defat Your enemies

beh...meglio sembrare che essere....

che dici fermiamo qui o andiamo avanti ?

tanto gorgonzola è vicino


io dico peace and love max duel se proprio vuoi Via Molino Vecchio 24
Hi all italian friends!
I'm here cause i have some important questions to ask you:

- Why ES are no more??
- Who the heck are those Pb?
- Where the heck Milio is? Long time i haven't seen him...
- When will be Fabry's biography avaiable?
By the way, i am a big fan of Fabry, who i consider one of most skilled EU players.
I am just wondering why he´s using clantags of non-existing clans.

Cya all.

The -X- is out there
Sta diventando un capolavoro questo topic!

efftivamente e' un dei pochi post divertenti degli ultimi due secoli e mezzo !

ppizzzaaaa and lovvvvvvvvve !
..........arriverà lo smau.......

Alcool e f..o oer tutti offro io!!!
I heard about Fabry time ago.

At the time, he was in RS... but RS are no more, it seems...

I didn't mind him, but months later XS|Pain told me about an Italian Star player with great tactics and impressive skills: his name was Fabry.

At the time, he was in ES... but ES are no more, it seems...

Then, I've started to spec him on NGI servers... I was in fake, I admit! I watched a lot of matches and suddenly I became Fabry's big fan: his way to play UT was incredible... I never understood how he could make cool frags without problems... I love the way he play... it's shocking!

Months later, I've started playing European players and I owned a lot of them also with ping disadvantage... I had a talk with my mate Overtoad and I'll always remember his words: "Man, you're good... you can beat Pain, you can beat Milio, you can beat Mister, you can beat Vicious and so on... but really, I'm sorry mate, you'll never be able to beat the mighty Fabry!".

At the time, he was in PB... but PB are no more, it seems...

Now, my dream is to attend WCG in Korea, kick all asses and reach the Final... and then, only at that moment, find in my way the Man, the Player, the Star: Fabry. I know it will be hard, fuckin' hard, but I'll be concentrated and I'll do anything I know to beat him! This is my only reason to continue playing UT!

One thing I've never understood... and all nights in my bed, I think about this and I can't find any good reason: "Why?", I always ask to myself, "Why does Fabry use tags of non-existing clans?". This is the question.

See ya dudes.

la smettete di farmi rotolare dal ridere ?

cmq è vero....è proprio così..... aspetto in finale in korea
da oggi riparto con gli allenamenti.....8 ore al giorno su UT

Anche a me Destruct ha confidato un certo nervosismo

LOOOOOOL ...ti prego dimmi chi sei ...lo DEVO !!!sapere

questa è la piu' assoluto
Al sito internazionale di riferimento per i fun di destrukt

E' stata aperta una pagina di news per tenere tutti aggiornati riguardo a questo futuro e terribile match:

Destrukt against Fabry

stay tuned !
ridete ridete.....che ridere fa buon sangue....(il vostro )

volete x caso dire che non è vero ?
lasciate perdere cosa sono ricordatevi ki ero l'anno scorso.......
o devo postare ad una a una tutti gli shoot ?...è come un album di figurine dei calciatori......
ho le squadre al completo..
....ok l'album edizione 2001-2002 è un po l'ho appena iniziato

Si cazz, fai i duel contro i bot a livello novizio dandogli nick di ogni calibor........cosi mi dicono.