CPL Italy

ah ora mi so degnato di leggere la descrizione sotto alle selezioni e ho capito che q3cpl ti riserva anche uno slot byoc
dai raga tutti su q4!!! nn me lasciate solo
io ci andrei solo per conoscere e/o salutare cima.
fat organizziamo
7.00 Competitor and Spectator Conduct

7.00a Competitors will conduct themselves in a respectful manner, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor to spectators, competitors, members of the press, tournament officials, CPL ITALY staff members, sponsors and the general public.

7.00b Competitors must be available for post-tournament awards ceremonies, photographs, interviews, or other tournament events.

7.00c Competitors must remain quiet when inside the designated tournament area. Talking is permitted, but must be kept at a reasonable level, and away from other competitors. It is strictly forbidden for spectators to communicate with a player while he or she is competing. Spectators are not allowed in the tournament area.

7.00d Spectators and general event participants outside the designated tournament area, such as viewers of the tournament projection screens, are permitted to cheer, but specific clues or hints may not be given to the competitors.

7.00e Competitors will refrain from the use of vulgar language during the entire competition. Teasing competitors during matches is prohibited. All rules of conduct also apply to chatting through the game console.

nn so perche' ma mi viene in mente shank ad ALP 2004 mentre stavano intervistando polter

7.00f Competitors are expected to compete in a professional manner. Throwing a match, halting play without cause, or showing a lack of effort will be construed as a violation of player conduct, and will result in match forfeit and disqualification from the tournament.

7.00g Spectators are encouraged to remain quiet while at the sidelines of the spectator area, and be mindful of the privilege of viewing tournament matches at such a close proximity.

7.00h Use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited at CPL ITALY events. Competitors may not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while competing in a tournament.

7.00i Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the CPL ITALY tournament and event.

7.00j At the conclusion of match play, competitors are expected to break down their equipment in an orderly manner. Competitors need to straighten their tournament area up once they break down. Please take into consideration that other matches may be taking place and it would be unsportsmanlike to disturb other competitors while competing.

7.00k Competitors are responsible for returning their assigned match area to the condition it was in prior to play. Individuals who fail to do so will be called back to the tournament area to straighten their tables and equipment. Table cloths may not be removed, pulled back or tampered with.
Ma porca di una puttana per una volta che mi fanno qualcosa a 100km da casa io sono via.
Non mi sono praticamente mai mosso da casa e adesso che son via 6 mesi in Spagna mi fanno CPL a 1h da casa.
Ma il rosik....cioè anche pr conoscere qualcuno di voi finochhi.

(ah ovviamente venivo come spect non fraintendete)
che leso
Ah ecco...
know m'ha messo la scimmia
ci faccio un pensierino
Raga ma quanto viene tutto?? posti a dormire ecc compresi??

iscrizione cpl 35€ se poi vui pagare pc perche nn porti il tuo + 15€

l'hotel te lo devi cercare te..asd
non si può dormire là con sacchi a pelo?

secondo me neanche ci arrivate a 32 partecipanti....ma il mode del torneo di q3? è cpma?

no baseq3

si cpma..ormai osp nn si usa piu ai tornei
allora è sicuro che non vengo....

che ti cambia tanto a te "queste cose" nn interessano giusto?
? & chittese
Forse... anche la sicilia ci sarà!

perchè se fosse stato osp sarebbe cambiato qualcosa?
perdi in winner bracket, perdi in loser bracket e sei fuori dal torneo, osp o cpma non farebbe tanta differenza

che poi in lan..nn cambia proprio nulla..