
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: You are speaking with God. Make your questions mortal before i chage my idea.
You: You have been lucky mortal, i appear just once every 10.000 bilions of times in this galaxy.
You: Dont waste your opportunity to gain the knowledge.
Stranger: OMG i speak whit god
You: You are. You have 10 more minutes to spend with me.
You: Are you really so worthless or you have any question to make to me
Stranger: are you a guy or a girl
You: I have 4 sex. Next question.
Stranger: are you hot?
You: I have a penis, a vagina, two gzeismoz and one tit. I cant say if im horny or not cause i cant identify myself in your perceptive standards.
You: But, for what i see on your telecommunicational web, i'm probably the hottest thing an human has ever seen.
You: Go on, mortal.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Porca puttana che schifo fa l'internet 2.0
Ai tempi sarebbe andata compeltamente diversamente.
Stranger: i rapped a monkey
You: hi
You: you rapped a monkey
You: ??
Stranger: yes
You: what did you sing about?
Stranger: don't cry for me argentina
You: you rapped a monkey about crying for argentina??
You: are you sure you RAPPED a monkey or did you RAPE a monkey?
Stranger: well it was so sad i had to rapp something
Stranger: both
You: o.. so you rapped while raping

Stranger: SCHAPENVLEES dutch?
You: SCHAPENVLEES dutch!!!
Stranger: watte?
Stranger: are you dutch?
Stranger: halloww?
Stranger: SCHAPENVLEES dutch?
You: no i'm not dutch
You: i'm from outer space
Stranger: dan zoek ik jou niet xD

Stranger: SCHAPENVLEES dutch?
Stranger: dutch?
Stranger: oww ken ik jou
Stranger: hate you
Stranger: bey

You: hi
You: where are you from?
Stranger: sıçtığın bokun olayım
You: no!! DID HE???
Stranger: kasılma lan
Stranger: ben rahat çıakrım
Stranger: usulca göt deliğini terk edeceğim
You: ou.. i understand... so after that you put a giant dildo in your anus and started to cry right?

Stranger: learn the difference
You: ih
Stranger: between human beigns and animals
You: humans can spell beings correctly

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: hello to you
Stranger: hey i am making a video 4 you tube is there anything u want 2 say?
You: sure
You: hi mom
Stranger: great response
Stranger: =)
You: i want my mom happy
Stranger: good 4 u!!
You: good for her
Stranger: uh huh
You: sorry, my mom's swearing, i got to go
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi mate
Stranger: canım dediklerim
You: chupa
Stranger: cheers mate
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi, I'm you wanna talk to me?
You: yes
Stranger: thnx:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X
Stranger: xoxo
You: but
You: Butt
You: i'm etero... do you REALLY wanna talk with me?
Stranger: yes
You: ok ahr ahr ahr
You: can i call you brenda?
Stranger: yes
You: Ok where are you from Brenda?
Stranger: italy
You: So Brenda... quando hai scoperto che ti piace il pesce?
Stranger: i'm not from italy
Stranger: i was joking
You: I know
You: So Brenda where are you from?
Stranger: paris
You: So Brenda... quand as-tu dcouvert qu'il te plait le poisson?
Stranger: je n`aime pas le poisson
You: Non? et le cigar avec le mustaches?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
et le cigar avec le mustaches?

mi ha addato su fb una messicana di 14 conosciuta su omegle

mi sento un cazzo di pedofilo...
lo sei

eh no cazzo, non così di botto che sto male
Cha palle ho beccato un'americana che sta in marina e già ero gasatissimo nel vederla in uniformi succinte... è brutta come la fame, pare tipo il Quasimodo di Disney.
è bellissimo vedere la frustrazione di questa gente che dopo averti chiesto il sesso se gli dici uomo stacca e se gli dici donna stacca uguale perchè tanto sei fake
a uno ho chiesto se è maschio o femmina
dopo avermi risposto maschio mi ha detto
ora tocca salutarci eh allora
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ciao

Stranger: hi

Stranger: where are you from

You: italy

Stranger: i think you are man

You: yes sir

Stranger: me too

Stranger: how old are you

You: 25 yo

You: sir

Stranger: 23

You: passive?

Stranger: what does it mean passive

You: do you take it or do you give it?

Stranger: take it

You: nice

You: i like it

Stranger: nice

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ciao

Stranger: malatyalı

You: sbutinato?

Stranger: english

Stranger: speak

Stranger: ok

You: ok english come se fosse scappellato a destra

Stranger: from?

You: turkey

Stranger: haha

Stranger: ne kasıyosun o zaman canım

You: non regge la storia che sono turco?

You: lol

You: ok

You: i'm portuguese

Stranger: great tast of music u have

Stranger: afferin

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

Stranger: male female?

You: Hi, i'm captain Falcon, from nintendo 64

Che gente limitata ç_ç
You: Hi, i'm captain Falcon, from nintendo 64

Stranger: hi, i want sex u

You: yeah, me too, try a falcon punch in your ass?

Stranger: fuck u fag boy


You: from ngi?

Stranger: i fucked ur mum, i killed you r gran, you fuckin waste of space

You: I started to colonize your planer

You: planet*

You: you must cry like a baby

You: if you want my Falcon Punch to go away from your ass

Stranger: your a fucked up fat start trek geek and a fucking spacka

Stranger: wanker that you are

Funny ''From ngi?''
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey stranger
Stranger: knock knock
Stranger: whos there
Stranger: disco
Stranger: disco who
Stranger: disconnect
Your conversational partner has disconnected.