Taiwan: The clankening2

The DoD has held an off-camera press conference with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, Melissa Dalton, and the commander of NORAD and USNORTHCOM, Gen. Glen VanHerck that The War Zone attended, here are some basic notes on the highlight from it. We will add further details once we parse the entire transcript.

-Canada CF-18s and a tanker were involved in today's investigation of the object over Lake Huron.

-The object likely landed in Canadian waters.

-It was likely the same object detected over Montana, but that F-15s could not find once they arrived on scene.

-F-16s out of Wisconsin, KC-135 tanker out of Pittsburgh, E-3 AWACS out of Oklahoma all were involved in today's operation.

-NORAD began scrutinizing airspace more deeply since the Chinese balloon saga last week and 'enhancing our radar.'

-They don't know exactly what these objects are, but they made enhancements to radars out of abundance of caution and at the direction by President Biden.

-They are trying to understand the purpose and nature of these smaller unidentified objects.

-They are small and produce a very radar low radar cross-section, going at speed of the wind. It is a challenging to gain descriptions of them due to speed of fighters [strange statement as the fighters carry advanced targeting pods].

-Radars filter out information based on clutter, such as low-speed clutter. They have adjusted some of those filter 'gates' including velocity and altitude gates to see what was out there after the Chinese balloon incident. This was paired with a heightened alert to look for these types of targets.

-First time NORAD has taken kinetic action against an airborne object in American airspace.

-They won't officially categorize them as balloons or as having some type of a propulsion system, although there could be a gaseous envelope inside. They don't know what country they are coming from. When asked about aliens, said they just won't rule anything out at this point.

-They don't pose a kinetic threat according to their analysis. They have made no outright hostile acts.

-A hostile act would be shooting a missile or dropping a bomb, hostile intent would be maneuvering aggressively toward a NORAD controlled or other aircraft, neither of which have been the case.

-They are assessing if their passing over key facilities is a risk or if they are a risk to aircraft in the air, or people on the ground. All of this goes into the risk assessment as to how to act against a target of interest.

-They have scrambled fighters on tracks they cannot correlate with what those fighters see once on station. They cannot attribute some of them over the years. They may look back at overlooked incidents now that their posture has changed.

-They are still searching for object that was taken off Alaska's north coast. A Navy P-8 and helicopters are looking, but they do not have it now.

-They had extra intelligence that the large balloon taken down off South Carolina was from China.

-Risk to civilian aviation is a big factor in deciding to take down these recent smaller balloons.

-Getting a radar track on these smaller objects is very hard. An AIM-120 would be lower probability of success against them. Looked at using gun shots yesterday and today, but size of the target was an issue, as was altitude for the one from yesterday. They could get so close to object you could fly into the debris or hit it. AIM-9X has been weapon of choice. They use extreme caution to limit collateral damage. Clearing airspace, pilots check for mariners and aircraft in the vicinity, then the pilots used the best weapon they think will work.

-Won't talk about if they have interfered with sensors, as has been reported.

-No other objects are being tracked now. There could be out there, but they need to look back at old data to see if they were missing these recently.

-Shape could make them hard to detect. Need to 'get their hands on one' to see if that's the case. Would not elaborate on shapes they are seeing.

-The last three objects shot down are similar objects in terms of size, that they go with wind.

-Each object of interest is taken on a case-by-case basis as far as to shoot them down or not.

-As to why did it take so long to re-calibrate radars when the Chinese balloon program was briefed by intel last August? They say the timing in the intel after the Chinese balloon incident pushed this to occur, before then they didn't see a need then. The PRC balloon was different because it transited the continental US.

-Will not say if the they will release targeting pod video, as it is a policy decision. They hope to 'share more in the coming days.'

-Contrast between the target and sky above allows for AIM-9X to work well for this mission.

