Anime Estate 2014

Sembra il preludio al dramma
Più che altro dal titolo mi aspettavo altro.

Btw Seryuu

Ora la serie non può che migliorare, se non resuscita nessuno con il potere dell'aldnoah


Morti tutti i personaggi che mi stavano sul cazzo, Slaine è sempre più confuso, mo se diventa il nuovo "cattivo" in un ipotetico salto temporale mi incazzo però,

Il Catafratto che fa il gattai con il potere di tutti gli altri Catafratti era un po' mhe, del tipo, te ne ho fatto affrontare uno per volta per farti capire i punti deboli

[00:42:00] loli yeti: I think I figured out Aldnoah.Zero. At the end of very end of the op there's the phrase "Let Justice Be Done Through Heaven's Fall".
Now all you might be thinking this is in reference to the Heaven's Fall that happens in the actuall anime. This is incorrect. This is a refrence to the latin phrase
"Fiat justitia ruat caelum" which literally translates as "Let Justice Be Done Through Heaven's Fall". This phrase comes from the Piso's Justice. Piso's justice is a story from a book
written in Roman times about Gnaeus Piso who was a Roman governor. The story is summarised as thus:" In De Ira (On Anger), Book I, Chapter XVIII, Seneca tells of Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso,
a Roman governor and lawmaker, when he was angry, ordering the execution of a soldier who had returned from a leave of absence without his comrade,
on the ground that if the man did not produce his companion, he had presumably killed the latter. As the condemned man was presenting his neck to the executioner's sword,
there suddenly appeared the very comrade who was supposedly murdered. The centurion overseeing the execution halted the proceedings and led the condemned man back to Piso,
expecting a reprieve. But Piso mounted the tribunal in a rage, and ordered the three soldiers to be executed. He ordered the death of the man who was to have been executed,
because the sentence had already been passed; he also ordered the death of the centurion who was in charge of the original execution, for failing to perform his duty; and finally,
he ordered the death of the man who had been supposed to have been murdered, because he had been the cause of the death of two innocent men."(as taken from (1/2)
[00:42:07] loli yeti: From this we can conclude that the meaning of "Let Justice Be Done Through Heaven's Fall" is that it symbolizes an action whose intentions are technically correct,
but morally wrong. Knowing this we can now interprate the ending and figure out what actually happened to all the characters. Count Saucyballs would be Piso.
He attempted the assination of his princess and consequently started a war, which is undoubtedly an immoral action. But his intentions for doing this were techincally correct,
he wanted to end the oppressive aristocracy on Mars in hopes that it would lead to better life on Mars. Eggs would be the soildier who was put to death,
and Slaine would be the centurion in charge of the execution, while Hime-sama would be the missing companion. Right as Slaine was about to sramble Egg's brain with his bullets,
he notices that Hime-sama is infact still alive, and asking him not to shoot. This suprises Slaine-chan so he misses Egg's head and only graises it, leaving him for dead but not killing him.
The Hime-sama activates a kataphrakt and both her and Slaine-chan fly away in it. As we remember Slaine never kills count SaucyBalls, he only injures him by shooting him in both shoulders.
Count saucyballs sees's this and concludes that all three must die. From this we can see the fates of all four characters and even make predictions about what happens to them in season 2.

Usa google translate se non riesci a leggerlo

riesco a tradurmelo da me thx ma il problema e' che postare un wall of text senza prima dare una spiegazione sul cosa ci sta scritto o sul perche' lo metti nn e' il massimo
zio è una persona migliore su archeage.

Sai com'è, basta leggere le prime 7 parole

ci sono rimasto abbastanza di merda col finale, a dirla tutta


ovviamente resti in vita dopo uno schianto dalla stratosfera e poi salti in aria perchè il ragazzetto che ti ama alla follia decide di salvare chi ti vuole morta a tutti i costi

ma solo io ci vedo tanti riferimenti a code geass?

O ti togli quella firma o non posti più qui, scegli

Ma quanto mi ami? Non aspettavi altro
bellissimo il finale di stagione di tokyo ghoul! A quanto la seconda stagione?

Non ne dubito, ma...

Phemt, con tutto il dovuto rispetto, perché un tal comportamento, del tutto gratuito, da "dito in culo"?

Perdonami il francesismo.

Mi è sempre stato sulle balle, se devo essere sincero

Legittimo, non si può andare d'accordo con tutti, ma un minimo di rispetto reciproco... almeno in favore alla convivenza civile.
A leggerlo allora gli sta sul cazzo il 99% dell'utenza del forum

No beh con lui lo giustifico

non ti credere

in realta' aver il dente avvelenato nei miei confronti in maniera prolungata significa essere una persona che e' piu' influenzata dai propri preconcetti che non da una propria ragione che guarda piu' punti di vista

in realtà sto tanto bene senza rotture di coglioni
Ma la legge è legge