Red Orchestra - Mare Nostrum ( MOD ) [FPS]

esce... bohboh
Teoricamente questo abbiamo rinviato diverse volte in seguito all'abbandono di altri devs. Purtroppo essendo un mod e quindi senza scopo di lucro, si verificano spesso episodi di "andirivieni"...Capita di consueto quando si lavora a progetti del genere.
Pazienza...e tra poche settimane si potrà degustrare la prima versione di MN.
nn vedo l'ora!!!!!!
nuovo sito
RELEASED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Open Beta Feature List

* British Commonwealth forces with new player model and voice commands.
* New map and objective win/loss music.
* New menu interface and music.
* Reskinned German player model.

New Weapons

* Lee Enfield No 1 Mk III*
* Thompson 1928-A1
* Bren Mk II
* No36M 'Mills' Bomb

New Maps

* Tobruk Central
* Bardia
* Akaba
* Fallen Empire

Additional Features Nearing Completion

Coming shortly from the Mare Nostrum team will be other new features, including:

* Australian voice commands
* Commonwealth Tanker player model
* Sticky Bomb
* Panzer II
* Vickers Mk IVB
* Vickers .303
* 2 Pounder AT Gun
* DA 47/32 'Elefantio' AT Gun

Hello chaps, tonight we are proud to announce the release of our first patch for the Open Beta.

Released just one week ago, the public response has been very positive and we are keen to reward our community by getting fixes out to them as soon as possible. So armed with a new boost to team motivation, support from Tripwire Interactive and the feedback from our community we have set about addressing a number of outstanding issues in Mare Nostrum to make the Open Beta a more solid gameplay experience for our loyal fans.

Change log
- Fixed Critical Message Icons, should no longer see Soviet Stars or Iron Crosses
- Updated overhead map team icons to be more distinctive
- SMLE and Thompson weapon sway should be more in line with what is in existing RO (thanks TWI!)
- SMLE now has correct muzzle flash in 3rd person.
- Fixed player animation problem where the Universal Carrier animations weren't working correctly (No more Flintstone powered Bren Carriers)
- Fixed the Allied player head texture bug
- Australian roles should now have correct voice comms in game and otherwise be fully usable.

- Added optimization elements. This should result is a small boost of FPS, but also now with Network Occulsion (should be alittle easier on servers/clients)
- Corrected several possible exploits relating to the spawn ramps, primarly on the axis side.
- Removed incomplete side-arms from commonwealth roles.
- Added 2 ammo supply points at the "Ammo Dump" and "Apartments" objectives.
- Assault and Rifleman roles can now give MG ammo.
- Role limits tweaked.
- Changed roles from British to Aussie. (Of course they are now using the new Austrailian voices)

- NOTE: This map is still WIP, but please continue to post any bugs you spot.
- Fixed spawning locations for allies/axis players after the Trench objective is taken.
- Added a tunnel to allow the axis a slightly easier way to get to reinforce the trench objective.
- Some minor optimization efforts.
- Lots of cosmetic changes.

Tobruk Central
- Added extra cover on Berliner Strasse
- Added smoke grenades to Axis squad leader
- Assault and Rifleman roles can now give MG ammo.
- Role limits tweaked.
- Reinforcements tweaked.
- Observation Post objective is also now non-recappable.
- Tweaked spawn areas and protection.
- Various bug fixes.
- Now defended by Aussie troops instead of British (This will be changed once again once we have the South African units in-game.)

Fallen Empire
- NOTE: This map will be undergoing a large redesign to make a version more friendly to +32 player games.

Know Bugs or Unfixed Issues
- Pak38 Gun player hit detection
- Bren 3rd Person anims
- Thompson muzzle flash (3rd Person)

che gioco è quello che hai in avatar?
uff, mi ero affezzionato ai flinstones nell'Universal Carrier

non è un gioco


si, ma mica l'ho fatta io la foto

forse... tra qualche anno :incrocioledita:

link pls è su airliners?
E' su Steam
Red Orchestra costa solo 5 dollari fino al 20 di ottobre.