IUF Unreal League - The finals

It's more than 2 months that no one fight take place. Maybe all the clans are waiting for something new, like UT2003.

So it's time to close this league, to prepare all the clans and the IUF to the new game. The 4th best clans must play the finals, in order to assign the winner of this league.

Write down these date:
15 JUL 2002: 4th vs 1st rank: [] vs NcNapali
16 JUL 2002: 2nd vs 3rd rank: {TNF vs [_WIF_]

19 JUL 2002: 3rd-4th place (the losers of the semifinals)
20 JUL 2002: 1st-2nd place (the winner of the semifinals)


All Matches are played at 22:00 CET with the same rules used in the League;

Defaults: 3 games. Maps used: Deck16 - Curse - Ariza. FF 0% FL 50 TL 0;

Clans can change every details (except finals date/time), negotiating themselves the changes; changes must noticed to the ORG

For every question, contact The ORG at [email protected]

"Thanks to all clans that joined this league. Stay tuned for a big new league, introducing UT2003!"

I'll check the availability of other WIF members.

Btw, playing Finals on Friday and Saturday night isn't a good choice: a lot of people don't want to stay at home on those evenings.

It's more probable to have people free for play during the week, as for Semifinals. (22 and 23 July?)
Np for me, But I wanna "hear" the other 3 wararranger about this.

Remember U can change all the details about every match, as in the stanrdard league rules. (FL - TL - FF and so on)

I suggest every wararranger choose a map and the 3rd one could be a big/open one like Observatory/deck...
I can select for U the 3rd map..
no other reply..... hope it's all ok.
ma stasera giocano i TNF?
Noi WIF ci siamo.
Destino credo sia meglio chiedere chiaramente se la danno vinta o se hanno intenzione di giocare...non penso stasera ci saranno.
Io ho convocato gli altri WIF da 2 settimane e ho postato sul forum dei TNF per mettermi d'accordo sui settaggi: effettivamente, la risposta non รจ stata molto chiara...

Se loro sono almeno in 3, si gioca. Altrimenti perdono a tavolino. Easy.
Facile si!
C'erano. GG!
Chi chi?