecnologia flessibile, è solo un hack del client

Ci sono sempre stati, in alcune alleanze nel 2005 avevano l'iconcina con lo standing a fianco del nome del pilota in local, 1 anno prima che la CCP lo implementasse nel client ufficiale.
Quindi fra un anno potremo scegliere che film guardare nel CQ. Secondo me è carino che si possa fare. Ci guarderò i film? No.
bè in attesa ad un titanbridge non è malaccio come cosa
Good informations so thanks .
se per questo si può anche aprire una finestra in EvE e vederci un film ... da diversi anni O_o
si ma ora possono fare il cinema dentro la stazione... manca solo di implementare il lancio di popcorn ed e' fatta