DOTLAN - Daniel Hoffend ci sarà :)

I promised Daniel I would write this post in English

The father of DOTLAN has just let me know that he shall be in Monza for the Italian WCG 2006 national preliminaries and for this year's NGI.LAN.

It will be comforting to know that the creator of the DOTLAN software (which I consider to be, beyond doubt, the best tournament software out there) will be there with us.

Daniel, it will be a pleasure to meet you again.
I'm happy to be able to come to the party and meet you guys this year. Last year was a great pleasure for me, so i've convince my employer to get vacation on this date. Today i got the positive response and booked my flight directly.

I only hope we don't have to wait 2 hours again to get a taxi back to the hotel.
And many people will come to the reception and they'll start to speak in italian with you...
hehe, and i'll make a interesting face, trying to look like i'm unterstand his problem. After some minutes when he has finished his report, i've to tell him the truth that i don't understand italien *G*

The most funny people were the guys which were so confused, that they can't speak a word and go away, after they realised that i don't understand italien. They also didn't try to speak a word.
ehm... daniel...


just kidding
Yo!!! Good, cya at the lan Daniel
see at lan daniel

The translator of dotlan will be in Monza too
See you!