Incursion: la cagata

Nella mia ingenuità avevo dato per scontato che la CCP avesse preparato una conversione dal portrait 2D al volto del character 3D. Invece vedo che tutti partono con il volto blank e che devi creare un nuovo volto da zero.

- tutti quelli che conosci avranno un volto completamente diverso
- tutti quelli che non loggano saranno senza volto


Credo che sia tecnicamente impossibile ricostruire il volto 3d a partire da un'immagine 2d fatta pure con un engine diverso... O.o

Il massimo che potevano fare e' tenere il portrait 2d (magari per un tot di tempo) per chi non avesse ancora creato quello nuovo...

Il nuovo portrait "3d" non è in 3d, è uno screenshot del volto del tuo nuovo avatar.

Il MINIMO che potevano fare, vorrai dire.
Alcune cose carine sulla UI:
un bottone "group all weapons"
i quadratini col colore del sec status sistemi dell'autopilot sono in orizzontale
La cosa veramente sconvolgente per me è che mi sono riletto meglio questo pezzo: cui avevo dato solo un occhiata di sfuggita, e mi ero eccitato al nuovo allestimento di armi/lock e soprattutto hp di armor etc, salvo poi scoprire che quello sopra è uno screen vecchio.

Più che altro: ma un fottuto metodo migliore per attivare/disattivare l' overload?

Non solo, ma da marzo in avanti non potrai loggare in game se non ti sei fatto un nuovo look. Comunque, chi se ne frega delle vecchie foto, finalmente potrò avere i capelli!
a quando un modo decente per accendere/spegnere l' overload dei moduli?

Cmq ho riletto l' articolo sul nuovo neo-com che avevo visto di sfuggita, e sono rimasto sconvolto perchè pensavo che quello in cima fosse uno screen di come volessero cambiare l ' UI invece scopro che PRIMA era in quella maniera. Intendo quello con hp di armor, scudi etc a lato dei moduli :sad:

su test server non c'è

Shift + (Alt, Ctrl)+ Fn come toggle overload non ti va bene?
Il titolo del topic mi fa morire "la cagata", non so perchè m'è venuto in mente abatantuono e le polpette alla merda.

presenting the portrait preservation project

My name is CCP Purple Tentacle from Team Yggdrasil, the team responsible for EVE Gate. I am a real old-timer in EVE, have been a player since it was released in 2003. As a result, my character and I have gone through a lot together. I got used to seeing his familiar face multiple times a day, and this brings us to the topic of this little blog: the old character portraits.
As most of you already know, on Tuesday we are releasing Incursion, which comes with a brand new avatar creation system. All the old portraits will be removed from the game and you will have to create new portraits for all your characters. I have spent considerable time playing with the new avatar creator and it is absolutely awesome. It is superior to the old one in every aspect, and no matter how many portraits I create with it, I just cannot get bored of it. However, no matter how cool it is, I figured that it would still feel like a loss to see my old face, the one I was tied to for many years, being flushed down the drain just like that. These old faces served their purpose. They represented us for over seven years, and they deserve to survive somewhere. So, back in December I requested a dedicated box and set it up to start crawling through all your seven million characters, rendering their portraits one by one and saving them in a nice and homey database. The box was rendering nonstop throughout Christmas and New Year's Eve and, despite being hit by a major disaster and having to restart the whole process at half time, it managed to finish on time. At this moment, everything is ready and set. All that was left to be done was to make sure that you can access these portraits somehow. So, we set up a little webserver for this project, running under the URL It is running the same image server code that we also use for EVE Gate, for the forums and - starting with Incursion - for the game as well, so it is responding to the usual{character_id}_256.jpg kind of requests. The key difference between this server and is that oldportraits will never be updated with new stuff; it will be serving the old portraits forever for those who were lucky enough to have one.
How to use this server?
On this server you can only retrieve portraits and can do so only in one specific size: 256x256. If you know your characterID, you can directly hit{your_character_id}_256.jpg and you will get your old portrait back, like this:

If you do not know your characterID, the easiest way to get to this image is to go to EVE Gate, log in, go to the character selection screen, right click on your portrait and, depending on your browser, select "Open image in new tab" (Safari, Chrome) or "View image" (Firefox). In Internet Explorer you will have to open the Properties window of the image and copy/paste its address into a new tab. After having opened your character image, all you have to do is to change start of the URL from
and you will have your old portrait in the browser. From here you can save it, link it into your autobiography or just show it to your grandchildren.
What if you need a higher resolution version of the image?

