Fa Pensare ...

Questo FILE l'ho ricevuto da un mio amico americano, probabilmente c'e' anche la versione italiana, io non ne sono a conoscenza, mi ha colpito molto quindi ho voluto postarlo ...

"I went to a party, Mom!"

> >I went to a party,
> >And remembered what you said.
> >You told me not to drink, Mom,
> >So I had a Sprite instead.
> >
> >I felt proud of myself,
> >The way you said I would,
> >That I didn't drink and drive,
> >Though some friends said I should.
> >
> >I made a healthy choice,
> >And your advice to me was right
> >As the party finally ended,
> >And the kids drove out of sight.
> >
> >I got into my car,
> >Sure to get home in one piece,
> >I never knew what was coming, Mom,
> >Something I expected least.
> >
> >Now I'm lying on the pavement,
> >And I hear the policeman say,
> >"The kid that caused this wreck was drunk!"
> >Mom, his voice seems far away.
> >
> >My own blood's all around me,
> >As I try hard not to cry.
> >I can hear the paramedic say,
> >"This girl is going to die."
> >
> >I'm sure the guy had no idea,
> >While he was flying high,
> >Because he chose to drink and drive,
> >Now I would have to die.
> >
> >So why do people do it, Mom?
> >Knowing that it ruins lives?
> >And now the pain is cutting me,
> >Like a hundred stabbing knives.
> >
> >Tell Sister not to be afraid,
> >Tell Daddy to be brave,
> >And when I go to heaven,
> >Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
> >
> >Someone should have taught him,
> >That it's wrong to drink and drive.
> >
> >Maybe if his parents had,
> >I'd still be alive.
> >
> >My breath is getting shorter, Mom,
> >I'm getting really scared.
> >These are my final moments,
> >And I'm so unprepared.
> >
> >I wish that you could hold me, Mom,
> >As I lie here and die.
> >I wish that I could say I love you, Mom.
> >So I love you and good-bye.

== CHE NOIA ==
Nella profondità del tuo sè, si cela un mondo intero.
E' una canzone ? Di chi è ?

Qu3lo [FH]

No, non credo che sia una canzone, o perlomeno non ne sono a conoscenza, è bella ... è struggente, l'ho postata ... tutto qui!

== CHE NOIA ==
Nella profondità del tuo sè, si cela un mondo intero.

anke a me sa tanto di canzone...
anke sekondo me
Canzone o meno,
ho gli occhi lucidi
e il cuore pesante.

Bella davvero...
dice bene pizzini... Fa pensare...

{FH}*DemoN ¤•-=FRAG HUNTERS™=-•¤
[email protected]
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Non potrai mai essere un dottore! E sai perchè?
Perchè tu non ami l'umanità, ecco perchè!
Io amo l'umanità...è la gente che non sopporto!!