[instantaction] signore e signori, tribes torna a vivere

Un po di news per tornare IT

prima di tutto per chi sa l'inglese c'è un podcast con una interview del project leader qui

poi qualche news:

Instant Action Technology

Q: How does the website PlayTribes.com amount to more than just "tribes in a browser"? Can't I get all the same functionality playing the game standalone from an installer?

A: The platform that PlayTribes is built upon provides us with a unique opportunity to present a community experience for the game Tribes that has never been seen before. The core technology itself enables us to stream down the game, and perform automatic updates to it when a user returns to play again. Both clients and servers can be updated automatically, providing very fast turnaround for bugfixes and additional content.

Q: What other kinds of features can you provide in the web that I can't get in standalone?

A: In the future the website can be used for a great number of things including, a repository for user demos, custom client configurations that follow you from computer to computer, player stats, etc. The instant action web platform allows us to build all of this functionality into a website that we can also play the game in, which is pretty cool.

Q: Is play tribes based on the same site framework as InstantAction.com?

A: PlayTribes.com is based on our new InstantAction platform that can be used to create individual light-weight websites to play games in. Because of the modular architecture of the platform, the PT.com website is very small and focused on just one thing, Tribes. There is a total of 1 page on the site when the game window is not being shown, and when the game is shown you can go fullscreen with ease to forget the web is even there. The site is all about making playing Tribes so convenient that you might just want to play it again (or try it for the first time.)

Q: Will I be required to play the game from within a browser page?

A: The game will not have the restriction of only being able to run from within the PlayTribes.com site. However some community features integrated into the site in the future, such as persistent stat tracking may require you to be playing within the web-page to access.

Game Technology

Q: How has the game been updated with respect to it's Graphics and Rendering pipeline
A: While we have not provided updated graphics files for the game, it is possible to create your own high resolution replacement textures. Updated effects may be added in the future as time permits.

Q: What changes have been made to the original game that would make me want to play this new one over the copy I already have?

* Base scripts have been completely re-organized to be easier to understand with an extended set of common server admin functions built in
* Base client configuration will be competition ready and configurable in the GUI, without need for custom scripting
* Many bugs and security holes have been patched in the engine
* Game runs excellently on Windows Vista
* SIMD framework added (MMX/SSE/etc..)
* Extended scripting language additions and functions that offer extended scripting functionality for modders, without sacrificing backwards compatibility
* Ski Script built in to base client so there's no more need for crushing your space bar
* and of course the Terrain bug on Stonehenge has been fixed.
* Zip files replace proprietary (.vol)Volume files for data storage
* PNG files replace proprietary (.pbmp)palettized bitmap files for True color texture support

Q: I heard from [here/there/somewhere], speculation that mods would not be supported, is this true?
A: From the beginning of this project a goal has been to make sure that mods are not sacrificed. Mods may need to adjust a few things here and there to work with the new base game scripts with the new version, but should work with relatively small amounts of fixing up.

Q: What if my mod needs to have custom art or data downloaded to the client.
A: There are no immediate plans to directly distribute them through the site, so we may have to filter them from the server list for players that are in browser. Luckily most mods don't require extra art and files. We may selectively seek the permission to release a community made resource through our website from the author, at our discretion.

Si però le paste se le mangiava solo amoz

Ottima notizia quella delle texture e skin personalizzabili in alta risoluzione, sono più che convinto che qualche manettone ci penserà molto rapidamente, e inoltre dicono che daranno pieno supporto (per quanto possibile) ad eventuali mod (se ho capito bene ).
In ogni caso la community di tribes ebbe un'impennata anche perchè tgm regalò il gioco completo a dicembre 99, devo avercelo ancora quel numero.
Questo tribes web based è secondo me una situazione simile a quella che successe nel 99, in cui molti player approdarono a tribes (seppur con una "scrematura" non indifferente grazie alla difficolta di gioco discussa qualche pagina addietro) proprio grazie a tgm e il gioco gratis.
Detto questo c'è un'alta probabilità che come dici nikki, tutto vada a puttane, ma io (e tanti altri old tribbers) sarò/saremo nel server a giocare proprio per evitare che questo accada, quindi porcocazzo non vedo l'ora che esca sto tribes wb
oh noes....
speriamo si possano installare anche script..

Per questo penso che Greasemonkey potrebbe rivelarsi molto utile...

Ufini, il mio hunter preferito
non sara necessario, han gia confermato la possibilita di scriptare...
e allora mastro rompimi su msn a ripetizione quando uscirà la versione giocabile

figuramose l'altri
Dai che alla Lan di jopi m'hai quasi ammazzato di botte perchè ti ho headshottato che stavi salendo in base su Dangerous Crossing, me lo ricordo ancora il terrore che ti alzassi e mi polverizzassi