-The FBI is taking the lead on recovery efforts and they are embedded with DoD to do so. Canada has the lead in recovering the one shot down there with the FBI to liaison and share information

Those are the abbreviated notes, please take them as such. We should have a transcript at some time in the near future

Inviato dal mio SM-S918B utilizzando Tapatalk
domanda per i warponer....ma quanto costa sta roba agli americani?perche usano i missili e non i cannoncini????

Inviato dal mio SM-S918B utilizzando Tapatalk
Interessante. Imho i cinesi potrebbero aver da tempo capito che visto che il sistema di difesa usa è tunato vs missili, aerei etc. allora si poteva andare di piccoli palloni/dirigibili.

Gesendet von meinem Motopanzerkampfwagen g 5G plus mitTapatalk
Lo hanno scritto.

Cmq usano una sidewinder per abbatterli, che è un missile a guida infrarossa, costa relativamente poco.

È interessante che non riescano ad agganciarli coi missili a guida radar.

È interessante che ci siano 3 awacs. Vuol forse dire che anche il radar dell'f16 non riesce ad agganciarlo se non quando è vicinissimo?

Inviato dal mio SM-G781B utilizzando Tapatalk
a ok,mi era sfuggito

Inviato dal mio SM-S918B utilizzando Tapatalk
comunque è 100% chiario che stiamo parlano degli alieni di Nope


Inviato dal mio SM-S918B utilizzando Tapatalk
Facciamo il toto oggetto. Secondo me sono telai rigidi, di forma semi stealth, pieno di qualche gas leggero.e strumenti per lo spionaggio elettromagnetico.

Inviato dal mio SM-G781B utilizzando Tapatalk
potrebbe essere anche una roba del genere


secondo me invece è sicuramente questo
Qualche anno fa a una festa mi feci fare un palloncino a forma di cazzo, purtroppo durante la serata mi scappo di mano e volo via.
Credo li chiamino Baloon perchè gli Americani sono suscettibili a certe forme

Mistero risolto

certo che i vertici militari americani sono dei veri fenomeni ad abbattere un oggetto non identificato dopo aver studiato il fenomeno per decenni interi e aver dichiarato apertamente di non sapere na emerita fava di cosa sono e della loro provenienza.

tanto se non volendo loro o qualsiasi altro paese nel mondo avesse fatto davvero la stronzata di abbattere un mezzo alieno rischiando una guerra interplanetaria col cavolo che lo verrebbero a dire pubblicamente e lo dichiarerebbero ufficialmente.

se faremo a schiaffi con una civiltà aliena che ha preso male l'abbattimento di un loro veicolo magari mandato in avanscoperta per esplorare come facciamo noi con le nostre sonde spaziali, quante possibilità avremo mai di cavarcela?

ah bene hanno messo già le mani avanti!

Una roba del genere invece?

ai tecnici, elettricisti non è piaciuto moltissimo quello che è successo al loro veicolo a quanto pare.

qualquadra non cosa, dopo decenni di studio in campo bellico degli avanzatissimi aerei spia, sia gli Usa che la Cina si farebbero sgamare cosi con degli stupidi palloni sonda?

e poi non capisco na cosa se sono di origine terrestre che siano cinesi, russi o americani perchè non escono fuori dichiarazioni ufficiali invece di fare ste uscite che non hanno nessun senso se non fare ancora pià confusione e inquietudine tra la gente?

Comunque nell'articolo della cnn riguardo questi velivoli non identificati, c'erano 4 paragrafi riassumibili in un "boh nessuno ne sa un cazzo di cosa siano e neanche noi abbiamo informazioni" ma la chiosa finale era: "intanto bisogna sparare, poi capire" . In pratica l'opinione della cnn su sta faccenda vale tanto quanto quella di un redneck qualunque
secondo me chiaramente sono

mille milioni di mille milioni

un attacco su vasta scala

poi provocano anche il cancro quindi i cinesi la sanno lunga

oppure in alternativa

stanno facendo impazzire il NORAD per qualche motivo