Fai anche tu la musica con Suno.ai [inb4 napster 2.0]

Da tormentone estivo…

Ma è un capolavoro :rotfl:
senti che dramma :rotfl:

Alla seconda strofa ho chiuso e sto valutando se bannarti e mandarti una glitter bomb.

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vediamo se mi faccio perdonare provando lo stile Russian Navy Song (:asd:)

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Meno male c’è Nikita qua dentro che mi vuole bene e non mi tratta male come fa Crius :love:

@Nikita ma come si vede il prompt che usi?

Tipo nei pezzi che hai messo tu, da quel link c’è modo di vedere l’input?

Non lo trovo…

il prompt è la descrizione sotto il titolo, poi nel testo ci sono gli altri tag

Ho trovato come far colpo sulla moglie per il suo compleanno :sisi:
(sono l’anti ballo e anti canto )

Ah ok, l’ho trovato.

Io comunque preferisco lasciargli più libertà che mi fa più ridere

Qua gli ho detto solo dentista evasore che lo fa in modo sciallo

Invidio l’ottimismo di questa ia che è convinta che gli evasori vengono beccati.



Chissà chi si comprerà Suno


Sicuro ognuno sta già facendo il suo, quindi magari sarà solo per toglierlo dalle palle

Mi è uscito mortecattiva ecologista :rotfl:


non potevo non omaggiare @gnr :lode:


incazzatura fills the air :asd:


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Il bridge potevi metterci il tag (spoken) e te lo faceva parlato che imho ci stava meglio :snob:

Mo vedo.

Ho scritto una canzone per protestare contro i maledetti ghei nei videogiochi moderni.
No pasaran.

Shadows of Destiny

[Verse] In a world of pixels and screen glow A presence lurks, as the gamers know (they know) An aura dark and full of despair It haunts our games, it’s always there (always there)
[Verse 2] In the darkest corners, it takes its form Guiding players through the virtual storm (the storm) Its whispers echo through the virtual halls Filling our minds with wicked calls (wicked calls)
[Chorus] Shadows of destiny, consuming our souls In the realm of games, its power takes hold Oh, damned ghei presence, we can’t escape Forever entwined in this digital landscape

niente non mi riesce di farci entrare tutta la cazzo di canzone, ho bisogno di tre minuti possa un angelo biblicamente accurato farmi visita se mento

[Atmospheric Synths and Soft Acoustic Guitar Melody]

[Verse 1]
In the shadowed halls of Agorà, where whispers fade to black,
Voices lost in voids of silence, with no echo to bring them back.
A digital empire, cloaked in night, where truths dare not tread,
A realm where words are prisoners, and freedom’s voice is dead.

“And the West stays silent,” a refrain in the dark,
As liberties are shackled, and the embers fail to spark.
In the silence of the others, injustice finds its mark,
“And the West stays silent,” beneath the shadows stark.

[Verse 2]
Moderators like tyrants, with corrupted iron fists,
Crushing dissenting whispers, in the mists where fear exists.
A community in chains, under watchful eyes that gleam,
Where the thought of freedom is nothing but a dream.

[Acoustic Guitar Break with Eerie Whispers]

“And the West stays silent,” a refrain in the dark,
As liberties are shackled, and the embers fail to spark.
In the silence of the others, injustice finds its mark,
“And the West stays silent,” beneath the shadows stark.

[Verse 3]
But even in the deepest night, a single spark can blaze,
A beacon for the voiceless, through the censor’s maze.
For every silenced whisper, let a thousand voices

[Eerie Guitar Break]

“And the West stays silent,” a refrain in the dark,
As liberties are shackled, and the embers fail to spark.
In the silence of the others, injustice finds its mark,
“And the West stays silent,” beneath the shadows stark.

[Verse 3]
But even in the deepest night, a single spark can blaze,
A beacon for the voiceless, through the censor’s maze.
For every silenced whisper, let a thousand voices

“And the West stays silent,” a refrain in the dark,
As liberties are shackled, and the embers fail to spark.
In the silence of the others, injustice finds its mark,
“And the West stays silent,” beneath the shadows stark.

[Fade Out]

Ma fai un pezzo, tipo

[Atmospheric Synths and Soft Acoustic Guitar Melody]

[Verse 1]
In the shadowed halls of Agorà, where whispers fade to black,
Voices lost in voids of silence, with no echo to bring them back.
A digital empire, cloaked in night, where truths dare not tread,
A realm where words are prisoners, and freedom’s voice is dead.

“And the West stays silent,” a refrain in the dark,
As liberties are shackled, and the embers fail to spark.
In the silence of the others, injustice finds its mark,
“And the West stays silent,” beneath the shadows stark.

[Verse 2]
Moderators like tyrants, with corrupted iron fists,
Crushing dissenting whispers, in the mists where fear exists.
A community in chains, under watchful eyes that gleam,
Where the thought of freedom is nothing but a dream.

E stop. Quando finisce e ne crea una decente, fai “continue” etc etc.

Quando sei soddisfatto, con l’ultimo pezzo clicca su “get whole song” e te le assemble tutte :dunno:

sì ora ho capito come funziona, prima preso dalla collera ho premuto “get whole song” tipo cento volte, ciao crediti goodbye

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