
La curerò con una sana terapia a base di percosse
Continuo a beccare jailbait finlandesi

Escono dalle fottute pareti Qualcuno mi passi l'afraid più saw

Ha 20 anni e studia giapponese?
Ho parlato per un po' con un cinese della censura su Falun Gong, Tibet, 4 giugno e mi ha detto di non averne mai sentito parlare prima. Gli ho passato qualche link di privoxy, torbutton e cose del genere per vedere qualche link oltre il great chinese wall... spero di non averlo messo nei guai
tetta gorbachova
Bastardo hai un muso giallo sulla coscienza.

18 e studia danza



i lold

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: got the code?
You: wat
Stranger: the code
Stranger: ur blane? or skaz?
Stranger: from greens village?
You: 4 8 15 16 23 42.
Stranger: how u know skaz
Stranger: is he in atlanta now?
You: no he went in messico last week
Stranger: mm thats bad
Stranger: well i hope he dies there
Stranger: h1n1 shit
You: maybe
Stranger: yeh
Stranger: but hey blane
Stranger: if its rly you and the code works
Stranger: come home ,brother
Stranger: need u ;(
You: i don't know if i will be back
Stranger: why not???
Stranger: goddamn
Stranger: leave skaz, hes nothing but trouble
Stranger: u know he wont be here so long
Stranger: after all ur my bro
You: police is looking for me
Stranger: shitz
You: skaz is a dumbass
Stranger: what did u do???
Stranger: why police is after u
You: skaz's cocaine
Stranger: damn, man
Stranger: knew it
Stranger: btw did you heard something about skinny z?
Stranger: i mean is she allright?
You: nope
Stranger: whats up with her
You: i didn't found her
Stranger: but no worries
Stranger: penny and jake are more important
Stranger: well, if the code works, cya tonite on hoodz 5
Stranger: know the route?
You: sure
Stranger: well ty
You: i'll be there
Stranger: bros again?
You: ya bro
Stranger: and promise me not to talk with skaz bastard ever again, ok?
Stranger: we'll kill him if he comes around
You: skaz is a piece of shit
Stranger: yeh thats rite
Stranger: well, gtg. loves ya bro
Stranger: ty for the code
You: bb
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

povero skaz
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: da dove dgt?
Stranger: no
You: zizze e culo?
You: italian?
Stranger: no
You: no
You: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Mai beccato un italiano
cmq le jailbait finniche escono dalle fottute pareti
beccato ieri un italiano 48enne
Io c'ho trovato Nanny una volta

Secondo me i finnici ci organizzano le orge pedo qua sopra.

Dai ce ne metto uno anchio di log:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi... and sorry for you im a male
You: dum de dum...
You: maybe there's some lag
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
<3 ma è un cuore.. e io che pensavo fosse un cazzetto