[fall beasts inside] Party Animals

Praticamente Fall Guys o Gang Beasts ma con gli animali pucciosi :love:

Qualcuno lo ha provato? Uscito oggi e sta pure sul gamepass.

recensioni mixed su Steam, principalmente perche’ non c’e’supporto offline che avevan promesso e server Australia che fan cacare. Mi par di leggere pure di microtransazioni del menga, ma non so i dettagli

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a me sembra GANG BEAST piu che fall guys.
il concept è interessante, ma il discorso del supporto offline mancante quasi sicuramente non me lo farà comprare… che questi giochi mi piace farli assieme alla mia ragazza, quindi nisba, magari quando cala di prezzo.

il mio consiglio sulle recensioni in generale è mettere un filtro alle recensioni cinesi, tanto a quelli nn va mai bene un cazzo se nn è un prodotto cinese, ogni gioco ha sempre recensioni cinesi negative, come la richiesta di ucraino/russo per ogni gioco sul forum appena annunciato

Sì è vero

Sì vero me ne ero dimenticato di gang beasts

Probabilmente lo aggiungeranno dopo il lancio

Ho in mente di provarlo con i ragazzini ma tutti quelli del genere mi hanno sempre dato conferma di essere giochi che son pensati per youtube/twitch piu’ che per la gente “normale”.

Ma più che altro giochi pensati per giocare con gli amici da sbronzi :asd:

in gruppo è sicuramente divertent eil problema quanto dura

Mh non ho ben capito, dovrebbe avere il coop in locale (split screen) ma non la ha? O lo ha ma devi comunque essere online?

Perché a prima vista non sembra male, lo prenderei per giocare col pupo.

Da quel che ho capito ha il local coop ma devi essere online (cioe’ non vedo il problema nel 2023)

riporto una review

What I liked

** The gameplay. Its fun! It’s a TON of fun. Its Gang Beasts meets Fall Guys. Its fun and easy to get into. Theres a lot of powerful items and moves, but the randomness in the physics and the large amount of players. Means theres still a pretty low skill ceiling and approachable to everyone.*

** The style! Its so cute. Its a very pretty game and the fluffy animals beating the absolute piss out of each others is a fun spectacle.*

** The maps! While I havent played much of the new maps. The maps that were in the beta. Were fun, unique, had a neat gimmick to them. Theyre well designed and fun to fight in.*

Unfortunately that’s where my positives end and my gripes begin.

What I don’t Like.

** No offline. Yep a game claiming that it has singleplayer and had offline local coop. It in fact. Doesnt. I would say I’m hurt by a company lying. If it werent so ***ing common nowadays. So no local coop unless you got a connection. What a joke. Gang Beasts had that sorted and that game is almost 10 years old now.

** Microtransactions. Now I get it. A company has to cover its costs somehow. It still feels grimy that a paid indie game has paid cosmetics and a full fledged shop. When problems exist in the game and they lie about offline coop. I know offline isnt in the game because they worry about you cheating past their store. Thankfully. Its not an entirely bad shop. Currency is earned in game for free by leveling up, and the free currency you earn can be used to unlock decent skins as well. As well as unlocking skins completing challenges. Still tho. With a game like this. Saying “skins for animals” just is weird to me. IMO tho.*

** Lootboxes…***ing really? Pay 120 of your party animal fun bucks or whatever and get a randomized skin. Why? You already have a fortnite item shop. Did you really have to finish it off with that? We left that :heart::heart::heart::heart: with Battlefront 2.

** The gamemodes. Look. I want to beat the piss out of my fellow animal. Thats it. The other gamemodes are a complete waste on me because, like fall guys. I dont want to team up with strangers that wont do the objective. They want to beat the piss out of their fellow man too. Not play bootleg FIFA or Lucio Ball. They tend to either last 10 seconds as the team stomps the other. Or drags on all the way to the end timer and just isnt fun at all.*

** The quit penalty. This game isn’t Valorant or CSGO. Why is there a leave penalty when people can join mid match if someone leaves? If someone (like me) doesnt want to play buzzball or soccer for the 2rd or 3th time in a row and want to play the elimination style modes instead.*

My suggestions

** Make the Team game modes separate. Fall guys did it so you can queue into those modes. So friends wanting to work with each other. Can. The gamemodes are fun, just not when playing all the time. Separate the game modes and adjust the XP gains to incentives team modes. Or if you dont want to do any of that. Just make it a best of 5. First team to 3 wins. Its that easy. Shortens the length. If you are getting stomped it ends sooner, and close match games can happen much more frequent. I would actually stick around to play them out.*

** Remove the quit penalty. Theres no reason for it. There is no rank system at all. We aint competing for the world cup. It’ll be of no issue to get rid of it.*

** Work on offline ASAP. You told us it would be here on launch. It isn’t. That doesn’t sit well with anyone.*

** Make sure you maintain the currency gained so that people who do put in the time with this game dont feel cheated and the need to buy skins (tho thats exactly what you want isnt it?) I dont think the microtransactions are inherently scummy, but I still hate them in any game.*

Closing thoughts

Funnily enough. I enjoy the game. Its fun! Its Fall Guys meets Gang Beasts. The beat em up style gameplay is just fun and chaotic. I will be playing the :heart::heart::heart::heart: out of this game and I would recommend off the gameplay alone, but with the current issues. I wont at the moment. If you got this far and still decide to get it. All I ask is that you dont support them in their shop. Not until the game is in a better spot and the issues everyone has are addressed.

Se avete game pass, nel frattempo c’e’ Rubber Bandits che imho e’ decisamente valido ed e’ praticamente lo stesso genere con ottomila modalita’ diverse, niente lootbox del cazzo (finisci un match, prendi soldi, compri skin con i soldi guadagnati). Ha uno shop-ingame per skin “premium” ma onestamente ce ne sono gia’ un sacco che puoi comprare con la valuta in game.

Non ha quell’odiosa “feature” di gang beast etc in cui i controlli sembrano andare a random ogni tanto perche’ “fa ridere” che per me e’ un plus.