
è quello che mi ha detto lui, dice che sente la mancanza di sfide

gli ho detto di provare a venire qua in italia e vedere quanto dura
ma quanto è bello trollare

You: hello
Stranger: sup baby
You: sup
You: asl?
Stranger: 20 m ca
Stranger: u
You: 15 f swe
Stranger: lol
Stranger: yeahhh
You: why lol?
Stranger: later
Stranger: well
Stranger: you're pretty young girl
Stranger: our interests are different
You: so? ur young too
You: nah there isnt much difference
Stranger: well
You: its not that you are 40
Stranger: i'd like to talk about sex
You: fine, why not
Stranger: and you probably dont have much experience
You: how do you know?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you dare prove me wrong?
You: yes
You: teenagers in sweden are very active
Stranger: i see
Stranger: whats your fav position
You: doggy
Stranger: hell yeah
You: :P
Stranger: my favourite
Stranger: wish i was there with u
Stranger: got msn? want to cam?
You: yes
You: [email protected]
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: FUCKKKk
Stranger: YOU BASTRD
You: lol
Stranger: very well done
Stranger: dude
Stranger: that was the best i have been trolled man
You: :P
Stranger: props to you my friend
Stranger: so
Stranger: why is /b/ down
You: anyway ive gotta go
Stranger: lol
You: can you say hi to NGI?
Stranger: hi ngi
Stranger: dude but again
Stranger: really good
You: thanks
Stranger: honestly
Stranger: i didnt know
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: i shoudl have seen that coming
Stranger: a 15 y old doesnt type that well
Stranger: or as fast
Stranger: fuck im stupid
You: i know you should have noticed
Stranger: alright later bro
You: later
si ritorna ai tempi di mIrc quando si chattavano con tipe che in realtà erano uomini che mandavano foto random prese da internet.
ora sono profili random di facebook asd
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: aslo
Stranger: asl
You: 89/f/it you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
che mattacchione
quando si è annoiati a che punto si arriva eh
vabbè però
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: i don't like hey as hi so much
You: Is better to say HI
You: but all say hi
You: why not Yellow ?
You: Yellow sounds like Hello
You: Don't u think that to ?
Stranger: hahaha awesome :P
Stranger: yellow
You: xD
Stranger: haha
You: Where are you from ?
Stranger: australia you?
You: Italy
You: What time is it in Australia now ?
Stranger: ooh cool
Stranger: 1.28 pm
Stranger: and there?
Stranger: my ste dad is italian
Stranger: step*
You: here 5:26 am
You: i can't get sleep ;/
Stranger: aw that sucks
You: Yea
Stranger: are you a girl or boy?
You: A boy
You: And you ?
Stranger: girl
Stranger: how old are ou?
Stranger: you*
You: i'm 18
Stranger: coolo
Stranger: cool*
You: How old are you ?
Stranger: 15
You: Sooo young
Stranger: haha
Stranger: only 4 years fdiffference
You: 3 ;P !
Stranger: oh
Stranger: hahah my bad :P
Stranger: good english btw
You: Thank ;D
You: I don't think i know english very well, i lack in grammar, but people at last can understand what i say or what i would say xD !
Stranger: haha :P
You: You live near the sea ?
Stranger: umm at my dads i used to but now only near rivres
Stranger: where bouts do you live?
You: I live the north of italy near Milano
Stranger: ooh cool!
You: here a sucky pic of the center of my city -->
Stranger: thats georgious!
You: Thanks ;D
You: Have you got any pics of your city ?
Stranger: umm nope haha
You: I think it's awesome to see the difference between people live and the costume
You: we are all soo near with internet, but soo far at the same time!
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: very insightful :P
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you watch skins?
You: Hum what is it ?
Stranger: a tv show haha
You: I think it's not came in italy yet ;P
You: What's it about ?
Stranger: ooh oka :P
Stranger: umm just teenagers
Stranger: haha
You: HAhah
You: May i will download some episode just to check it xD !
Stranger: its brilliant XD
You: It's from birtain tooo !
Stranger: yeah XD
You: I don't like to much the britain accent
You: i have many troubl trying to understand them !
Stranger: ooh really
You: trouble*
Stranger: i loveit XD i think its sooo hot! hahah
You: I never heard an australian talking !
You: Hum may when i was young like 6 years a go
Stranger: ooh cool
Stranger: haha i dont really lke australian accents
You: My baseball coach was from australia
Stranger: ooh cool haha
You: Dumb question ... you use meter o feet xD ?
You: *foot may ... don't know xD
Stranger: meter
You: Australia 1 - Britain 0
Stranger: haha
Stranger: :P
You: What kind of music do u like ?
Stranger: umm deathmetal, alternative, rock, indi, acoustic and some classical
Stranger: you?
You: Nice ;D !
You: I don't think mine is a great answer ... but i listen to evrything xD
Stranger: you?
Stranger: haha nice
You: What kind of deathmetal group do you listen to ?

Stranger: uh alot! haha
Stranger: white chappel
Stranger: capathian
Stranger: umm and just alot of screamo and stuff
You: Amon Amarth ?
You: but it's more like power metal
Stranger: oh cool, ive not heard of em
Stranger: hey i gtg do you have msn?
You: yea
Stranger: sorry im not on could you add me?
Stranger: ciao

Per me è un uomo :V !
Anche se i gusti musicali mi fanno pensare ad una povera emo fallita!

saresti così gentile da inviarmi un pm con le tue opinioni sulla finlandia e la sua organizzazione statale? grazie
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hello

Stranger: whats your name?

You: silvio berlusconi

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: lo
Stranger: yse
You: what?
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: immaginationland
Stranger: I a Chinese
You: chinese? so u farm gold in mmos 12h a day?
Stranger: yes
You: nice can i hv any discount for age of reckoning?
Stranger: NO.
You: why?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: yo

Stranger: 4chan is down.

You: ya.

You: crap
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi, can i get a hug =/?
You: sure |=
Stranger: Come closer!
You: it's your gun or you're just happy to c me?
Stranger: I don't use guns...i..
O o
/¯/___________________________ ____________________________
\_\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
You: lol free internets for ya
Stranger: Woooo
Stranger: Been prankin ppl for like an hour now.
Stranger: Its fun as hell
You: lol tru
You: have phun
You have disconnected.
Contatto la tipa svedese su msn....
parliamo e poi mi fa "I need breakfast! im thinking pancakes, blueberry or bananas?"

esattamente quello che è successo a me con la finlandese, anche perchè inizialmente io credevo che fosse un uomo quindi non ho fatto l'allupato...


adesso provo un rickroll

che gente ignorante, non conosce neanche il rickroll...
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 20, i'm sorry for u male italy
Stranger: I M 17 UK
Stranger: WOuld love to suck your cock
You: only girl can suck my cock
Stranger: I dress like a girl for you?
You: nope.... u have a cock anyway
You: so i'm sorry u can't
Stranger: YOu fuck my man pussy then
You: nope, i fuck only girl!!!
Stranger: ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

dopo 3 minuti era in webcam con le poccie di fuori su msn, ah le americane

Pics or...