You will have to let the client render it for you. Monday, the day before the Incursion release is the last day you can do this. If you want to save your own character portraits (or anyone else's, for that matter), here's a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Be logged into your EVE Client
  2. Locate the character you wish to capture (search in People and Places, for example)
  3. Right-click the character portrait
  4. Click "Capture Portrait"
  5. Find your EVE capture folder (by default: My Documents\EVE\capture\)
  6. Open the "Portraits" folder, in which you should find a nice high-res portrait of the character

CCP Purple Tentacle
CCP Games has acknowledged difficulties experienced by some EVE Online players when using the new portrait creator. As a result, the UI for the portrait creator has been updated to give more explanation on topics including which of the four portraits will be used in game and how to get back to the creation tool to alter the appearance of one's portrait.
Character Creator Update
Player feedback has shown us that there is a lack of clarity in the portrait creation stage of the new character creation process. In particular, it is not clear enough:
i) which of the four available portraits will be used in-game,
ii) that players are unable to come back and adjust their portraits once they proceed through character customization and into the game.
Changes to the portrait creation UI to make the process more clear
We are implementing UI fixes that we hope will resolve the above two issues.
Change 1: Change the "Save" button to "Finalize". "Save" implies that it is possible to go back and make adjustments later. "Finalize" is just more... final.
Change 2: When players click "Finalize" they will be presented with a dialogue box like the one below. The dialogue box shows the portrait snapshot that the player currently has selected. It makes clear that this is the portrait that will represent the character to other pilots in game and that once the player clicks "YES", no further changes will be possible. However, if a player clicks "NO" they will be returned to the portrait creator and can continue working on their portrait.

A chance to recustomize
We understand that many players proceeded into game under the impression that they could come back and make adjustments later; whilst other players didn't end up with the portrait they believed they had chosen.
We want to ensure everyone has the portrait of their choice. So now that we have made the UI clearer we will give all characters who have already completed character customization a chance to recustomize. This will be a one-time recustomization to be used during the grace period.
Characters who had yet to complete customization for the first time will not need this recustomization as they will see the improved UI on their first run through the customization process.

When will these changes happen?
Testing is still underway and if all goes well you should expect to see the changes outlined in this blog in the game before the weekend. We will confirm the timing when we know for sure.

Grace Period
There has also been a little confusion about what exactly the grace period is. For the next several weeks, we are allowing players to enter the game without having to proceed through character customization. This grace period was introduced in response to players' concerns about being forced to rush character creation if they needed to log in to the game to change skills, deal with a science and industry job or jump into an urgent fleet op. We think that a few weeks will give players a chance to take their sweet time in designing the best character they can. For all the power gamers with multiple alts there is always the randomize option to speed things up.
The grace period does not mean that players will be able to design and redesign their characters as many times as they like once they have accepted their portraits.
We currently plan for the grace period to last for about a month from the initial deployment. We will announce the closing date with plenty of notice when we know when it will be.

The Future
We will be introducing the ability to repeatedly recustomize characters in a future release. The current plan is to introduce this at the same time as we release tattoos, scars and piercings so players can take advantage of these new assets. We are still in the early design phase, so we don't have any more details at present. Expect a devblog explaining more in the coming weeks.

Speriamo, in realtà le istruzioni erano chiare, ma il pg mi è venuto una merda lo stesso har har
Si ma fail totale ancestrale non dovevano partire senza tatuaggi.
tiè, com'è?

arriveranno tra un pò insieme ai piercing e roba varia.. e avremo un'altra occasione per rifarci l'avatar.

ha la stessa mia espressione di quando hanno cercato di spiegarmi i principi della fusione nucleare quantistica raddoppiata

Peggio, sembra che stia cagando uno stronzo di 3 chili

se non lo hai finalizzato qui ci sono un pò di tips