[NOV!] Thread delle immagini wonderfulline (Part 1)

non per nulla questo tipo di contenitori son morti dopo poco

una foto di juza
Che texture quello skybox.

moar infos plix!
Rubo da google+

Greatest Impossible Animation Ever?

Let's enter the 4th dimension!

As the logic of the flowing object below is more than our mind can comprehend, we have to make a reference to the 4D Hypercube.

Let's explain a 4th dimension in plain words:
Imagine you lived in a 1-dimensional space, and wanted to steal money from someone. You could only move forward and backward on a straight line. Preventing you to steal from their safe would easily be done, just by placing a single dot (barrier) on the line between you and their safe.

In a 2D environment, imagine you lived in old Nintendo’s Super Mario world, and could move in all directions, except further and closer from the monitor’s surface. What is in front and behind the monitor would be unimaginable to you. Preventing you to steal from their safe would easily be done just by drawing a rectangle around their safe. Diverting over the rectangle would be impossible for you, since you couldn’t comprehend the 3rd dimension.

Now the person from 3rd dimension would easily pick up the content from the rectangle, leaving no damage to the rectangle barrier, since he wouldn’t even need to touch it. In a 3 dimensional world (our own), they would prevent you from stealing their safe, by placing it in a sealed box. You couldn’t open it from each of the 6 sides.

But if an intruder came to their house, from a 4th dimension… now this is the tricky part to understand…. he would easily take the content out of the safe, without even needing to open it, nor would he touch it. Thus, resulting in undamaged safe, and missing content inside of it.

source: Vurdlak

a tal proposito, qualcuno ricorda questi:


erano ra le prime jpg animate mai vistte
non la comprendo mica la quarta dimensione

in realtà è ruota solo in senso orario
secondo me non ruota affatto.
Si dilata e si restringe...la rotazione è un'illusione ottica...

O al massimo mi sembra in senso anti-orario...
Mi sa che l'immagine più wonderfullina di tutte l'ha postata tennents in un altro thread


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da dove sono prese?

la prima sembra la tac di un intestino

la seconda è sburra?

Sono NMR di frutta e verdura, a voi indovinare cosa siano!

A me il secondo pare una verza