

Ma è Raptus Anale dei Prophilax

Chissà quanti di voi sono quì dentro
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: What is your grandmother's first name?

You: maybe i know her

Stranger: which one?

You: both

Stranger: tom and harry

You: i don't know

You: sorry

Stranger: whats urs?

You: i've must be misunderstandood

You: michela e giuseppa

You: do you know them?

Stranger: i do i do

You: great!

You: i think i've saw you in their last movie

Stranger: michela is a good friend of mine

Stranger: tell her i say hello

You: they take one guy and they punch him

You: then they start doing anal sex with a strap-on on him

You: did you suffered?

Stranger: nah, i loved every minute of it

You: i know

You: they're marvelous

Stranger: they need a bigger dildo next time

You: yes

Stranger: and it needs to be black

You: i hope to know your grandmothers too

You: one of these days

You: you know

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hello?
You: hey
Stranger: will you be my friend?
You: this is possible
Stranger: what must i do?
You: give me a present
Stranger: what would you like
You: happiness
You: where are you from
Stranger: a bad bad place
You: hi
You: where you from?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: japan
You: i'm from italy
Stranger: oh
Stranger: did you hurt in the war?
Stranger: age?
You: 23
Stranger: boy or girl?
You: boy
You: you?
Stranger: do u have girl friend?
You: no
Stranger: why?
Stranger: you are old enough

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: asl?
You: osl?
Stranger: 15 m USA
You: 98 H URSS
You: i WIN!!!
Stranger: ...communist...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

L'unica conversasione che ho iniziato con il goatse è risultata essere con una francesina che mi ha aggiunto su messenger
goatse powah

ok, il mio inglese non è il massimo ma... quello ci ha veramente creduto secondo me!
me l'hanno mandata

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi,
You: heilà
Stranger: u f and m?
You: yeah, both
You: lol
You: f OR m
You: noop
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: my name is benjamin linus and i hate you

You: HI :d

You: do you know something about Berlusconi ?

Stranger: noooo

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hi

Stranger: Agent 46?

Stranger: is that you?

You: yes man

Stranger: i have to be sure

You: what's my mission now ?

Stranger: and it is Sir! not yes man

Stranger: damn hippies

You: excuse me Sir

Stranger: i told them not to recruit in California

You: actually , there was a woman before

Stranger: here?

Stranger: impossible!

You: holy crap !

You: a fucking spy


Stranger: so what is the password?

You: damn hippies

Stranger: wrong

Stranger: one more chance

You: California sux

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hi :I

Stranger: give me something to fap to

You: ?

You: actually

You: im not very attractive

You: ç_ç

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
"i told them not to recruit in California"

le tag

Visto che qualche mod mi ha editato il link, andate su diochan, c'è una discussione con centinaia di log, alcuno con italiani.

paura eh

un poliziotto tra i 4

EDIT:Aò giornalista è na gnoccona!!!Io mi sarei fermato uguale