Lyrics Thread

Hard times flowing and my eyes couldn’t see stars shining
My heart couldn’t feel the beauty of the rising sun
And I’m lost like a bottle that floats in the sea for ever
Will somebody pick up my hope?
Will somebody try?
Will I realize?

’cause it’s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting, hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell
Time will heal

Just pieces of truth that I chose to keep
No matter if now they are gone
No matter if I am alone
Still I can get back on my feet and walk on
As I know there was something to learn
I know there will always be more worth moving on for

Though, it’s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

’cause it’s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

I’d love to be one of those colorful early summer days
When everybody is happy that you came
Everybody smiles back at you as soon as your eyes cross their eyes
But something has to happen first
I know winter has to come before it blossoms

So it’s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell

‘cause it’s broken broken
Something got broken like stolen
Stolen, like if it was stolen
And hurting hurting
I have been hurting and now
Only time will tell
Time will heal

Lucio Battisti


Seguir con gli occhi un airone sopra il fiume e poi
ritrovarsi a volare
e sdraiarsi felice sopra l’erba ad ascoltare
un sottile dispiacere.
E di notte passare con lo sguardo la collina
per scoprire dove il sole va a dormire.
Domandarsi perché quando cade la tristezza
in fondo al cuore
come la neve non fa rumore
e guidare come un pazzo a fari spenti
nella notte per vedere
se poi è tanto difficile morire.
E stringere le mani per fermare
qualcosa che è dentro me
ma nella mente tua non c’è...
Capire tu non puoi
tu chiamale se vuoi
tu chiamale se vuoi
Uscir nella brughiera di mattina dove non di vede a un passo
per ritrovar se stesso.
Parlar del più e del meno con un pescatore
per ore ed ore
per non sentir che dentro
qualcosa muore...
E ricoprir di terra una piantina verde sperando possa
nascere un giorno una rosa rossa...
E prendere a pugni un uomo solo
perché è stato un po’ scortese
sapendo che quel che brucia non son le offese.
E chiudere gli occhi per fermare
qualcosa che è dentro me
ma nella mente tua non c’è...
Capire tu non puoi
tu chiamale se vuoi
tu chiamale se vuoi

Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray

Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away

Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way i pray


Return to me
Leave me no one
Turn to me
Return to me
Cast aside

You've made me turn away

Like a 454
With the 4 on the floor
Deuce coupe coming at you
Avoiding the capture
Far from stock I'm chopped
and ready to rock
In the city of steel
catch me cruising down the block
Whenever days are difficult
Im out on my own
Driving 86 Jetta
Hoping that I could do better
But my car keeps me humble
In the concrete jungle
Despite the wear and tear
It seems to always get me there

Rebuilt the motor because
She decided to blow
And what do you know
Someone stole my stereo, when it's
Time to go I put my foot on the floor
Let the deasel do the work
I ain't complaining no more
Highways and straighaways
Offroads and open roads
No matter where I go
I'll still be making the show
It's kinda like life
And life treats you good
It's not what's on the outside
It's what's under the hood

[Chorus: 2x]
Put the pedal to the metal and im off and never getting lost
Which way will I turn when roads cross
Put the petal to the metal little more when it's scary
But one thing for sure, keep my foot on the floor

It doesn't matter what you drive
It's how you drive what you got
Disciplined you can win
Just let the tire spin
And begin
The journey of life with each drive
Meet me on the other side
Let me know when you arrive
Sometimes we collide
Be sure that you're insured
Got the back up plan
Alternative program
Who I am, Doesn't reflect material wealth
My vehicle approaches stealth

Put the pedal to the metal and im off and never getting lost
Which way will I turn when roads cross
Press the petal to the metal little more when it's scary
But one thing for sure, keep my foot on the floor

Won't stop drivin till it's over
Still be crusin when the sun goes down
Won't stop drivin till it's over
Still be crusin when the sun goes down

[Chorus: 2x]
Put the pedal to the metal and im off and never getting lost
Which way will I turn when roads cross
Press the petal to the metal little more when it's scary
But one thing for sure, keep my foot on the floor

Put the pedal to the metal and im off

pedal to the metal and im off

Can you feel it
The perfect day
Scratch the leaved
The paper tears
The world I'm feeling start giving away
A perfect day
A perfect day

Suddenly your rule the universe
Everything was shapeles is clear now
I visualize with a drop of sound
I am The Man Without Fear

You can't hurt me (NO)
You can't stop me (NO)
You can't beat me (NO)

You can't bring me DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

C'mon (X4) Daredevil

Hello lady
She takes my hand
Delicate features in this rain
I lose everything
Can I dream
The voices scream
The voices shout

Suddenly youre shot irreparably
Everything was evil now clear
I hear the darkness without sound
I am The Man Without Fear

You can't bring me DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

C'mon (X4) Daredevil

Justice is blind..
I trust you
Justice is blind
I trust you

C'mon (X4) Daredevil

See The Man...Without Fear
See The Man...Without Fear

C'mon (X4)
C'mon (X4)
C'mon (X4)
Harris) 7:18

I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's
always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
always there

Have you run your fingers down
the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light?
Sometimes when you're scared
to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's
watching you

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one's there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's
someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklores
The unknown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense, and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's
always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
always there

When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone
go rinne!


ah, scusate, non l'avevo detto prima: niente tritolo in questo thread, grazie.

Se non conoscete sta canzone, scaricopratela
Semplice parlare con te
dietro un telefono ascoltarti ridere
capire che è dolce
e solo per un attimo
ignorare i brividi che non senti più.
Amore raccontami...
Amore racconta l'inverno che c'è
Tu.. distante
sei così grande da farmi perdere
sono qua
a rincorrere parole, inventare ancora scuse
...Accorgermi che
non sei più parte di me.
Nelle stanze del mio cuore
ti ho sentita piangere
un amore inutile
ti ho vista delusa
sempre più lontana
una stella pallida che non brilla più.
Amore raccontami...
Amore racconta l'inverno che c'è.
Tu.. distante
sei così grande da farmi perdere sono qua
a rincorrere parole, inventare ancora scuse
...Accorgermi che
sembra impossibile.
Piove e ormai
non ho più domande e poi...
Ora è tardi ci sentiamo
più avanti se vuoi
amore dove sei?

Mitico Francesco

Comunque l'ultimo cd (ultimo ma di due annetti fa) roxa di brutto brutto !

ha una voce troppo ownage...


ps: lo hai in mp3?
Vuoto a Perdere dell'ultimo album è FAVOLOSAMENTE FAVOLOSA

ma li hai si o no sti cazzo di mp3!?

ho 8 giga di MP3...tra cui gli ultimi due album di francesco Renga

ma lol ma hai editato ? quando ho letto prima non ho letto la tua domanda ...

Comunque si come ho detto sopra lo ho
li voglio (i due album).

Hai MSN, l'unico mezzo con cui ti posso contattare per "DISCUTERE" dei 2 album è quello.

Con irc non posso, la mamma non vuole

ma fuck. dipende da che porta usa msn. altrim mi tocca nattare pure quella sul router...

Fai quello ceh vuoi, ti lascio la mia mail [email protected]

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