Stufi di perdere?

Ricordate il problema del database liberamente modificabile in grado di creare mostri goblin da Fo5 ed altre amenita' simili?
Bene, ecco a voi un metodo testato e sicuro per non perdere piu' a BB:

"Hello ladies and gentlemen !
I just want to illustrate to ALL a good way to safely disconnect during a game from the famous Cyanide's blood bowl (wich we all know it's the state of the art , a pure programming masterpiece!)

So you are a frustrated looser moron kid wich can't really play this game ? No problem, you can always try to disconnect safely, neither you nor your opponent will get any score, gold or injury, the game simply won't be recorded by the server.

the Tutorial!
The big secret is to be careful, it's a matter of timing:
When you decide to disconnect: wait until the opponent throw a block against one of your player, then if the result is Defender dow, defender stumbles or push you can do the trick. After a push result (or def down etc..) the game will prompt a gump to your opponent to ask him whether to follow up or not, if you disconnect while that gump is opened (thus before he decided to follow or not) that gump will remain opened forever, so the only thing that lay can do to unfreeze the game is to close it (alt+f4 in example).
this will result in a double disconnection, no data will be transfered to the server, no game no loss!

I dunno if this was already a public domain fact, but now every moron here (so almost everyone...) can ruin other games for the lulz, a lot of people will complain and will insult cyanide, which is good!

So in the bitter end... This game is a true shit, cyanide is the worst software house ever, it's supporters are a bunch of idiots.
R.I.P Cyanide!

Riassumo per i pigri: quando l'avversario sta scegliendo se seguire o meno un vostro pezzo voi fate Alt+f4 e la partita come per magia non verra' considerata dato che anche l'avversario dovra' per forza chiudere a forza il gioco

Mi raccomando diffondete il verbo
Quando nessuno riuscira' piu' a finire una partita forse quei mangialumache si sveglieranno una volta per tutte.

50 euro....
up per vedere almeno il thread tra i "primi" e non vuoto.