our current album online for FREE download-your oppinion wanted

para, you loveley assface
Manca il solito sorrisetto psicopatico
Eccolo lì il rincoglionito che conosco
Aka, stavo notando che il tuo nome, letto al contrario e' da froci.

Torno alla mia sambuca molinari
sì, ma falla evaporare nella pentola e aspira, che fa più effetto
i am finding it very hard to understand all this italian...

/me morto

don't worry, it's all bullshits Sambuca-related
well, some have wondered what we might be like live, so i out together a small vid and put it on the website. you can find it just underneath the album download. so if you are interested in our live show, watch the vid.


greetings, sam

Perchè l'ho scoperto solo oggi sto thread ... Sono agonizzante ...
hey digiman, i just stumbled on this thread and gave a ear to your stuff...

sorry but i'm gonna be totally honest with you, i was not particularly impressed
when i finished your disc, even if the music is well played i don't see any new
ideas or evolutions, just some good entertaining tracks, and it's a big no-no
for me

one thing i gotta tell you, your music sounds better than half of the shit that people
babbles around on the internets, it's well recorded and mastered, a
very nice work, i'm pretty sure that your band has talent and you can
acheive something really better!

a band better experienced live id imagine

nice site anyhow.

PS. a better review's coming up, i just need a bit more of inspiration .)
hi joyrex - thanx for your input...thanks for being honest.

i don't mind at all, that you don't like it - that's fair and it also makes me think about what we can do better next time. part of me wants to agree with what you said about the music not being anything "new"...you're right about that, on the other hand though, i don't think it always has to be that...i really enjoy taking a genre that is there and working with it through my ears, using my ideas to work in it.

so i think, on the next cd we'll try to be a little more innovative, but still i think we love making "entertaining" music...even if it's not a musical revolution.

thanx a lot though for your opinion...for me it's worth a lot to hear a good critisism...it makes me think...and i like thinking