Evolution Challenge Kick Off

ma sopratutto si vanta di averlo conosciuto BENE perchè ci ha parlato in una chat....
cmq gg per ieri? :S

no goobry no win

be nel porno non è male asd

Eh si vendeva i cheat.. per linux .

Impe sembri il figlio non riconosciuto di mors..

chaplja era dei nixcoders

cerca su google chaplja cheats e guardati il secondo link, tanto per capire chi è chaplja.
se poi tu lo trovi in chat e lui nega tutto, dovresti sapere che è tipico dei coglioni, ops dei ...cheaters. Di sicuro, è stato suo fratello a fare i cit e a rivenderli.

come al solito vegas, parli per il cazzo


Talking about coding, before you've started with SLAC you coded tons of cheating applications for games such as ET & QL. What made you start coding these hacks?

I didn't code the cheats so I can use them to gain advantage against other players - it was a fun challenge to make something undetected. After joining *nixCoders and working for some time on the linux hack, I decided to port the linux hack to Windows and keep it undetected while still being open source. Although it was not morally nice, that was a very fun and challenging task from the programmer's point of view (though I must admit it was less of a challenge than I expected it to be ).

As for the cheating itself, I was never doing it in such a way that I'd try to hide it (perhaps testing human aimbot a few times on publics). I'd mostly have some fun on publics in the style of the ph33r movie, which I believe most have seen, but that's where it ends. I got accused a couple of times that I did use some cheats in clan wars, however that is not true, I would never use anything in any type of a match (be it an official match, a prac or just a mix, it's not something I do).

Another thing people have often brought up in certain discussions about me is my involment with ETACE/AntiPro and later the project abandonment. Quite a lot of people believe I made cheats for AntiPro after quitting the project. I'd like to use this opportunity to one more time say that I did not do it. Although I've, unfortunately, switched sides a couple of times, I've always tried to at least be honest about what I do and what I will, or will not do. After letting foxdie continue the project, I gave my word not to ever make a cheat for AntiPro, and so I did not.

Also, there are people who doubt my honesty with SLAC. I can't blame them for that - other than a few people who are exceptions (and who do nothing but post lies), I understand everyone who is still questionable about me. I had fun with cheat development and I used that opportunity to get some programming skills and knowledge from a few areas of IT and programming. I'm 21 years old and it's time to move on in life, it's time to do things I want to do in life. Since I want to work as a programmer in 10 years, developing cheats certainly is not something I can waste time on and use as a reference to previous works when applying for a job, so you do have my word that I will never again develop cheats.

che eroe!

perchè cazzo non ti bannano a vita da sto forum ancora non lo so, sei la vergogna in persona, sei uno strabustato che oltretutto ha il coraggio di parlare, ovviamente difendi quel pezzente chi l'avebbe mai detto ma vai a giocare con i puffi

me lo chiedo anche io

Come al solito discutere con te è come discutere con un robot, ti rigiri il discorso come vuoi tu per parlare di quello che vuoi tu, non affronti invece in maniera "cristiana" la discussione.

Non li vendeva i cheats ma li diffondeva gratis, il chè è molto diverso dal venderli, vecchio.

Sta facendo un lavoro con tzac che mai nessuno si è posto di fare a differenza vostra che vi lamentate come le troiette in calore dei cheaters.

Impino tu col tempo non maturi mai, anzi ti fracichi sempre di piu, assomigliando sempre piu a quei teenager in fase di pubertà

ah be allora è tutta un' altra storia!!
E' proprio un bravo ragazzo!

questo ban è durato una vita

altri tempi

ho dota2 da scaricare!

Se ti può essere di conforto, questo qui non durerà altrettanto.
Vedrai che una settimana passerà in fretta.

cristo rebb