Lyrics Thread

Korn - Freak On A Leash

Something takes a
part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Something's raped and taken from me... from me.
Life's got to always be messing with me.
(You wanna see the light)
Can't they chill and let me be free?
(So do I) Can't I take away all this pain.
(You wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.
Sometimes I cannot take this place.

Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay Something takes a part of me.
Feeling like a freak on a leash.
(You wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release.
(So do I) How many times have I felt diseased?
(You wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free... is free
Boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
So...fight! something on the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
So...something on the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
Fight...something of the... dum na ema
No...some things they fight
Fight...something of the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
Part of me...
mmm che brave che siete : O

quasi tutte mi piaciono molto... non conosco gli ark, ma il testo è molto carino e tremendamente attuale ( )
alienato (negrita)

Squallidi processi quotidiani con giudizi sommari
In cui sei condannato a un’esistenza formale
D’andamento normale, costipato in un ruolo
A cui nessuno si candida…

Pasti a base di EN e di TAVOR per capirci qualcosa
L’ignoranza fa scena, l’intelletto che scema,
Sto cadendo di schiena o è solo una posa?
Solo una posa? Solo una posa?


Ho dimenticato il tuo nome e quello di altre persone
In un labirinto in cui qualcuno mi ha spinto
Qual è il male minore tra osare e temere
Se la noia si arrampica?

Ho dimenticato anche chi sono in un sogno qualunque
E non ritrovo la chiave, in ogni occhio una trave
Che non mi fa vedere come mi chiamo
Come mi chiamo… come mi chiamo?





Going to the same old places, skipping like a broken record, I love you all but I gotta get out and change this scenery. I've got to find what I'm living for, I've got to change this life that I'm living. Nowhere to run from myself, no where to hide from the truth. I tried to find someone, someone who knew, somebody to give myself to. I learned the hard way, when you give yourself away you give away your life too. Nowhere to run from myself, nowhere to hide from the truth. I tried to find someplace that seemed right for me,, I walked the streets until i lost my mind and that was the best place to bem when i lost my mind the truth set me free.
sono prog metal, non ti piacciono di sicuro.
Pennywise - Fuck Authority

someday you gotta find another way you better right your mind and live by what you say today is just another day unless you set your sights and try to find a way

i say fuck authority silent majority raised by the system now it's time to rise against them we're sick of your treason sick of your lies fuck no we won't listen we're gonna open your eyes frustration domination feel the rage of a new generation we're living we're dying and we're never gonna stop trying

you know the time is right to take control we got to take offense against the status quo no way not gonna stand for it today fight for your rights it's time we had our say

Pennywise - My God

people on the street they want to find a god they'll never know organized religion pulls the blinds then they pull the wool they open up your head they're fucking with your mind now you can't see because you're blind you try to make amends but your heads still spinning round the church of jesus christ says it's time don't fuck around you want to go to heaven you see it isn't free give your money up to me

my god is not the one that you wanna to see your god is a mirage a conspiracy you pray for forgiveness cause your sinning scared to death so your money you'll be giving

holier than thou with your one way morality i think your shallow faith isn't based in reality you don't like how were living we're sinful and obscene why are you judging me? you're richer than god but you're crying out for more you're living like a king while you steal from the poor you wanna be forgiven get on your knees and pray send in your cash and be saved better hope you've been chosen to be saved cause your empathy only goes so far today pay no mind to those in pain they just want the souls that are willing to pay their way your god's not for me

Direi due canzoni fantastiche sia per musica che per testo...
Tratte dal penultimo album : Land of the Free?

Trovate anche i video
No Motiv - Stay

Another day you're not with me
We can always be together in our dreams
So I'll await for you tomorrow
And think of al the good times
And the places we will go
But I am laughing all the while
Because I can see you smile
At all those times we've had alone
So I'll refuse to feel the pain I feel within
And tell you once again
please don't go
because I don't want to say
goodbye another night
so let's just work it out
you're my life
so why not stay with me for just another night
Another night has passed again
And without you in my life there's an emptiness within
While others grow tired of each other through the years
I meet you for the first time every day I see you here
But I'm still laughing all the while
Because I can see you smile
At all those times we've had alone
So I'll refuse to feel the pain I feel within
And I'll tell you once again
As this song comes to an end
please don't go
because I don't want to say
goodbye another night
so let's just work it out
you're my life
so why not stay with me
for just nother night
Master of Puppets

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction

Taste me, you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, master
Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
Laughter, laughter
All I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, laughter
Laughing at my cries
Fix me

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Never-ending maze, drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season

I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you, too

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Bei tempi quando mi lanciavo scapocciante sui muri della mia camera con Master a palla
Dream Theater - Hollow Years

He's just a kind of man
You hear about
Who leaves his family for
An easy out
They never said a word
He couldn't take another day

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted
Off your shoulders
Once you head disapears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years

She's not the kind of girl
You hear about
She'll never want another
She'll never be without
She'll give you all the signs
She'll tell you everything
Then turn around and walk away

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over you head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over you head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years.


I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be there's some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there is never an end

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away

Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
Please don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.

Yeah, hallowed be thy name!

Yeah, hallowed be thy name!

