[MOD SP] : My Devil

- DOOM III Full Conversion RPG Modification Team -

Finally redid our webpage to exclude some of our old Quake clan stuff to avoid confusion and made a few improvements. Added a "What is MyDevil" FAQ that will be updated if we recieve any emails about it. A couple of screenshots are there, which are updated from time to time (I'm still on my limited homepage space) and you can keep up with the progress in the Development section.

E' u nuovo proggetto quindi per il momento ci sono solo poche informazioni,ecco l'Homepage:

http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/1961/linkblu8qx.gif http://home.triad.rr.com/fragmeister/ind ex.htm

questa è una presa da una piccola arena dove hanno fatto il loro partitone per festeggiare il nuovo anno,più che altro serve da augurio che da esibizione:

Queste sono SP e già più inetressanti che fanno vedere due ambientazioni di gioco con le prime impostazioni grafiche:

mica male come ambientazione: :nod:

qualche altra imamgine:

qualche informazione sul mod:

Feburary 22, 2006

Finished the new site layout. All of the old files are still here but most of the remaining stuff about our old Quake clan has been removed. Sometime next month, the other 2 MyDevil developers will be writing logs. They will be added to mine in the Dev Log section.

Join our IRC chat

MyDevil FAQ

What is MyDevil?

MyDevil is a Role Playing Game -type full conversion modification for Doom III.

How does MyDevil change Doom 3 gameplay basics?

Stat system including (but not limited to) experience, currency ($$$), and leveling. Huge map layouts. New weapons and different monsters. Player classes. Special abilities... and more.

When will MyDevil be out?

When it's finished. However, hopefully there will be a couple of public tests coming in a few months to those who are interested.

How long has the group worked on it?

Around a year now as of October 2005.

Does it have a storyline?

Although this mod will be setup so that anyone can make maps for it, all of our own maps will follow a plotline. This plot will be revealed in chunks on each map. It's set in a medival fantasy environment.

Will this mod be ported to Quake IV?

It doesn't look like it at this point.

Ci sarà anche una buona visuale in terza persona.