
ahaha un mio amico ha beccato Galaahd

che culo!
Stranger: oh you're from italy, right?

You: yeah

You: what are the 5 best things in italy?

Stranger: ok if you ask that way:

Stranger: pizza

Stranger: icecream

Stranger: ok now its gettin hard....

Stranger: the girls?

You: yeah

Stranger: you help me?

You: was a personal question

You: you can answer what u like

Stranger: the weather!!

You: true

You: the baddest?

Stranger: berlusconi?!

You: ciao

Stranger: Hello, this is God speaking. You have one question, what do you want to ask?

You: mmmh it's hard god...

Stranger: I know, but take you time my friend

You: jesus it's really existed?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: that was your question?

You: no

Stranger: ah oke

You: it was a joke

Stranger: well, then ask your question

You: berlusconi gonna die?

Stranger: yes, very soon


You: i thank you god

Stranger: dont thank me, thank the murderer


merda orrore da dilettante martellate nei coglioni nau come ho fatto?
the baddest
THe baddest
probabilmente se non l'avesse detto non l'avreste notato, comunque la smerdata me la merito per un errore del genere



You: ciao bella!


Stranger: ciao bello

You: come va?

Stranger: I'm not itallian, sorry.

You: so sad

Stranger: :/

You: m or f?

Stranger: Female.

Stranger: You?

You: me too

Stranger: Cool

You: I'm lesbian

Stranger: I'm not

You: It took years to admit it to myself.. but .. it's so easy to say it online

You: it's.. a rational feeling

Stranger: Yeah, I'm glad you can admit it.

You: I mean.. pussy is wonderful

Stranger: Is it?

You: It tastes like.. strawberry!

Stranger: Lol,

You: do you like strawberry?

Stranger: I guess

You: so you'll love my pussy

Stranger: Lol, I think I'll pass though. I'm straight.

You: I see..

You: are you cutie?

Stranger: Umm...I don't know.

Stranger: Maybe

You: I really wish to see you

Stranger: Well, I don't have facebook or anything.

You: you make me feel sad

Stranger: Sorry.

You: I just broke up with my gf

Stranger: Aw, so sad.

You: she was so slutty

Stranger: Well, breaking up was probably the best.

You: and now she's gone away.. I begged her .. please don't go.. then now she left me here.. I'm broken.. I'm broken

Stranger: Why did you break up with her then?

You: She dismissed me for a guy..

You: I think she realized that she were straight

Stranger: Sorry... That must have been sad.

You: expecially when you realize that you're in love with her..

You: and.. you can't go further without her.. you can't .. believe me .. it breaks your heart

Stranger: Yeah, I know.

You: sorry, didn't mean to bore you

Stranger: No, I meant I know what it feels like.

You: seriously.. are you a female?

Stranger: Yes.

You: I am not

You: Did you like my story?

Stranger: I didn't think you was telling the truth.

the baddest?
Stranger: hello there
You: hey
You: what's up?
Stranger: not much
You: from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: and you?
You: italy
Stranger: cool
Stranger: male or female?
You: male, you?
Stranger: not cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: I'm a psychology student, do you mnd if i do a questionnaire on you for my dissetation?
You: hmm sure why not but you have to win a logical quiz first
You: and then i'll answer anything you like
Stranger: okay
You: great!
You: okay i'll show you 2 patterns
You: something like pattern1 -> number it means and pattern2 -> you don't know which number it means
You: each time, any pattern can have different meanings
You: such as, examples:
You: if ##OOO means 5 , what does #O### means ? (answer is 2)
You: okay ?
Stranger: of course
You: graeat!
You: if #O##O means 1 , what does ##OOO means ?
Stranger: this is obvious
Stranger: it means fuck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ah questi giovani che non capiscono le citazioni colte
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: whats your job
Stranger: i have a degree in journalism, you?
You: i waste my life making idiot work, playing in band and boxing
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

gente snob
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hello!

You: where are you from

Stranger: north carolina you?

You: Italy

You: Northern Italy

Your conversational partner has disconnected.