Fables entra nel dominio pubblico dopo che Bill Willingham si rompe le balle della DC

Il tl; dr è che Bill Willingham, autore della serie di fumetti Fables (su cui è basato anche il gioco Telltale The Wolf Among Us) si è stufato del trattamento ricevuto dalla DC e ha deciso di rendere l’universo di Fables, di cui è proprietario, di dominio pubblico. Questo significa che chiunque ci può fare film, cartoni animati, giochi, fumetti etc.

Le motivazioni sono spiegate nel suo blog. Qualche estratto:

When I first signed my creator-owned publishing contract with DC Comics, the company was run by honest men and women of integrity, who (for the most part) interpreted the details of that agreement fairly and above-board. When problems inevitably came up we worked it out, like reasonable men and women. Since then, over the span of twenty years or so, those people have left or been fired, to be replaced by a revolving door of strangers, of no measurable integrity, who now choose to interpret every facet of our contract in ways that only benefit DC Comics and its owner companies. At one time the Fables properties were in good hands, and now, by virtue of attrition and employee replacement, the Fables properties have fallen into bad hands.

More recently, during talks to try to work out our many differences, DC officers admitted that their interpretation of our publishing agreement, and the following media rights agreement, is that they could do whatever they wanted with the property. They could change stories or characters in any way they wanted. They had no obligation whatsoever to protect the integrity and value of the IP, either from themselves, or from third parties (Telltale Games, for instance) who want to radically alter the characters, settings, history and premises of the story (I’ve seen the script they tried to hide from me for a couple of years). Nor did they owe me any money for licensing the Fables rights to third parties, since such a license wasn’t anticipated in our original publishing agreement.

When they capitulated on some of the points in a later conference call, promising on the phone to pay me back monies owed for licensing Fables to Telltale Games, for example, in the execution of the new agreement, they reneged on their word and offered the promised amount instead as a “consulting fee,” which avoided the precedent of admitting this was money owed, and included a non-disclosure agreement that would prevent me from saying anything but nice things about Telltale or the license.

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Azz, bella mossa.
Le prime issues di fables erano veramente eccezionali

Orco cazzo, fables il fumetto è tantissima roba, e anche gli spinoff sono tutti più che buoni.

la main serie l’ho divorata.

i giochi onestamente non li ho giocati ma mi sembrava fossero stati ben accolti.

vabbè ma possa un angelo biblicamente accurato farmi visita se mento bastardo



Cioè manco a dire vabbè si è sbagliato, i suoi like sono tutti a climate denialism, woke mind virus, transfobia etc :v https://twitter.com/BillWillingham/likes

L’ultimo tweet a cui ha messo like negli screen è per giunta di un’idiozia allarmante, comprensione del testo pari a zero

Ottimo, prendiamo la sua roba e ne facciamo dei lavori woke e lui muore di aneurismma. Win/Win