The e.qualcosa Xperience - Regole & Elenco

the e.BadReligion Xperience

by Mal, approved!
the e.siga Xperience

by me for maffin, approved
the e.thunder Xperience

by thor, approved!!
the e.viulenza xperience

by xinit approved!
the e.ban Xperience

by Ka! straapproved!
the e.fart Xperience
the e.barf Xperience

by fuz for violent, approved.
the e.iaculatio Xperience

by angus, approved.
the e.Rings Xperience

by Go7enks, approved!!!
the e.migration Xperience
the e.nedia Xperience

by baal, approved!!
the e.nfart Xperience

by coldblood, approved!
the e.xperience
the e.marlboro experience
the e.gabber experience

by powertank, approved!
the e.revolution Xperience

by Is@, approved!
the e-ntropia Xperience

by the all, approved!
the e.jail experience
the e.bastard experience by Leelon
the e.order experience by Kajyr


A parte il fatto che tu ti spammi da solo... guara che come moderatore non devi ogni volta aprire chiudere i topic... ci scrivi dentro e basta
che lamer che sono
non lo sapevo
ma ditemele certe cose perdinci... mica me le sogno di notte... e io che mi spaccavo i maroni a chiudere ed aprire come un imbecille, nel senso che imbelle!
minkia se non ci fosse il macbeth... io cmq non spammo, posto™

cmq the Xperience by s.snake approved
the e.ccheccaz experience
by olowack, approved.
the e.sorè Xperience
by me, come regalo di 10k per mia sorè
the e.remita Xperience

by nebu, approved
the e.ntelligence Xperience

by |Z£D| approved!