HALLOWED BE THY NAME - Sia Santificato Il Suo Nome

Aspetto nella mia fredda cella
Quando la campana inizia a suonare
Rifletto sulla mia passata vita
Anche se non ho molto tempo
Perché alle cinque mi portano alla forca
Le sabbie del tempo per me corrono lente

Quando il prete viene a leggermi l'ultimo rito
Guardo l'ultima volta attraverso le sbarre
Di un mondo che è stato sbagliato per me
Ci può essere qualche sorta d'errore?
E' difficile da arrestare il terrore che aumenta
E' davvero la fine, non qualche strano sogno
Qualcuno per favore mi dica che sto sognando
Non è così facile fermarsi dall'urlare
Ma le parole mi scappano quando cerco di parlare
Le lacrime scorrono, ma perché piango?
Dopo tutto non ho paura di morire
Credo che non ci sia mai una fine

Così le guardie mi conducono fuori nel cortile
Qualcuno da una cella mi grida "Dio sia con te"
Se c'è un Dio perché mi lascia morire?
Così tutta la mia vita passa davanti a me
E benché la fine sia vicina, non sono addolorato
Prendi la mia anima che desidera volare via
Ricordatevi le mie parole per favore, credetemi, la mia anima continua a vivere
Vi prego, non preoccupatevi ora che sto andando
Andrò oltre per vedere la verità

Quando sai che il tuo tempo è chiuso in una mano
Forse allora comincerai a capire che
La vita è solo una strana illusione.
oddio quanti metallozzi
Oddio Pardiolo che avatar
Stupendo Steve che tiene la nota allo svedesone
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

1. So, so you think you can tell.
Heaven from hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

2. And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
a walk on part in the war
for a lead role in a cage?

3. How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year.
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.

They marched to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
he knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
he heard the bailiff say.
He knew without an alibi,
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
for ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
a prisoner's life for him there'll be.

He knew that it would cost him dear,
but yet he dare not say.
Where he had been that fateful night,
a secret it must stay.
He had to fight back tears of rage.
His heart beat like a drum.
For with the wife of his best friend,
he spent his final night of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms again he'll be.
Over the hills and far away.

Over the hills and,
over the hills and,
over the hills and far away.

Each night within his prison cell,
he looks out through the bars.
He reads the letters that she wrote.
One day he'll know the taste of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
back in his arms again she'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms again he'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the sea,
back in her arms is where he'll be.

Over the hills,
over the hills and far away.

Over the hills,
over the hills and far away.

A mio parere una delle piu belle canzoni che abbia mai sentito..
In oltre la situazione di quella persona e' rapportabile a mille altre... e molto ben dipinta dal suono e dalla voce ^_^

Ti proteggerò dalle paure delle ipocondrie,
dai turbamenti che da oggi incontrerai per la tua
Dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni del tuo tempo,
dai fallimenti che per tua natura normalmente
Ti solleverò dai dolori e dai tuoi sbalzi d'umore,
dalle ossessioni delle tue manie.
Supererò le correnti gravitazionali,
lo spazio e la luce
per non farti invecchiare.
E guarirai da tutte le malattie,
perché sei un essere speciale,
ed io, avrò cura di te.

Vagavo per i campi del Tennessee
(come vi ero arrivato, chissà...);
Non hai fiori bianchi per me?
Più veloci di aquile i miei sogni
attraversano il mare...

Ti porterò soprattutto il silenzio e la pazienza.
Percorreremo assieme le vie che portano
I profumi d'amore inebrieranno i nostri corpi,
la bonaccia d'agosto non calmerà i nostri sensi.
Tesserò i tuoi capelli come trame di un canto.
Conosco le leggi del mondo, e te ne farò dono.
Supererò le correnti gravitazionali,
lo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiare.
Ti salverò da ogni malinconia,
perché sei un essere speciale ed io avrò cura di
Io sì, che avrò cura di te.
The Beatles
The Fool On The Hill

Day after day alone on the hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still,
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool,
And he never gives an answer,
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.

Well on his way his head in a cloud,
The man of a thousand voices talking percetly loud
But nobody ever hears him,
Or the sound he appears to make,
And he never seems to notice,
But the fool on the hill . . .
Nobody seems to like him
They can tell what he wants to do.
And he never shows his feelings,
But the fool on the hill . . .
dedicata a bisco:

Girl of 16
Whole life ahead of her
Slashed her wrists
Bored with life
Didn't succeed
Thank the lord
For small mercies

Fighting back the tears
Mother reads the note again
16 candles burn in her mind
She takes the blame
It's always the same
She goes down on her knees
And prays

I don't want to start
Any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's
Got a sick sense of humour
And when I die
I expect to find Him laughing

Girl of 18
Fell in love with everything
Found new life
In Jesus Christ
Hit by a car
Ended up
On a life support machine

Summer's day
As she passed away
Birds were singing
In the summer sky
Then came the rain
And once again
A tear fell
From her mother's eye

Exit Music - Radiohead

Wake from your sleep,
the drying of your tears,
Today we escape, we escape.

Pack and get dressed
before your father hears us,
before all hell breaks loose.

Breathe, keep breathing,
don't lose your nerve.
Breathe, keep breathing,
I can't do this alone.

Sing us a song,
a song to keep us warm,
there's such a chill, such a chill.

And you can laugh a spineless laugh,
we hope your rules and wisdom choke you.

And now we are one
in everlasting peace,

we hope that you choke, that you choke,
we hope that you choke, that you choke,
we hope that you choke, that you choke.

hana e cekko mi avete battuto sul tempo
postando blasphemous rumors?

a me non piace exit music


cmq questo pezzo sembra piu un rituale voodoo per fra chokkare l'avversario in cw