
mi servirebbe una mano
pui' ke altro un favore vorrei sapere i valori ottimali
da modificare nel config per ottimizzare la connessione

vabbe' dai ho rufolato un po' ma non l'ho trovato per isdn ma per alds e 56k si

se qualcuno ha dei buoni valori me li consigliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

guarda t aiuto sl xke siamo vicini^^
prova questi......nn li rikordo molto bn xke è tantino ke nn joko + a cs....

cl_allowdownload 40
cl_allowupload 40
rate 20000
cl_rate 20000
cl_updaterate 35
........poi nn rikordo.....dovrei vedere la mia cfg,ma al momento nn la ho cn me.......kiamami su icq ke famo prima va'^^

... ma glieli stai dando a caso?

cl_allowdownload e cl_allowupload 40?!?!?! UAHUAHHAUHUA

rate non va sopra i 9999 cmq.. lul

dei valori ammodino?!?!?!?
ahhh no no scusa scusa mi sn sbagliato cn altri t srve qualke valora....basta kiedrlo

cl_bob 0
cl_bobcycle 0.8 impostato su 0 l'arma viene centrata (non valido per CS)
impostando i valori cosi' elimini l' ondulamento dell' arma, aumento fps

bgmvolume: 1 = enable CD audio (0 may improve performance)

cl_gibcount: sets the number of gibs to spawn when blowing an enemy to bits. 0 may improve FPS.

cl_giblife: sets the time in seconds that gibs remain before disappearing. 0 may improve FPS.

cl_gibvelscale: sets the scale factor for gib graphics. High may improve FPS.

cl_himodels: 1 = enable high quality player models. Set to 1 for slightly better quality player models (and slightly lower fps).

gl_dither: 1 = enable dithering (0 = higher fps).

cl_allowdownload: 1 = enable download of maps, models, and decals on joining a server.

cl_allowupload: 1 = enable upload of maps, models, and decals on joining a server.

cl_cmdrate: set the number of times per second that the client will update the server. Leave at 30 (or lower) for modems, set to 35-55 for Cable or DSL, 50 for LAN games.

cl_dlmax: set the maximum number of kilobytes to download from a server.

cl_download_ingame: 1 = enable downloads during a multiplayer game (generally not a good thing -- instead set cl_allow_download 1 and this one to 0 so downloads are between maps only).

cl_rate: set rate that client will send data to the server in bytes per second (suggested starting values: 1000-4000 modem, 5000-7000 ISDN, 6000-10000 cable/DSL, 7000-20000 T1, 20000+ LAN) -- bad values cause LAG! turn on the r_netgraph 3 to help evaluate different values, and try non-integers like 4001.0528.

cl_resend: set resend count (the number of times to attempt to resend packets).

cl_timeout: set the inactivity time before a client is disconnected (timed out).

cl_updaterate: set number of updates client will request from the server each second. In general, the more players in the game, the lower this should be. Lower than 12 will cause choppiness, but 15 may be great for some slow connections. Cable and DSL connections may like 30-40, unless there are too many players on the server. FOr lan games, use 50.

pushlatency: set pushlatency (try around -1/2 to -1 times ping) -- some people say using non-integer values (like -100.0521) reduces lag.

gl_keeptjunctions: 0 = enable allowing slight cracks between textures, setting to 1 may look better on some video cards, but will be a bit slower (fewer fps).

gl_lightholes: 1 = enable light holes (0 may improve perfomance).

gl_max_size: set the maximum texture size (higher may look better, but may slow performance if set too high, must be countable by 64).

gl_picmip: set rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality).

gl_playermip: set player rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality).

gl_round_down: set texture size rounding-down value (higher rounds more, resulting in lower quality and higher FPS).

gl_smoothmodels: 1 = enable model smoothing. Disabling (0) may increase fps a bit.

gl_spriteblend: 1 enable blending sprite graphics (0 = faster), 0 is recommended if you use picmip.

gl_texsort: 1 enables brighter and more vivid textures, but slows performance.

gl_texturemode: set the rendering mode: in order from lowest quality (fastest) to highest quality (slowest), [type] options are: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Think of the 1st two as low and high quality for hardware that supports bilinear filtering, and the 2nd two as low and high quality for hardware that supports trilinear filtering.

gl_wateramp: 1 = enable amplified (higher) waves in water. 1 may decrease FPS.

gl_ztrick: 1 speeds up rendering on some 3dfx cards (and maybe others), but may cause flickering on some video cards.

hisound: enable high-quality sound (1=22kHz, 0=11kHz) see also loadas8bit (0 may improve performance).

loadas8bit: set to 1 to force 8-bit (lower quality) sounds (see hisound also).

mp_decals: set max number of decals to display in multiplayer (set lower for perfomance boost, but blast marks and logos will disappear sooner).

precache: 1 = enable pre-loading of all needed files at map start.

r_drawviewmodel: 1 = enable drawing player weapon model (0 improves perfomance a bit).

r_mirroralpha: 1 = enable reflective textures (0 may improve performance).

r_mmx: 1 = force MMX calculation methods for MMX CPU's (set to 1 if your CPU supports MMX! Any p2 does, as do most newer AMD and Cyrix chips. If using 1 reduces perfomance, set back to 0).

violence_ablood: 1 = enable blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see any blood).

violence_agibs: 1 = enable gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see body chunks).

violence_hblood: 1 = enable more blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see as much blood.

violence_hgibs: 1 = enable more gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see as many body chunks).

_ah: 1 = enable the help dog and 0 = disable it ...

cl_minimap: enable (1) or disable it (0) ... you need to disable it if you want fog.

cl_fog: =1-2 enable fog, huge FPS boost. 0 no enable.

cl_particlefx: 0-3, the smaller the less detailed particles are. I don't know if 0 works ...

cl_easymode: 0 = No overhead team icons.

cl_weatherdis: sets the distance you can see particles from. lower = faster.

cl_bulletejects: If you set this to 0, the gun won't spit out empty bullets when you shoot. FPS boost when shooting.

nn è vero ke nn va oltre jokando spesso cn la T1 uso 20000
è bloccata al lato server di solito
metti 20000 e te la risistema a 9999 , prova
forse ti sbagli con cl_rate a 20000 .. quello lo uso anchio
il cl_rate è max 9999 il rate arriva a 25000 non sbaglio

20000 il max

vero, ho detto na cazzata io, il cl_rate arriva a 9999, il rate normale a 20k
Velve nubo asd

Zitto h4xshoot boy