[Agorà Personal Army] Investing & Personal Finance

3x or nothing
Domanda, tanto per fare un po’ di speculazione:

Il WTI sta a 18, praticamente mai successo nella storia e insostenibile a medio termine.

Che rischi ci vedere ad investire il 5% del capitale su questo ETC non a leva, e quindi non soggetto all’effetto contango, aspettando quando prima o por tornerà a 27, e quinti fare un bel +50%?

Wisdomtree Wti Crude Oil



On what bases are you saying "It will go back to 27+"? Just have a look on the 10y price range, try to imagine yourself as the guy that is waiting to get back at 70-150$ and ask yourself if you are prepared to afford a loss of that magnitude.
They "decided "to cut production because they don't know where to store it, second there is tension between the major producers to fuck each other. It can possibly upwards but there is a chance (not small) that goes under 10$ , at the moment is testing a resistance in the lower end of the spectrum.
If you want to invest on oil I would suggest to go on something like chevron or Exxon with small increments overtime ( I think the recent rebound doesn't have support, and when it crashes is going to be a bloodbath for all the wanna be investors that joined the market in the recent rebound).

I personally dropped 5% of my portfolio on long when mgm was like 9$ and I forget about it for the next few years(in case it doesn't spike, otherwise I get the money and get out with profit), as a day trader /scalper I use about 10/15% on tqqq/soxl (no overnight and not leaving the desk with a position open)

If there is a bailout for air companies that will be a good opportunity for short term.

Puts (at some point) on zoom, Netflix at some point because they are massively overvalued.


Premesso che si parla di pura speculazione e che nessuno può sapere veramente come andrà ma:

Già se sta a 18 saltano nazioni come Usa e Russia. Tanto vale aspettarsi la guerra allora, altro che 10

Assumendo che tu non abbia informazioni private, e da quel che vedo non credo , se fosse come dici tu il WTI sarebbe gia' a 27

If you think is all speculation without anything else go to a casino and gamble your money or try options with long expire dates .

If you want to make money first you have to think about how to don't waste them, and yes I don't know the future, but taking in considerations all the factors I am aware of I don't think the ratio P/L is high enough to invest in oil( and considering all the other factor as testing the resistance downwards doesn't suggest anything good). If Russia starts a price war when they already lose money on each single barrel, what do you think is going to improve?

Btw, Before invest in "etf" (especially leveraged ones) have a look of jnug or sqqq, so you can see the decay overtime. L etf are good tools for day traders and they function in a different way than stocks.
Iroel ha vivido en los Estados Unidos por años, trabaja allí con el idioma inglés y tiene un dominio superior a la media.
Pero escribe en italiano.
¿Por qué Hoga tiene que escribir en inglés?
Oye, mírame! Escribo en inglés! Soy diferente!


I haven't spoken Italian for long time (excluding small conversations ), It's easier for me to express myself in a language that I use on daily bases (even if I still make mistakes). I don't feel cool or anything else, just easier.

Old, avevano rinominato tutti i thread una volta in seguito a una diatriba simile. Tipo filone delle immagini divertenti e ridanciane.

Mi son svegliato cagacazzi 'sta mattina.
Potresti sfruttare il forum per non scordarti l'italiano, ma comunque sticazzi.

Ah sì, vero, avevo rimosso.
I was sure Hoga was just copy/pasting posts from another forum/discussion board.*

*: this may or may not have been copyed from another forum/discussion board.*
Comunque Iroel ormai scrive di merda in italiano

Anche io ahahah

E mi son detto, oibò, va che coincidenza, ha trovato un passaggio dove si riferiscono proprio a 27 dollah come dico io.

Comunque a me va bene, so i practice my English, Deutsch kann ich ja schon ziemlich gut

Ma io non voglio fare money, quello ce l’ho già investito, non speculato.

Questa del Wti la vedo più una scommessa da totocalcio con il Madrid che ha perso 2-0 all’andata contro il Vienna.

Non può stare a 18 a lungo il WTI dico io
